VST Plug-ins do Audacity Wiki Peter 10Nov11: Comentários de Gale copiado a seu pedido do Fórum: Gale: ToDo-2 Im certeza a longa lista de (principalmente Windows) efeitos funcionais quebrou links, efeitos que não estão mais disponíveis e assim em. Alguns usuários no Windows adicionaram a maioria dos efeitos a essa lista em algum ponto no histórico. A Lista de Plug-ins com problemas conhecidos é provavelmente desatualizada também, e certamente não precisa de referências ao comportamento com a ponte VST antiga. Pode haver um caso para manter essa lista, em vez de apontar os usuários para os relatórios do Bugzilla, especialmente se houver problemas que não pudemos corrigir. Peter 10Nov15: Menino esta página não precisa de algum amor. Eu matei todos os links mortos na lista principal e na lista de problemas como iniciante. Eu realmente acho que não devemos listar qualquer para o qual não podemos fornecer um link adequado. Para além de qualquer outra consideração isso encurtar a página bem eu suspeito que mesmo aqueles listados com links poderia ser podado um pouco (mas o meu conhecimento / experiência é limitada aqui). Em vez disso, gostaria de sugerir a ligação para Virtual Studio Technology na Wikipedia. Essa página tem links para fornecedores de efeitos VST e nessas páginas são downloads para vários VSTs e se um usuário exige ainda mais VST plug-ins / plugins eles sempre podem tentar Googling Qualquer listado deve realmente levar uma breve descrição do que o plug - In faz Tradicionalmente nós bullet-ponto a lista - Connie não gosta da construção de br - mas Im que não vai abordar isto até que nós endereçamos 2 acima. Peter 15Nov15: Bem, eu dei-lhe um primeiro pouco de amar hoje: Dividir a lista em dois, os plug-ins com links e aqueles sem Reformatted a lista de aqueles com links para ser uma lista ordenada e reming o br linebrak construir tha Connie não não parece. Definir um P2 recomendando que acabamos de perder a lista desses plug-ins sem um link (os usuários poderiam usar o Google e / ou Wikipedia Gale 16Nov15: Obrigado, Peter. Acho que a melhor coisa a fazer é fazer isso uma tabela sortable wiki, Com colunas para o seguinte: Nome do plug-in OS / arquitetura do publicador Última versão revisada (ou versão testada) Versão máxima do Audacity (isso normalmente ficaria em branco, mas, por exemplo, os plug-ins do PPC Mac são máximos Audacity 2.1.1) Tabela sortable em FFmpegintegrationExporting usando FFmpeg mais recente. Eu estaria preparado para fazer a tabela, se necessário. I acho que a maioria dos plugins listados aqui são livres e que raramente lista comerciais VSTs a menos que não havia nenhuma alternativa livre comparável. Então plugins comerciais provavelmente seria melhor ToDo-2 Além disso, devemos ter uma nota div aqui sobre livre VST hosts em tempo real que poderia ser usado para aplicar efeitos durante a gravação, com Audacity gravação da saída de hosts. Eu sei que você pode não querer fazer isso, mas Alguém pode. Peter 16Nov15: Embora esta seja uma sugestão admirável Gale, desculpe-me, mas eu realmente não acho que tenho o tempo necessário para dedicar a este. Existem c. 110 nesta lista e cada um teria que ser reasearched para preencher a tabela que você postula - e eu não tenho qualquer plano de fundo em todos os efeitos usando VST. É também algo que não podemos realmente fazer fragmentada, é realmente algo que tem de ser feito de uma só vez. E eu notei que na página Download Nyquist Plug-ins só listamos lá, nós não tabulate - mas nós classificamos em grupos. Gale 16Nov15: Esta lista é muito difícil de ler. Agrupamento em um número de listas para cada tipo de efeito poderia funcionar, mas que precisaria de mais investigação. Eu só proponho (por agora) para colocar as informações na tabela que já temos. Mas a tabela seria então muito mais fácil de ler e mais informação poderia fàcilmente ser adicionada por qualquer um. Você pode obter lista de ferramentas de tabela para que a conversão não deve ser um trabalho longo, por isso continuo disposto a fazê-lo algum dia. Depois de ir até onde você estiver disposto, você poderia copiar tanto as listas vinculadas quanto as não vinculadas ao User: Galeandrews / VST Plugins revamp para mim (veja abaixo sobre as listas desassociadas). Peter 17Nov15: Concordo que a lista atual é apenas navegável, em contraste a página Nyquist tem seus efeitos agrupados. Então eu concordo que uma tabela é uma boa idéia - em uma tabela como eu gostaria de um campo onde podemos colocar uma breve descrição do que o plug-in faz, incluindo um link para a página relacionada a partir do fornecedor de plug-in. Pode ser útil ter um arquivo para a última versão dta / atualização para que o usuário pode julgar a moeda. A maioria destes campos estaria vazia para começar com e só seria preenchido ao longo do tempo com alguma pesquisa diligente (provavelmente acompanhado por testes - se queremos ter certeza sobre a qualidade). Eu não vou ter muito mais tempo para gastar com isso até o novo ano como Im de mergulho para um par de semanas em breve e, em seguida, será Chritmas / Ano Novo e eu tenho várias outras coisas (incluindo testes RC) para lidar com entre agora e então. Mas sim, posso copiar essas listas para a sua página da tabela de rascunho em breve como eu não estou planejando trabalhar nesta página muito mais agora now. ToDo-2 Se você pode colocar um rascunho da tabela com uma única entrada na próxima semana ou assim Então eu deveria ser capaz de revê-lo antes de eu ir embora no dia 28. Gale 18Nov15: Eu adicionei uma coluna Última revisão para a lista de possíveis colunas de tabela, mas se isso fica desatualizado torna-se enganosa. Talvez a versão testada seria melhor. Eu estava pretendendo que a coluna Comentários (ou algum nome desse tipo) incluísse qualquer informação que tenhamos sobre o que o plugin faz. Se o plugin não estiver mais desenvolvido, poderíamos dizê-lo nos comentários. Peter 17Nov15: listas copiadas para sua página de usuário Gale. Peter 16Nov15: Eu passei algum tempo esta manhã trabalhando no agrupamento dos plug-ins digitalfishphones. Eu escolhi esse conjunto como este autor plug-in regular ocorrem no fórum posings (minha memória me diz). Olhando para o conjunto de filetes de peixe (Spitfish, Blockfish amp Floorfish), eu supsect estes são típicos de muitos dos plug-ins que listamos. O autor escreve IMPORTANTE A versão do Mac certamente não funcionará em Macs atuais Eles não foram compilados para Macs baseados em Intel em todos (devido à idade da base de código.). Assim, o software só pode ser útil para máquinas mais antigas. Usuários de Windows: 32bits apenas aqui. Não pergunte para x64. De jeito nenhum. E eu notei que a última vez que ele atualizou estes em tudo foi em 2005. Então o que temos é coisas que era bom em seu tempo, sem dúvida, mas que foi deixado a murchar na videira, deixada para trás por tecnologia de plataforma mais moderna. E eu suspeito que muitos dos que estão na nossa lista nesta página estão em uma condição semelhante. Isso me preocupa. Gale 16Nov15: Plugins PPC somente não são mais suportados no Audacity 2.1.2 em diante porque 2.1.2 em diante não suporta PPC Mac. Mas existem poucos plugins Mac aqui. O Audacity só pode ver VSTs de 32 bits no Windows. ToDo-2 Adicionar nota de 64/32-bit ponte plugins que permitem Audacity usar 64-bit VSTs no Windows. Informações de Trebor, triaged by Gale, que podem ser incorporadas nesta página (adicione os plugins que não estão listados). A série JS ampère MDA série de plugins VST, (que são antigos). Wouldnt trabalho corretamente com Audacity 2.1.0. Consulte bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid1083 para status, é DEVEL-FIX MADE agora. A série moderna Antress de plugins, antress. blogspot. co. uk/ fazer o trabalho. Mas desde a implementação de ajuste em tempo real. Você tem que parar, em seguida, iniciar a reprodução para quaisquer ajustes para os controles para ter efeito. Isso não está no Bugzilla, então precisa ser testado, mas já poderia ter sido corrigido pela correção para bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid1084. Efeitos VST grátis Eu tenho na minha máquina agora, que eu uso regularmente, então eu sei que estão funcionando OK em Audacity 2.1.0: Marvel GEQ. dll voxengo / product / marvelgeq / forum. audacityteam. org/download/file. phpid13343 A Equalizador gráfico ANWIDA Soft DX Reverb Light. dll anwida / product. asppid7. Anwida / dc. aspfileanwida / progs / asdxrl20.zipamppid7 BC Chorus 4 VST (Estéreo).dll bluecataudio / Produtos / ProductChorus / Gmulti. dll. Ggate. dll. Gsnap. dll gvst. co. uk/downloads. htm compressor, portão, autotune. SPITFISH. dll digitalfishphones / main. phpitem2ampsubItem5 um de-esser básico. TBSibalancev3.dll toneboosters / tb-sibalance / um sofisticado de-esser. DtBlkFx. dll rekkerd. org/dtblkfx/ Um processador espectral capaz de estranheza como nada mais. Acon Multiply acondigital / products / multiply / Faz efeitos de coro e estéreo. Tem predefinições, por isso é simples de operar160: ideal para iniciantes que desejam adicionar efeitos a gravações de vocal / guitarra. Esta página descreve o suporte para plug-ins de efeito VST (Virtual Studio Technology) em plug-ins de instrumentos Audacity VST que geram áudio não suportado. Uma lista de efeitos VST conhecidos para processar corretamente no Audacity no Windows é dada aqui. Os efeitos VST são suportados pelo Audacity no OS X e no GNU / Linux, mas relativamente poucos estão disponíveis no Mac (devido à tecnologia Audio Units da Apple) e ainda menos no Linux. Se for necessário um efeito VST específico no Linux, pode ser necessário empregar soluções alternativas, como a execução do Audacity para Windows em uma máquina virtual. No Windows e no Mac OS X. O Audacity é um aplicativo de 32 bits, portanto não vai ver versões de 64 bits de plug-ins VST, mesmo em sistemas operacionais de 64 bits. No GNU / Linux. Os sistemas de 32 bits terão versões de 32 bits do Audacity que não verão plug-ins VST de 64 bits. Os sistemas de 64 bits terão versões de 64 bits do Audacity que verão plug-ins VST de 64 bits, mas não verá plug-ins de 32 bits. Os instrumentos VST (VSTi) (como sintetizadores) e os efeitos VST em tempo real (que alteram os dados de áudio durante a reprodução ou gravação) ainda não são suportados. Os plug-ins VST 3 não são suportados. Os efeitos VST são exibidos com interface GUI completa (quando fornecida pelo plug-in) e sem a necessidade do Enabler VST. Isto foi possível graças ao uso de um cabeçalho VST de código aberto. Para obter instruções sobre como carregar novos efeitos VST no Audacity, consulte esta página no Manual. A esmagadora maioria dos plug-ins de efeito VST deve exibir e processar corretamente. Se um plug-in VST incompatível causar um problema, clique no botão Gerenciar na caixa de diálogo de efeitos e escolha Opções. . Na caixa de diálogo que aparece, tente reduzir o tamanho do buffer, desabilitando a compensação de latência ou desabilitando a exibição gráfica. Consulte Opções de efeito VST no Manual para obter mais informações sobre essas opções. Para relatar um plug-in problemático no Audacity atual, adicione-o abaixo. Ou escreva para o nosso endereço de comentários. Onde a Audacity procura plug-ins VST A lista completa de locais pode ser encontrada no Manual do Audacity. Os diretórios especificados são pesquisados recursivamente. O que significa que os plug-ins que estão dentro de sua própria pasta nesse diretório ainda devem ser encontrados pelo Audacity. Lista de plug-ins funcionais Instruções para adicionar plug-ins à lista: Insira novos plug-ins que funcionam no Audacity no lugar correto para manter a lista ordenada em ordem alfabética. Por favor, dê um link de download para o plug-in, se possível, encerrando o link dentro de colchetes individuais - por exemplo: linktoplugin Se plug-ins não são livres, por favor, note isso. A maioria dos plug-ins será para Windows somente a menos que o OS 9 ou OS X seja declarado. Os plug-ins clássicos do Mac OS só funcionam sob OS 9 e anteriores. Mac OS X plug-ins com um arquivo ponent marcado como PowerPC só funcionará em PPC Macs (eles podem funcionar em Macs Intel com desempenho lento em Rosetta, mas Rosetta não pode ser usado no OS X 10.7 ou posterior). Lista de Plug-ins com links de download Peter 15Nov15: Eu tenho reformatado esta lista tornando-se uma lista desordenada e removendo o br linbreak construir que Connie não aprova. Peter 16Nov15: Não tenho certeza se queremos continuar ligando para o site Brothersoft (ou seus plug-ins), o primeiro anúncio que recebi naquela página foi para um site pornográfico - certifique-se de que os ciclos foram adicionados com anúncios sensíveis normais, mas eles Estavam em um ciclo eo anúncio pornográfico mantidos retornando. E carrega um grande verde enganador Download button160 Gale 18Nov15: Os plugins clássicos abaixo são descontinuados. Os links estavam apontando para Brothersoft que é um site duvidoso e agora apontam para VST4free que é muito menos ruim. Além disso, você pode obter o pacote completo de acoustica1.cachefly. net/other/Classic-Effects-Installer. exe. O instalador coloca os plugins in160PROGRAMFILESVST onde (de acordo com o manual e VSTEffect. cpp) Audacity não deve vê-los a menos que uma chave de registro ou variável de ambiente VSTPATH aponte para lá. Mas o Audacity os vê (na Win 10). Peter 16Nov15: Ao invés de ligar direto para os downloads para esses plug-ins digitalfishphones, não seria melhor para ligar para a página de download de sites para eles como ele diz ao usuário, em alguns detalhes, o que cada um é para: THD. Domínio e normalizador. Também eu observo que nós não listamos seu endorphin plug-in, há alguma razão para esta omissão Gale 17Nov15: Todos os outros plugins não estão listados porque, presumivelmente, ninguém os testou. Sim, mostre uma página de destino com detalhes para o plugin se houver um. Mas se tivermos uma tabela como eu sugiro que possamos vincular o editor eo plug-in de uma maneira menos confusa. Peter 17Nov15: Ok eu adicionei um link para endorphin - btw quantos dos outros nesta longa lista (e muito menos a lista de aqueles sem links) realmente foram testados, se nunca deixar sozinho em corrente e alfa Audacity: 160-) Gale 18Nov15 : Podemos assumir que aqueles listados (ligados ou não vinculados) foram testados em algum lugar no Audacity 1.2 dias. Devemos adicionar um div na parte superior que esta é, portanto, apenas uma lista indicativa e congratulamo-nos com alguém atualizar a lista ou escrever para comentários com atualizações. Lista de Plug-ins para os quais não temos links de download Peter 15Nov15: ToDo-2 Meu voto seria para remover completamente esta lista. Se os usuários querem mais plug-ins VST do que listamos acima na lista de eos links ewith, então eles sempre podem usar o Google ou Wikipedia. Gale: Espero que muitos desses links podem ser adicionados. Por exemplo, veja voxengo / group / free-vst-plugins /. Peter 16Nov15: Desculpe, mas há 245 destes listados sem links e eu realmente não tenho nem o tempo nem a inclinação para pesquisar todos estes - alguns dos quais podem muito bem ser hospedado em sites duvidosos do tipo que eu não me importo de explorar. Minha sugestão é que nós colmamos esta fora a uma página separada ligada a partir daqui como isso teria o benefício de shotening esta página muito longa. Isso não impede que pessoas motivadas no futuro movam itens naquela página para a qual encontram links para esta página. Gale 17Nov15: Concordo que há muito lá. Mas não vejo nenhum valor em separá-los. Eles foram colocados aqui porque eles eram conhecidos (no momento) para trabalhar. Para que eles possam legitimamente ir na tabela proposta, mas sem link. Pedro 17Nov15: Eles eram realmente conhecidos para trabalhar, foram testados Isso teria sido - e permanece - um trabalho de amor. Eles parecem mais como se eles foram apenas despejado aqui, certamente quem colocou-los lá didnt mesmo tomar a dificuldade de adicionar links para eles - e muito menos um pouco de texto descritivo. Eu me preocupo, pois nossa lista parece implicar uma espécie de endosso de Audacity. Gale 18Nov15: Não apenas despejado. Eu acredito fortemente testado (em 1,2), mas acrescentando links teria sido trabalho extra. 2WarpDelayv1.dll 4poleLPF. dll Neosweep. dll Acidfanatic overdrive. dll Acidfanatic stereo2mono. dll Acidfanatic ultradrive. dll AnalogDelay. dll AnechoicRoomSimulator. dll ariesverb02.dll BDecoder. dll bandspin. dll BassChorusV23.dll BassPhaserV10.dll Big Tick Dual Delay. dll Big Tick Hexaline. dll BPane. dll BPanegui. dll BPanm. dll BPanmgui. dll c3multibandcomp12.dll c3multibandcomp12sse. dll CamelPhatFree. dll CatDelay. dll CatDelay13.dll CCTDelayLE. dll Chimecho. dll CompactDistortion. dll Compressor2.dll Compressor. dll CoyoteWah. dll CrazyIvan. Dll DLimiter. dll dB Compressor. dll dbFree. dll DCOffsetKiller. dll Delayer. dll Delta Filter. dll Delta Force. dll Delta Fase. dll Delta Ping. dll Delta Espaço. dll dfx Buffer Substituição mono. dll dfx Buffer Substituição stereo. dll dfx Monomaker. dll dfx Scrubby. dll dfx Skidder. dll DFX Transverb. dll Distorcionador Mk2.dll DrExpanderDemo. dll echographz. dll effex. dll E-Phonic LOFI. dll E-Phonic XPressor. dll FMComp. dll FMEQShelf. dll FMTube. dll FSComp. dll FSEQFilter. dll FSEQShelf. dll FSLineT. dll FSPhase. dll FSTube. dll FEILEI Ambiente Echo. dll FEILEI Ambiente Encode. dll FEILEI Surround Pan. dll Filterizer. dll FilterONE. dll firegain. dll Flaser. dll Flipper. dll FloFi. dll Florus. dll FlybabyBETA. dll Fruity 7band EQ. dll Fruity balance. dll Fruity bass boost. dll Fruity sangue overdrive. dll Fruity filter. dll Fruity delay. dll Frohmagevst2win. dll Fuzz-Stone. dll Gain. dll GClip. dll GComp. dll GeneComp3.dll GeneComp3.dll GeneComp. dll GeneCompmono. dll GGate. dll GHi. dll Glacier. dll dBlue Glitch - requer Audacity 1.3.9 ou posterior característica de probabilidade aleatória não funciona no Audacity 2.0.2 GLow. dll GranComp3.dll GranComp3mono. Dll GranComp. dll GranCompmono. dll GRevDly. dll GVerb. dll Hard Limiter. dll IndyGoDelay. dll IndyGoGater. dll IndyGoTremolo. dll Invada EQ-Tube-Mono. dll Invada EQ-Tubo-Stereo. dll Invada Tube-Mono. dll Invada Tube - Stereo. dll karlette. dll KarmaFX Deelay. dll KarmaFX Filtro. dll KewlCompressor. dll KONTRAST. DLL KristalEQ. dll Kristalizer. dll KristalReverb. dll KTAudioHealer. dll KwikKomp2b1.dll KwikKomp3VST. dll Levels. dll LoFiPlus. dll LPGEQ2.dll LPGEQ21. Dll LPGEQ. dll LPGEQmono. dll Mab. dll MadShifta. dll mdspFlanger. dll Megatrancer. dll MjRotoDelay. dll MnCompv1r. dll MonstaChorus. dll Morphing Delay 2.1 Demo. dll msBalance. dll msComp. dll msDecode. dll msDelay. dll msEncode. dll msSwap. dll msvcr71.dll ndcPanner. dll ndcTrem. dll ndcTremplus. dll noisegate. dll Null-BandSpin. dll P1-Tapedelay. dll PalancarWare Brick. dll PalancarWare DeDC. dll PalancarWare Empire. dll PalancarWare Ozone. dll PalancarWare Refero. dll PalancarWare Scalar. Dll ppdisto. dll preamp. dll pvaccu. dll pvexag. dll pvtransp. dll pwmdrive. dll pzx. dll qdelOizer30.dll Qamp. dll respass. dll RetroDelay. dll Reverb. dll Reversinator. dll RMD. dll Saturator. dll - saturação de fita analógica Emulador para calor adicionado sc4.dll sc 04 seg Stereo Delay. dll sc Multi Delay. dll sc Multi Tap Delay. dll sc Estéreo Panner. dll sc Tremelo. dll SDynamics. dll SFilter. dll SH-1 Chorus. dll SH-1 Filter. dll SH-1 Gráfico EQ. dll SH-1 LFO Multi. dll SH-1 PhaseSifter. dll SH-1 Reverb. dll ShivaShifta. dll SideChCompMn. dll SideChCompSt. dll SideKick2.dll Silverspike Reverb-it Demo. dll SimpleQ. dll SimpleTremolo. dll SLFO. dll Solidverb. dll SonicChorus. dll SpectriX. dll SPICE101.dll Std. dll Stardust. dll Starplugs-RuntimePanner. dll StCompv1r. dll stepper. dll Stereoizer. dll StereoFaker. dll StereoStretcher. dll StereoTools. Dll StudioVerb. dll SupaPhaser. dll surrounder. dll TapeDelay. dll Telephone. dll - simples, simulador de telefone muito realista de áudio. TK-3BandDisto. dll TK-4Filters. dll TK-BPMDelay. dll TK-BPMDelayS. dll TK-FeedFlanger. dll TK-FilterDisto. dll TK-FlangDestructor. dll TK-LPFilterMod. dll TK-StereoFlanger. dll TranceFormer. dll tridirt. Dll T-SLEDGE. dll TubeBaby. dll unmatched. dll VariDelay. dll VFlange. dll VFlanger. dll VIBRATOR100.dll Vibro. dll Volcano. dll VoxengoEssEQ. dll VoxengoLampthruster (simulador de amplificador VST) VoxengoOldSkoolVerb. dll VoxengoPowershaper. dll VoxengoSampleDelay. dll VoxengoStereoTouch. dll VoxengoTempoDelay. dll VoxengoTubeAmp1.dll VoxengoTubeAmp. dll VPingPong. dll WARP. DLL Whix. dll Z-BandSpin. dll Z-FiltroDub. dll Z-Florus. dll Z-Ringer. dll Z-SpShift. dll Z-SpVoc. dll Lista de Plug-ins com problemas conhecidos Instruções para adicionar plug-ins de efeito VST à lista: Por favor, não adicione plug-ins de instrumentos VST à lista, porque o Audacity não trabalhará com qualquer um desses. Lista de efeitos plug-ins que não funcionam corretamente no Audacity, dando uma nota curta do problema, como o Audacity não vai lançar, plug-in não aparece no menu Efeito, nem todos os controles disponíveis, o áudio não processado. Por favor, dê um link de download para o plug-in, se possível, anexando o link dentro de colchetes simples - por exemplo: linktoplugin Por favor, também forneça seu sistema operacional como o Windows 10 ou Mac OS X 10.9.4, a data do seu relatório e A versão do Audacity utilizada. Sinta-se à vontade para usar o Audacity atual para testar novamente os plug-ins que não funcionam com as versões herdadas do Enabler VST ou legacy 1.x do Audacity. Se os plug-ins funcionarem agora, mova-os para a lista de trabalho. O Audacity 2.0.6 em diante suporta compensação de atraso de buffer. A maioria dos plug-ins anteriormente listados abaixo que sofreu de silêncio inserido devido à falta de compensação Audacitys não são mais listados. Além da lista abaixo, os seguintes plug-ins não possuem controles deslizantes funcionando no Audacity 2.1.0 ou posterior e, portanto, somente serão aplicados nas configurações padrão. Veja Bug 1083. Plug-ins do JS MDA VSTs stereoizer. dllMulti-channel recording Olá desenvolvedores do Audacity Eu estou tentando fazer a interface de algum hardware multi-canal personalizado para o Audacity. Tenho feito algumas pesquisas sobre áudio USB, bem como vários drivers. Eu tenho uma pergunta simples: A especificação USB Audio permite enviar múltiplos (2, 6, 24, etc) canais de áudio através de uma única interface USB (Obviamente, um driver pode não suportar todos esses canais). Para o meu exemplo vamos dizer que o driver OS suporta 6 canais. É esta transferência correcta e possível. 6 canais de áudio USB - gt 6 canais no driver - gt 6 canais em Audacity multicanais de gravação Para fazer a minha pergunta mais simples, faz um 39channel39 na especificação de áudio USB igual a 39channel39 Audacity multi-canal de gravação Muito obrigado ------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Quer acesso rápido e fácil a todo o código em seu índice da empresa e pesquisa até 200.000 linhas de código com uma cópia livre do pato preto Code Sight - o mesmo software que alimenta a maior busca de código do mundo em Ohloh, o Black Duck Open Hub Experimente agora. P. sf. net/sfu/bds audacity-devel lista de endereços listas de e-mail ocultas. sourceforge. net/lists/listinfo/audacity-devel Sempre que o driver suporta gravação multicanal, ele corresponde às faixas de captura no Audacity. Estou usando um Tascam US-1800 por vários meses, que só suporta gravações multicanal com driver ASIO. Então eu tive que compilar meu ASIO capaz Audacity binário e obter tantas faixas capturadas, como eu selecionar para gravar a partir da interface. Estou 01.08.2014 um 04:41 schrieb Joey Freeland: Olá desenvolvedores Audacity Estou tentando interface alguns personalizado multi-canal hardware para Audacity. Tenho feito algumas pesquisas sobre áudio USB, bem como vários drivers. Eu tenho uma pergunta simples: A especificação USB Audio permite enviar múltiplos (2, 6, 24, etc) canais de áudio através de uma única interface USB (Obviamente, um driver pode não suportar todos esses canais). Para o meu exemplo, vamos dizer que o driver OS suporta 6 canais. É esta transferência correcta e possível. 6 canais USB Audio - gt 6 canais no driver - gt 6 canais na Audacity multicanais de gravação Para tornar a minha pergunta mais simples, faz um canal na especificação de áudio USB igual a um canal em Audacity de gravação multi-canal Obrigado tanto ------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Quer acesso rápido e fácil a todo o código em seu índice da empresa e pesquisa até 200.000 linhas de código com uma cópia livre do pato preto Code Sight - o mesmo software que alimenta a maior busca de código do mundo em Ohloh, o Black Duck Open Hub Experimente agora. P. sf. net/sfu/bds audacity-devel lista de discussão hidden email lists. sourceforge. net/lists/listinfo/audacity-devel De Sven Giermann lthidden email gt Fri, 01 Ago 2014 11:29:40 0200 Assunto: Audacity - Devel Gravação multi-canal gt Sempre que o driver suporta gravação multicanal, ele corresponde às trilhas de captura do gt no Audacity. Gt Estou usando um Tascam US-1800 por vários meses, que só suporta gravações gt multicanal com driver ASIO. Então eu tive que compilar meu binário ASIO gt capaz Audacity e obter tantas faixas capturadas, como eu selecionar para gravar gt a partir da interface. Acho que vale a pena ressaltar que, mesmo se você compilar o Audacity com suporte ASIO, você pode ter que selecionar o número máximo de canais no Audacity, mesmo que você só queira gravar alguns deles do seu dispositivo. Sven procurou melhorar esta limitação no passado recente. Gt Am 01.08.2014 um 04:41 schrieb Joey Freeland: gt gt Olá desenvolvedores Audacity Estou tentando interface alguns gt personalizado gt hardware multi-canal para o Audacity. Tenho feito algumas pesquisas sobre USB gt gt áudio, bem como vários drivers. Tenho uma pergunta simples: gt gt gt gt A especificação USB Audio permite enviar múltiplos (2, 6, 24, gt gt etc) canais de áudio através de uma única interface USB (Obviamente, um driver gt gt pode não suportar todos esses canais ). Para o meu exemplo permite dizer que o OS gt gt driver suporta 6 canais. É esta transferência correcta e possível. Gt gt gt gt 6 canais USB Áudio - gt 6 canais no driver - gt 6 canais em Audacity gt gt gravação multicanal gt gt gt gt Para tornar a minha pergunta mais simples, um canal na especificação USB gt gt USB igual a um canal em Audacity multi - channel gravação gt gt Obrigado tanto ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Quero acesso rápido e fácil a todo o código em seu índice da empresa e Procure até 200 mil linhas de código com uma cópia gratuita do Black Duck Code Sight - o mesmo software que alimenta a maior busca de código do mundo em Ohloh, o Black Duck Open Hub. Experimente agora. P. sf. net/sfu/bds audacity-devel lista de discussão oculto lists. sourceforge. net/lists/listinfo/audacity-devel Eu tentarei obter algum tempo neste inverno para implementar a seleção de canais de registro para uso público. Eu tenho usado o código subjacente por vários meses (quase 3 anos agora) sem nenhum problema agora. Mas ainda não há UI para lidar com a seleção de canais e talvez eu tenha que mudar o armazenamento de qual canal deve ser capturado. Mas até agora, eu tenho 2 perguntas: 1. Id gentilmente pedido alguns UI revisão aqui - onde devo melhor lugar a seleção de canais: dentro de preferências de dispositivo (talvez mais fácil de implementar, mas menos espaço) RecChannel1.png ou adicionando outro PrefsPanel RecChannel2.png 2. O que é o primeiro e o que vem a seguir? Eu implementei alguns recursos adicionais, que não são mostrados nas capturas de tela (predefinição de tipo de canal: mono / estéreo, nível inicial e configurações de panorâmica). Ao lado dos botões quotMove Upquot e quotMove Downquot eu poderia imaginar alguma Importação / Exportação (como visto no mapeamento de teclado). O que você acha que deveria ser implementado no primeiro passo que eu temo que algumas opções podem ser confusas para muitos usuários, mas especialmente para mais de 4 canais, pode ser útil para nomear o, como visto em minhas propostas. No meu código atual, tenho diferentes opções de seleção de canais que posso selecionar diretamente nas barras de ferramentas (mostrando quot1 (Mono) quot e quot2 (Stereo) quot para a maioria dos dispositivos), mas minha experiência mostra que a troca não é feita com freqüência - Assim que um único quotCustom. Quot ou quotSelected channelsquot junto com Import / Export no PrefsPanel seria suficiente e mais claro. Espero ouvir respostas suas logo. Sven Giermann escreveu Ill tentar obter algum tempo neste inverno para implementar a seleção de canais de registro para uso público. Eu tenho usado o código subjacente por vários meses (quase 3 anos agora) sem nenhum problema agora. Mas ainda não há UI para lidar com a seleção de canais e talvez eu tenha que mudar o armazenamento de qual canal deve ser capturado. Mas até agora, eu tenho 2 perguntas: 1. Id gentilmente pedido alguns UI revisão aqui - onde devo melhor lugar a seleção de canais: dentro de preferências de dispositivo (talvez mais fácil de implementar, mas menos espaço) RecChannel1.png ou adicionando outro PrefsPanel RecChannel2.png 2. O que é o primeiro e o que vem a seguir? Eu implementei alguns recursos adicionais, que não são mostrados nas capturas de tela (predefinição de tipo de canal: mono / estéreo, nível inicial e configurações de panorâmica). Ao lado dos botões quotMove Upquot e quotMove Downquot eu poderia imaginar alguma Importação / Exportação (como visto no mapeamento de teclado). O que você acha que deveria ser implementado no primeiro passo que eu temo que algumas opções podem ser confusas para muitos usuários, mas especialmente para mais de 4 canais, pode ser útil para nomear o, como visto em minhas propostas. No meu código atual, tenho diferentes opções de seleção de canais que posso selecionar diretamente nas barras de ferramentas (mostrando quot1 (Mono) quot e quot2 (Stereo) quot para a maioria dos dispositivos), mas minha experiência mostra que a troca não é feita com freqüência - Assim que um único quotCustom. Quot ou quotSelected channelsquot junto com Import / Export no PrefsPanel seria suficiente e mais claro. Espero ouvir respostas suas logo. Prazer em vê-lo novamente. Eu certamente acho que na Barra de Ferramentas do Dispositivo um não deve exibir o mapeamento sem ter que clicar para expandir o diálogo (ou para abrir as Preferências). Se você não acha que acesso rápido é necessário, então poderíamos apenas abrir preferências. Pessoalmente, gostaria de ver o painel quotLatencyquot em Preferências de gravação movido para Preferências de dispositivos e suportar diferentes configurações por dispositivo. O buffer de Áudio, claro, também afeta a reprodução. Muitos usuários de Mac têm que reduzir o buffer para obter reprodução aceitável para dispositivos externos bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid939. Se alguém mais gosta dessa idéia, então isso pode significar que seu mapeamento de canal seria em seu próprio painel. Mas eu tenho algumas perguntas. Presumivelmente, o canal e caixa de seleção é o que move para cima / para baixo Será que os mapeamentos serão armazenados por dispositivo, eu acho que para ser muito preferível. Em caso afirmativo, isso sugere que o mapeamento deve estar no painel Dispositivos principal. Mas, como é, audacity.238276.n2.nabble / attachment / 7571730/0 / RecChannel1.png parece um pouco confuso para mim com 2 canais estéreo mix selecionado e pelo menos cinco canais de gravação habilitado. Doesnt o número de quotRecordquot caixas de seleção selecionadas determinar o número de canais de gravação, eo número de canais de gravação disponíveis no menu suspenso determinar quantas linhas de mapeamento são mostrados Am 11.11.2015 um 22:27 schrieb Gale: gt Eu certamente acho que no dispositivo A barra de ferramentas não deve exibir o mapeamento gt sem ter que clicar para expandir o diálogo (ou para abrir as Preferências gt). Se você não acha que acesso rápido é necessário, então poderíamos gt apenas abrir preferências. Gt gt Pessoalmente, gostaria de ver o painel quotLatencyquot em Preferências de gravação gt movido para Preferências de dispositivos e suportar configurações diferentes por dispositivo gt. O buffer de Áudio, claro, também afeta a reprodução. Muitos usuários gt Mac tem que reduzir o buffer para obter a reprodução aceitável para gt dispositivos externos gt bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid939. Gt gt Se alguém mais gosta dessa idéia, então isso pode significar o seu mapeamento de canal gt seria no seu próprio painel. Gt gt Mas eu tenho algumas perguntas. Gt gt Presumivelmente, o canal e caixa de seleção é o que se move para cima / para baixo gt gt Será que os mapeamentos serão armazenados por dispositivo, eu acho que para ser gt muito preferível. Em caso afirmativo, isso sugere que o mapeamento deve estar no painel Dispositivos principais do gt. Mas como está, gt gt gt olha um pouco confuso para mim com mix de estéreo de 2 canais selecionados e gt, pelo menos, cinco canais de gravação ativado. Como é, gt audacity.238276.n2.nabble / attachment / 7571730/0 / RecChannel1.png Doesnt o número de gt quotRecordquot caixas de seleção selecionadas determinar o número de gravação gt canais, eo número de canais de gravação disponíveis no gt dropdown menu determinar quantas linhas de mapeamento são mostrados Gale, obrigado por sua entrada Claro que você está certo, isso foi Uma primeira impressão sem correção adequada para o drop-down relacionado. I thought of having a quotCustomquot option in the existing lists to choose recording channels toolbar-ordered. png. And if one selects quotCustomquot within the Device Toolbar, the Preferences Dialog would show up to customize the selection. For better feedback Id suggest to have the number of channels to be recorded at least in the Device Toolbar, as shown now. Further, I would grey out (disable) the channel mapping grid, when a default quotMonoquot/quotStereoquot or even quot4quot for the first 4 channels is being choosen in the drop-down box. Yes - move up/down is intended for the channels. The new screenshot shows a typical setup for live recordings in our rehearsal. The input of guitars depends on the type of interface inputs, but its more convenient to have them in the correct order after recording. Thats another reason for naming them during record. I like your idea of having per-device latency settings But as you already mentioned, the Audio buffer affects both recording and playback, which might be different devices. It would probably be confusing to have 2 different settings for playback and recording here. Further I dont know if this makes sense with overdub. It could be hard to show the user, that one of these settings is stored with the device selection and the other is globally/static independent from the selected device. The only acceptable solution would probably be to store both on the recording device, making playback dependent on the selected recording device But since both settings are related, I wouldnt separate them on different panes. In RecChannel3.png I tried to save some space by putting playback and record device selection into one groupbox. This enables displaying 5 channels in the customize grid with the currently smallest possible dialog size, which is still okay (I think). For bigger setups, the dialog could be displayed bigger at any time. If we store latency and channel selection by device, it might be helpful to name the groupboxes accordingly then, i. e. quotLatency: Stereomix (Realtek High Definition Audio)quot. The more I think about it, Id prefer to keep the channel selection on the Device Panel PS: Are there any suggestions regarding the naming of this custom option Simply quotCustomquot, quotSelected Channelsquot, quotChannel Presetquot. Nice work Sven. it looks like this is coming along very well. Probably the best place to discus proposals is the Audacity wiki. There is a quotproposal templatequot for such purposes. If you dont have a wiki account I think Gale can sort that for you. Regarding the GUI, could it be accessed via the device toolbar I would imagine that in a typical use case, a user would probably want specific default settings, which is what we use quotPreferencesquot for, but may need to temporarily change a channel (perhaps frequently). Specifically, a user may have several inputs going into their audio interface, and may want to record just one of them at a particular time (for example, if they are recording guitarvocal, and want to drop-in a re-take on the guitar only). It would be much more user friendly to be able to select a specific input from the main Audacity window rather than digging into Preferences. One possibility could be that when the user selects a quotnumber of channelsquot in the device toolbar, a window pops up to select which input to use (multi-choice) for each of the quotnquot channels. The default selection would initially be taken from preferences, and if changed, could have an option to save the current setting as the default. If the user does not want to change the selection, they would just quotOKquot the dialog to confirm the current selection, The window could have options: quotOKquot, quotCancelquot returns to the previously selected number of channels), quotUse defaultquot, (quotSelect presetquot), quotSave as defaultquot. A more usual arrangement for multi-channel software is to add tracks before recording, but I dont think that we want to go down that road as it adds extra complication for the majority of users, On 12 November 2015 at 09:26, Sven Giermann lthidden email gt wrote: gt Am 11.11.2015 um 22:27 schrieb Gale: gtgt gtgt I certainly think in Device Toolbar one should not display the mapping gtgt without having to click to expand the dialogue (or to open the gtgt Preferences). If you dont think quick access is needed then we could gtgt just open preferences. gtgt gtgt Personally I would like to see the quotLatencyquot pane in Recording Preferences gtgt moved into Devices Preferences and support different settings per gtgt device. The Audio to buffer does of course affect playback too. Many gtgt Mac users have to reduce the buffer to get acceptable playback to gtgt external devices gtgt bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid939. gtgt gtgt If anyone else likes that idea then that may mean your channel mapping gtgt would be in its own pane. gtgt gtgt But I have some questions. gtgt gtgt Presumably the Channel and checkbox is what moves up/down gtgt gtgt Will the mappings be stored per device I would guess that to be gtgt much preferable. If so, that suggests the mapping should be in the gtgt main Devices pane. But as it is, gtgt gtgt audacity.238276.n2.nabble/attachment/7571730/0/RecChannel1.png gtgt gtgt looks a bit confusing to me with 2 channel stereo mix selected and gtgt at least five channels of recording enabled. Doesnt the number of gtgt quotRecordquot checkboxes selected determine the number of recording gtgt channels, and the number of available recording channels in the gtgt dropdown menu determine how many rows of mapping are shown gt gt Gale, thanks for your input gt gt Of course you are right, this was a very first impression without proper gt correction to the related drop-down. I thought of having a quotCustomquot option gt in the existing lists to choose recording channels toolbar-ordered. png. gt And if one selects quotCustomquot within the Device Toolbar, the Preferences gt Dialog would show up to customize the selection. gt For better feedback Id suggest to have the number of channels to be gt recorded at least in the Device Toolbar, as shown now. gt Further, I would grey out (disable) the channel mapping grid, when a default gt quotMonoquot/quotStereoquot or even quot4quot for the first 4 channels is being choosen in the gt drop-down box. gt gt Yes - move up/down is intended for the channels. The new screenshot shows a gt typical setup for live recordings in our rehearsal. The input of guitars gt depends on the type of interface inputs, but its more convenient to have gt them in the correct order after recording. Thats another reason for naming gt them during record. gt gt gt I like your idea of having per-device latency settings But as you already gt mentioned, the Audio buffer affects both recording and playback, which might gt be different devices. It would probably be confusing to have 2 different gt settings for playback and recording here. Further I dont know if this makes gt sense with overdub. gt It could be hard to show the user, that one of these settings is stored with gt the device selection and the other is globally/static independent from the gt selected device. The only acceptable solution would probably be to store gt both on the recording device, making playback dependent on the selected gt recording device gt gt But since both settings are related, I wouldnt separate them on different gt panes. In RecChannel3.png I tried to save some space by putting playback gt and record device selection into one groupbox. This enables displaying 5 gt channels in the customize grid with the currently smallest possible dialog gt size, which is still okay (I think). For bigger setups, the dialog could be gt displayed bigger at any time. gt gt If we store latency and channel selection by device, it might be helpful to gt name the groupboxes accordingly then, i. e. quotLatency: Stereomix (Realtek High gt Definition Audio)quot. gt gt The more I think about it, Id prefer to keep the channel selection on the gt Device Panel gt gt Sven gt gt PS: Are there any suggestions regarding the naming of this custom option gt Simply quotCustomquot, quotSelected Channelsquot, quotChannel Presetquot. gt gt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gt gt gt audacity-devel mailing list gt hidden email gt lists. sourceforge. net/lists/listinfo/audacity-devel gt Am 12.11.2015 um 18:34 schrieb Steve the Fiddle: gt Regarding the GUI, could it be accessed via the device toolbar gt I would imagine that in a typical use case, a user would probably want gt specific default settings, which is what we use quotPreferencesquot for, but gt may need to temporarily change a channel (perhaps frequently). gt Specifically, a user may have several inputs going into their audio gt interface, and may want to record just one of them at a particular gt time (for example, if they are recording guitarvocal, and want to gt drop-in a re-take on the guitar only). It would be much more user gt friendly to be able to select a specific input from the main Audacity gt window rather than digging into Preferences. OK. Taking another look at the Feature request page in the wiki (Template with any number of stacked NAMED tracks), this would probably mean we have to create a number of presets in Preferences and offer those in the Device Toolbar. gt One possibility could be that when the user selects a quotnumber of gt channelsquot in the device toolbar, a window pops up to select which gt input to use (multi-choice) for each of the quotnquot channels. The default gt selection would initially be taken from preferences, and if changed, gt could have an option to save the current setting as the default. If gt the user does not want to change the selection, they would just quotOKquot gt the dialog to confirm the current selection, The window could have gt options: quotOKquot, quotCancelquot returns to the previously selected number of gt channels), quotUse defaultquot, (quotSelect presetquot), quotSave as defaultquot. I think, when there are multiple presets, this would be obsolete. But Ill create another proposal at the wiki, which might show this. I personally wouldnt set a default when there are many presets, but rather remember the last used. gt A more usual arrangement for multi-channel software is to add tracks gt before recording, but I dont think that we want to go down that road gt as it adds extra complication for the majority of users, Agreeing, that would significantly change workflow. gt On 12 November 2015 at 09:26, Sven Giermann lthidden email gt wrote: gtgt Am 11.11.2015 um 22:27 schrieb Gale: gtgtgt I certainly think in Device Toolbar one should not display the mapping gtgtgt without having to click to expand the dialogue (or to open the gtgtgt Preferences). If you dont think quick access is needed then we could gtgtgt just open preferences. gtgtgt gtgtgt Personally I would like to see the quotLatencyquot pane in Recording Preferences gtgtgt moved into Devices Preferences and support different settings per gtgtgt device. The Audio to buffer does of course affect playback too. Many gtgtgt Mac users have to reduce the buffer to get acceptable playback to gtgtgt external devices gtgtgt bugzilla. audacityteam. org/showbug. cgiid939. gtgtgt gtgtgt If anyone else likes that idea then that may mean your channel mapping gtgtgt would be in its own pane. gtgtgt gtgtgt But I have some questions. gtgtgt gtgtgt Presumably the Channel and checkbox is what moves up/down gtgtgt gtgtgt Will the mappings be stored per device I would guess that to be gtgtgt much preferable. If so, that suggests the mapping should be in the gtgtgt main Devices pane. But as it is, gtgtgt gtgtgt audacity.238276.n2.nabble/attachment/7571730/0/RecChannel1.png gtgtgt gtgtgt looks a bit confusing to me with 2 channel stereo mix selected and gtgtgt at least five channels of recording enabled. Doesnt the number of gtgtgt quotRecordquot checkboxes selected determine the number of recording gtgtgt channels, and the number of available recording channels in the gtgtgt dropdown menu determine how many rows of mapping are shown gtgt Gale, thanks for your input gtgt gtgt Of course you are right, this was a very first impression without proper gtgt correction to the related drop-down. I thought of having a quotCustomquot option gtgt in the existing lists to choose recording channels toolbar-ordered. png. gtgt And if one selects quotCustomquot within the Device Toolbar, the Preferences gtgt Dialog would show up to customize the selection. gtgt For better feedback Id suggest to have the number of channels to be gtgt recorded at least in the Device Toolbar, as shown now. gtgt Further, I would grey out (disable) the channel mapping grid, when a default gtgt quotMonoquot/quotStereoquot or even quot4quot for the first 4 channels is being choosen in the gtgt drop-down box. gtgt gtgt Yes - move up/down is intended for the channels. The new screenshot shows a gtgt typical setup for live recordings in our rehearsal. The input of guitars gtgt depends on the type of interface inputs, but its more convenient to have gtgt them in the correct order after recording. Thats another reason for naming gtgt them during record. gtgt gtgt gtgt I like your idea of having per-device latency settings But as you already gtgt mentioned, the Audio buffer affects both recording and playback, which might gtgt be different devices. It would probably be confusing to have 2 different gtgt settings for playback and recording here. Further I dont know if this makes gtgt sense with overdub. gtgt It could be hard to show the user, that one of these settings is stored with gtgt the device selection and the other is globally/static independent from the gtgt selected device. The only acceptable solution would probably be to store gtgt both on the recording device, making playback dependent on the selected gtgt recording device gtgt gtgt But since both settings are related, I wouldnt separate them on different gtgt panes. In RecChannel3.png I tried to save some space by putting playback gtgt and record device selection into one groupbox. This enables displaying 5 gtgt channels in the customize grid with the currently smallest possible dialog gtgt size, which is still okay (I think). For bigger setups, the dialog could be gtgt displayed bigger at any time. gtgt gtgt If we store latency and channel selection by device, it might be helpful to gtgt name the groupboxes accordingly then, i. e. quotLatency: Stereomix (Realtek High gtgt Definition Audio)quot. gtgt gtgt The more I think about it, Id prefer to keep the channel selection on the gtgt Device Panel gtgt gtgt Sven gtgt gtgt PS: Are there any suggestions regarding the naming of this custom option gtgt Simply quotCustomquot, quotSelected Channelsquot, quotChannel Presetquot. gtgt gtgt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Presto, an open source distributed SQL query engine for big data, initially developed by Facebook, enables you to easily query your data on Hadoop in a more interactive manner. Teradata is also now providing full enterprise support for Presto. Download a free open source copy now. pubads. g.doubleclick. net/gampad/clkid250295911ampiu/4140 audacity-devel mailing list hidden email lists. sourceforge. net/lists/listinfo/audacity-develFeature Requests From Audacity Wiki Gale 26Jan15: I dont like strikeouts as a long term solution to indicating Completed Features. I know Peter doesnt like that page, but we could make the task of moving completed features easier by doing without the per-version detail. If we dont open up the Wiki again, the strikeouts are pointless because we know ourselves which features are completed already. Even if we do open up the Wiki, striking out doesnt help the main problem with this page, which is the length. Perhaps if we must retain completed features on this page they should go in a sub-heading at the end of each section. I dont think the Highest Rated section always helps, particularly if we have a Proposal for the feature which will mention the broad vote count. For people adding votes to this page, Highest Rated is an extra section you have to look in if there is no obvious search term to use. Ideally the whole thing should be converted to a sortable wiki table (which I think has been tried before without complete success) or to an actual database. Peter 27Jan15: The strikeouts were never intended to be a long-term solution, just a pro-tem marker. I moved the strike-outs to the Completed Features page this morning. I dont dislike that point I just dont see its relevance compared to the release notes - but I do see that it gathers some useful development history in one place. This is our Feature Requests page where users can suggest new or enhanced Audacity features. You can either add your vote for existing suggestions already listed, or add a new request. Voting and Editing: If you want to add a vote or request and have not done so before, please read Editing Feature Requests. You can vote without a Wiki account by emailing our feedback address. Quick Links: Requested features already in released versions, or available in builds from SVN HEAD Pending Feature Requests - Potential Feature Requests that are yet to be triaged and possibly added here. Features We Cant Implement - Smartphones and mobile devices cannot be supported, and a few audio file formats and the ASIO protocol are proprietary, so cannot be distributed in an open source program like Audacity. Requests relating to specific use cases - for example we have grouped together requests relating to wildlife recording, language learning and theatre Other articles about Feature Planning - learn about some of our other longer term plans and how they might be brought to fruition Highest-rated Allow real-time effects ( 166 votes ) Real-time effect preview sufficient as a first step ( 102 votes ) Should include applying effects whenever playing or recording/monitoring ( 64 votes ) Allow disabling real-time for a selected track as in REAPER.( 5 votes ) Stomp box/guitar effects: ( 3 votes ) - one of the most useful features of Diamond Cut 7. could allow effect intensity/LADSPA plug-in parameters to be varied too Panning while recording ( 5 votes ) include something similar to the envelope tool to adjust the effect parameters Synchronize recorded/played back tracks automatically without Time Shift tool or Preferences adjustment, for example using MTC/SMPTE with Audacity either as Master or Slave ( 71 votes ) Allow direct MIDI editing/playback and incorporate midi sequencer ( 60 votes ) It doesnt make a lot of sense to add support for MIDI files if Audacity cant also be used as a sequencer. Obviously this would take some time, but if sufficiently developed would make Audacity competitive even with ProTools and Sonar If MIDI tracks are eventually supported, it would be neat to include a piano roll and notation window in the future. Multi-channel playback ( 77 votes ) mix down to Dolby 5.1, 7.1, 10.2, 64.4 etc. or standard old-fashioned electroacoustic 4 and 8 channel circular arrays)( 2 votes ) Should include a patch panel to define routing of multi-channel audio to specific channels of a multi-channel device.( 5 votes ) allows adding an extra output channel for timecode sync when editing audio of a video. could allow routing of inputs to outputs Playback to multiple devices simultaneously ( 2 votes ) BPM and beat timecode automatic detection and beat matching ( 66 votes ) Let the Timeline display time signature and bars/beats ( 36 votes ). This is a useful feature in its own right, even if user had to identify the BPM manually. It could also be the means of displaying automatically detected beats if/when that is implemented. It would mean we could align to beats - see: Snap To: Beats. Must show complete grid with all beats having vertical line: ( 2 votes ) Quantize to a grid like Sonar : ( 14 votes ) This corrects timing errors in MIDI or audio where you record slightly before or after the beat or hold some notes shorter or longer than intended. Do this by dragging clip boundaries to grid lines ( 3 votes ) Identify BPM manually by tapping in an interface as in web applications ( 7 votes ) with option to show the true tempo of the song even if I play it back at different speed ( 1 votes ) BPM Calculator that shows BPM based on a selection. ( 1 votes ). See also this BPM calculator plugin forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpf42ampt69028 . Punch-in and punch-out recording: ( 79 votes ) - one of Not further specified or destructive: ( 59 votes ) - a quick destructive punch that changes the existing audio data in the track, usually overwriting a section of it, but can also refer to inserting a new recording after the cursor rather than replacing any of the existing recording. While convenient, this is not as flexible as recording on another track, which lets you adjust the timeline position of the new recording precisely (once made) then cross-fade it so it sounds seamless. Non-destructive punch: ( 20 votes ) some idea like Audition punch in that allows you to store multiple punch-in takes, or ProTools Non-Destructive Record. Punch-in needs pre-roll: ( 11 votes ) With punch and roll, I would pause the recording when I made an error, use the mouse to select an insertion point. Then I would hit a shortcut key that automatically gave me 3-5 seconds of pre-roll playback to hear my lead in, then shifts to record mode at the insertion point. This is just three commands: pause, insert point, function key. The fewer keystrokes, the more efficient. Pre-roll only needed when overdubbing ( 7 votes ) Steve: We need to distinguish between destructive and non-destructive punch-in recording. New users often mean destructive punch-in recording (like with a tape recorder), but this is an extraordinarily bad idea . More advanced users generally mean non-destructive punch-in (like other DAW applications). Non-destructive punch-in recording would be very much harder to implement as it requires building in the concepts of virtual tracks and track groups into Audacity, which do not currently exist. I would be very much in favour of non-destructive punch-in recording but very strongly opposed to destructive punch-in. Gale: Thanks, Steve. I have now split the votes as I can best determine and added yours and Kozs vote for non-destructive. Id still like to be clearer why user could not undo the punch-in if it was bad and if they re-recorded into the same selection repeatedly, they can then cycle through the undo stack to pick the best take. Of course they have more potential hassle with the transitions. Why is append-record or generating at the cursor point in the middle of a track not bad Can we force the recording cursor to start from a zero crossing Of course another (easier to implement) approach might to leave the recording in its own track and have a one-click cross fade. Steve: Append Record in not a problem because it is single ended. If the join does not match up exactly then its a simple matter to edit it. On the other hand a punch-in recording needs to fit precisely into a pre-defined hole. I have posted a more comprehensive reply on the forum. forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpp199384p199384 Scrubbing: ( 74 votes ) - one of: Basic functionality: Drag playback position left/right while playing (no effect until drop), or just click a position bar to skip to new position. ( 29 votes ) Common in audio players, for example Foobar. Allows to judge the end of (long) selections without having to play repeatedly. it would be nice to see it implemented how sony soundforge has it implemented with Keyboard Shortcuts to Toggle Timeline Scrub Mode JKL shuttle. Audio reproduction while dragging/playing: ( 45 votes ) Drag cursor back and forth across a particular point and hear the audio as a function of the direction and speed of the cursor. Allows to zero in on the beginning of a plosive syllable or other distinctive sound as an edit point. Precisely analogous to rocking the tape back and forth on the playback head of a recorder. Could also have a preset speed using Fast Forward/Rewind buttons. Here is a demonstration of Paul Ls experimental implementation: youtube/watchv9rrDOhj4GY There is a hotkey B for play to selection and various alternative means of playback navigation in Audacity 2.x, such as CTRL click to skip playback position. Also, rapidly using repeated left or right arrow presses sound quite like reproduction while dragging, even though audio stops between arrow presses - see Navigation Tips . Panning envelope editing (this is a really basic thing that is sorely needed in the current version ( 42 votes ) Bind particular parameters of effects to buttons or keyboard shortcuts: e. g. one for amplify 3 dB, another -3 dB, another to Compress with -6 dB threshold ( 49 votes ) Effects for which this has been requested: Amplify Change Speed Fade In/Out Generate Tone Insert Silence Noise Removal Normalize Repair DC removal160 Chris Compressor Markers on Waveform ( 36 votes ) Add with one keystroke a vertical mark that stays on the waveform and can be labeled. Common in audio editors. Should be draggable but attached to the audio segment. Select between any two markers easily e. g. with double click. Snap a region to the markers. Should be implemented in addition to split lines. Very necessary for long-form documentary editing, where you are identifying and then going back and handling many different selections from a long file. Also important if recordings are edited afterwards by others. Timestamp metadata CART metadata as used by radio stations There are several thousand users of Audacity who would find it convenient to have all the labeling of tracks done at the production stage rather then the 2 stages required now ( 4 votes ) BWF: Support reading/exporting embedded timestamp information in Broadcast WAV files (BWF ) ( 42 votes ) See blitter/ jglatt/tech/wave. htm and sonicspot/guide/wavefiles. html for general information cue chunks ( 6 votes ) smpl chunks ( 4 votes ) levl chunk for quick waveform visualisation (new addition to BWF as per tech. ebu. ch/docs/tech/tech3285s3.pdf ) ( 3 votes ) plst chunks ( 2 votes ) Origination time ( 2 votes ) One reason Audacity fails to support important metadata is that it does not support export of an AES-31 compliant Audio Decision List (ADL) Its about priorities and to what extent mainline Audacity should support features the majority of users would not avail themselves of (even if they are standards). An equal case could be made for adding support for the CART metadata chunk required by radio stations. Timestamp metadata is essential for working on projects of longer duration (interviews, news gathering, live recording, podcasts, etc). There are dozens of digital recorders that support BWF timestamp metadata. Leaving such features out of Audacity effectively excludes a large potential audience from using Audacity. As a workaround, I have just written a python program that reads the WAV file in BWF format produced by the M-Audio Microtrack recorder, and generates a text file that can be imported as a label track into Audacity via Tracks gt Edit Labels.(The hardest part was to search for the information on WAV chunk formats. Guenterrote 21:53, 9 March 2010 (CST) Also for recording directly with Audacity this feature would be helpful. In the Librivox wiki they recommend to click (with tongue or so) after each error so you can find back easily these auditive markers while editing. This idea is very handy, but clumsy. Better would be that you could press a key which then sets a marker on the soundtrack. If you have a finger free to press a key (or a foot if you have a foot pedal that delivers mouse clicks) then just change the Audacity shortcut for Add Label at Playback Position to some key thats easy to hit The comment is only relevant if you want to export an audio file with embedded markers. Effects Categorization: Allow the effects dropdown menu capable of sub-folders or categorisation so that the user can organize his plug-ins however he wishes. ( 49 votes ) Include Favorites folder at the top for frequently used plug-ins (either autogenerated and sorted by number of calls, or user-added) ( 21 votes ) Only two levels deep: (Effects gt Category), not 3 levels as tried before (Effects gt Category gt Sub Category). Sub categories are just too fiddly and too much clicking. With just one level of categories, the menu will open by hovering the mouse, making locating a specific effect much quicker and easier. ( 7 votes ) Preference to turn categorisation off ( 5 votes ) Fully user-customisable categories and sorting of entries ( 5 votes ) Ability to assign one effect to multiple categories: ( 1 votes ) such as a saturation compressor to both Compressor and Distortion categories. Detect/display subfolders of the Plug-Ins folder as categories: ( 6 votes ) So if you have a folder called /Plug-Ins/MyEffects/ the menu shows Effects gt MyEffects gt (effects in the MyEffects folder). How does this work for plug-ins in system folders Must support VST plug-ins ( 5 votes ) Must include VST plug-ins in system folders ( 4 votes ) Manipulate effects with a dialog box that has all plug-ins on the left hand side, an empty box on the right hand side, with New Group. , Delete Group, Rename Group, OK, Cancel buttons below, and arrows gtgt and ltlt in the middle, to move plug-ins between groups. ( 2 votes ) Multiple columns for different groups of effects ( 1 votes ) 1.3.6 Beta had incomplete categorisation of Nyquist and LADSPA plug-ins. Categorisation has a penalty in more difficult navigation, and was withdrawn from 1.3.7 until there is (at least) a way to turn it on and off. Sound Activated Recording (SAR) Pre - and post-roll duration: ( 50 votes ) define a duration to be recorded before the threshold-level sound occurs, and similarly a duration to be recorded after the input falls back below the threshold. Requires buffering of the recording for pre-roll, but is expected behaviour for this type of tool. Post-roll (say 4 seconds) on its own: ( 6 votes ) For example this would allow realistic recording of dialog - it may be sufficient or easier to implement Post roll of up to 5 minutes on its own for radio recording ( 2 votes ) Ignore silent periods option with configurable interval ( 4 votes ) (Use cases: archiving tapes in their entirety complete with inter-track gaps starting a recording on sound detection then recording until manually stopped irrespective of level) Probably can be done in the post-roll If the post-roll period was active when the level rose above the threshold again, recording would resume. Continue to record silence where input falls below the Sound Activation Level ( 1 votes ) This makes the recording continuous (e. g. keeping it synced with video that was being recorded at the same time) but makes cleanly separated segments where recording was above the threshold. Segment each recording event ( 20 votes ) with labels ( 15 votes ) - labels could contain either the length of preceding pause, or date and time when recording started/resumed with clip lines ( 1 votes ) Report system clock times for each recording event (other than in labels): ( 9 votes ) Display on Timeline (for example, empty space) ( 3 votes ) in Show Log in exported text file via button in Recording preferences (data only retained per session) Adjustable start-time ( 2 votes ) This is already possible if you turn on Sound Activated Recording and then start Timer Record. You just have to set an appropriate duration (not end time, obviously ) so that recording doesnt stop before you want it to Show SAR status in Status Bar ( 1 votes ) Show SAR level on VU Meters ( 3 votes ) Add more detailed comments here Import/play video for synchronized soundtrack editing ( 44 votes ) No need for Audacity to edit the video. Alternatively, Audacity could send/receive SMPTE or MTC timecode data e. g. to VLC or mplayer. Standalone SMPTE reader useful in own right ( 1 votes ) e. g. for reading time track on an analog tape deck. Existing Timeline must show audio behind zero ( 1 votes ) Video window should have video timeline but Audacity window should not need separate video timeline ( 1 votes ) Import Appended: ( 39 votes ) Import multiple files end-to-end in a single track. Would allow re-assembly/re-processing of LP/tape recordings for which no Audacity project exists. Also allows to import multiple tracks for CD assemblywith labels containing their file names If not labeled, it will be important for many use cases that the imported files remain as separate audio clips. ability to import the multiple files (or even a single file) at cursor position You can always Project gt Import Audio and SHIFT click or CTRL click to select and import multiple files into a project as separate tracks. There is no automated process beyond that. No players can read the labels in the joined track other than Audacity - they arent bookmarks in that sense, as there is no agreed standard for reading divisions within files. The labels can be exported to form the basis of a cue sheet. A Nyquist plug-in is available to test which can import multiple WAV or AIFF files end-to-end from a directory or from a list of files, starting from either time zero or from the cursor position. Import new track at cursor position simpler/more important ( 3 votes ) Record from multiple sound devices at once ( 39 votes ) enables recording from multi-channel cards that present themselves as multiple stereo devices rather than one multi-channel device ( 19 votes ) allow per-track choice of recording device, thus allowing to set the sampling rate, depth and number of channels for a track before recording choose whether to select track for recording or not This theoretical solution is really for Windows where you need ASIO drivers for multi-channel recording but release builds of Audacity cant include ASIO support. Try building Audacity with ASIO support (for your own private non-distributable use only) or find a sound device that uses EWDM drivers. See this Wiki page on multi-channel recording gives superior quality to using stereo mix to do this, see Virtual Audio Cable ( 6 votes ) allow recording from multiple USB devices at same time ( 8 votes ) e. g. an interview with two USB mics, DJ with two USB turntables Allow multiple input devices with broad definitions that would each be added to device toolbar and each individually defined. One could be from a PCI cards input mic port, another from that same cards output speaker port, and another from a USB cards input mic port. Thus eliminating the need to rely on expensive professional multichannel hardware / drivers or stereo mix drivers. ( 2 votes ) Full editing (including effects) while paused: ( 35 votes ) more intuitive than having to Stop if you are thinking of hardware equivalents like a tape machine. Instead of pausing you could use the Play/Stop and Set Cursor shortcut (SHIFT A by default). Then the cursor will be at the place you stopped just as if you had paused. You can change thet key binding for that shortcut in the Keyboard Preferences CD Rip and Burn ( 22 votes ) There is experimental code for CD Import/Export in progress. Help welcome. Preference for monitoring on by default ( 21 votes ) We initially didnt do this because of concerns about performance on lower powered machines. Weve since had feedback on this that is works fine and that not having monitoring on is causing a bigger problem - especially with new users. This however is not such an easy change as it appears - handling the situation when a device is changed/swapped out for example but Audacity is still looking for an input to read - it may not be fixed quickly Extreme Stretch effect - see Extreme Stretch Effect ( 16 votes ) Control Audacity by a foot pedal ( 25 votes ) attached to the game, serial or USB port so that hands are free for transcription work. Also useful for non-transcription applications, such as recording off a commercial two-way radio with a squelch output signal. More Context Menu (right-click or CTRL-click) functionality ( 22 votes ) Right-click over selection region - ideas: Cut copy paste delete Undo ( 4 votes ) Apply effects: Workflow and reduced mousing benefits ( 2 votes ) Zoom in/out on selection (horizontally) ( 2 votes ) Select all Select in all tracks ( 2 votes ) Silence Set start/end of selection: ( 1 votes ) like Goldwave Split off a selection of a clip Duplicate a selection of a clip Send to new track: or to a labelled position in an existing track. Set Envelope Points: creates start and end points on the envelope automatically. Right-click over waveform - ideas, some for features that dont yet exist yet (from Proposal Woozles Interface Tweaks ): Delete track ( 2 votes ) Insert track below/above current Mute individual clips (new feature) Time-lock individual clips (Tracks Preferences can globally prevent clips moving with edits) Duplicate an entire clip Delete clip Insert a split point at the cursor Edit start time, offset and length of a clip (new feature) Zoom in/out vertically ( 2 votes ) Turn envelope view on/off (preferably per clip, which is a new feature) Import audio from video files/transport streams: such as AVI/MPEG/Ogg Theora e. g. by demuxing ( 14 votes ) Extracting Vorbis from multiplexed Ogg files should be an easy changeover. Also note new specifications on file names (e. g..ogv for Ogg Video,.oga for Ogg Vorbis) Note recognition: WAV or MP3 to MIDI capabilities ( 12 votes ) This is hard to do except with pure tones. Wed want to leverage existing open source sound analysis software. Any suggestions of what If you do it with pure tones, that is still great Allow direct import of MIDI files into Projects as sampled audio waveforms, which are then editable and exportable as WAV, MP3 etc. ( 14 votes ) Real time plot when playing audio: ( 12 votes ) Or, in view of the CPU demands of calculating the spectrum, have Audacity do plot spectrum at given time intervals. Plotting spectrum while recording would likely be impractical due to the risk of errors writing the recording data. Segmenting Tracks Automatic segmentation during Record: ( 10 votes ) Automatically segments the audio being recorded into another track upon meeting the user defined settings for silence length, threshold level and number of track to be split. The best way to do this might be to add labels at the track splits, which fits in with other requests to label points where Sound Activated Recording pauses when the audio falls below the specified threshold. Beat Finder Improvements . See BPM Detection in Highest-rated Search for periodicities, let user refine and add time measures, then redo with probability/interpolation bases on added information. Use the corrected beats and a dynamics analysis to detect musical structures like verse, refrain. See Beat Finder Improvements for details. Create regions encompassing each beat by inputting a BPM (maybe include auto-dedection of the BPM), see image. The region can then be moved, duplicated etc. as normal to create loops or re-mixes easily. This could be quite a powerful idea when Audacity supports multiple label selection, Paste Special and/or intuitive cross-fade . Clips: Allow left-click in track to snap to or retain split line not delete it: ( 11 votes ) For example, right-click to remove the split-line, as is done to remove the cut line. Snap to editing cursor and show Boundary Snap Guide ( 2 votes ) Export Multiple: (version 2.x) Checkbox in dialog to pass metadata through to all exported files automatically: if identical tags wanted for all files, saves having to (remember to) File gt Open Metadata Editor to add tags before export. ( 59 votes ) Allow (numerical) prefix/suffix when labelling by name, not instead of it: ( 9 votes ) File name prefix should have leading zeros for operating systems which dont have natural number sort (otherwise track 10 comes before track 2 etc). ( 3 votes ) Choice of minimum number of digits for numbering ( 2 votes ) Store last used state of Include audio before first label as for Name files buttons ( 2 votes ) Checkbox Do not export audio before zero as per straight export: ( 4 votes ) If unechecked, exports audio before zero and includes any trailing white space before zero as silence. Checkbox Normalize on export ( 1 votes ) Use case is for e. g. live concert destined for individual files Enumerate files in single progress dialog to say exporting 1 of 5, 2 of 5. , not string of exporting entire Project dialogs. Still needed, even though 2.x now gives the name of the file currently being exported ( 12 votes ) Support Use Custom Mix ( 6 votes ) Remaining time for entire process, not (just) for each file ( 4 votes ) Overwrite existing files off by default: ( 3 votes ) but remembers previous state ( 2 votes ) Success dialog should not have same title as main Export Multiple dialog ( 2 votes ) Use case is this makes it possible to script actions based on the unique window title (and it could be argued as bad design to have two identically titled dialogs). Possible title could be Export Multiple (Results) - the title must include the phrase Export Multiple IMO - Gale Skip export of selected labels ( 1 votes ) Button to export to current project location ( 1 votes ) Labels: Multi-Label-Select: Ability to select multiple (not necessarily adjacent) labels (such as with control-click or shift-click) ( 10 votes ) Should work on point labels, too, thereby selecting regions between labels. ( 5 votes ) Also there could be commands to select multiple label regions or to ignore specified labels. See extra detail here. Play Labels Only: Play clipped in or labelled regions only - standard feature on professional audio editing systems. skipping the non-selected regions. This feature would be useful for comparing two regions of an audio file without delay between their playback.( 5 votes ) Change font size/color for selected text in labels ( 6 votes ) Multiple select must work in Edit Labels too ( 1 votes ) Invert labels: ( 2 votes ) Replace current labels with new labels that start from the end of the previous label to the start of the next label. If two of the original labels touch (but dont overlap), they will be replaced with a point label at the point where they meet. Snap labels to: Other labels ( 10 votes ) Editing cursor ( 6 votes ) Clips ( 4 votes ) Selection boundary ( 1 votes ) Mark-in and mark-out points . As per video editors, I sets Edit In Point and O sets Edit Out Point. Should use zero-crossing accuracy. Doesnt matter what you do between those two actions once you press O, everything between I and O is selected. ( 12 votes ) Easy way to select a region between labels ( 9 votes ) Would the interface changes required be worth it when there is an easy solution now Click where you want to mark in (can be in an existing point-label) and hold SHIFT while clicking where you want to mark out a region is drawn between the click points. Currently, the SHIFT-click cant be in a label, it has to be in the waveform, but shift-clicking between labels could be added. Also see Marking cut regions or points . Moving a label draws original and current edge(s) in waveform without having to select the label ( 7 votes ) Right-click functionality: ( 3 votes ) Add label ( 2 votes ) Moving a label moves the audio: ( 2 votes ) More distinction between region and point labels when zoomed out: ( 4 votes ) so that Export Multiple does not produce a few milliseconds of audio if you accidentally drag a point label when zoomed in. There already is the distinction that zoomed out and selected, the minimal region label will show no vertical line in the waveform and a double arrowhead in the Timeline, versus vertical line and single arrowhead for a point label. Still, it seems a reasonable addition for a point label to have a different-colored vertical line in label track and waveform. Labels include metadata ( 6 votes ) - not a request for cue sheet support, instead this gives a way in compilation albums to pass other than track Title and Track Number to Metadata Editor Improve navigation to/from arbitrary labels: ( 5 votes ) When the label track has focus, TAB or SHIFT TAB should always navigate to the nearest label (from the current cursor point in the direction specified), not do this only if a label is open and otherwise go forwards from the first label or backwards from the last label. ( 5 votes ) Selecting the label in Label Editor should move to the label ( 1 votes ) The Label Editor problem could be solved by having it open the selected label for editing, but that may not be desirable. We could a) provide a shortcut to open a label when the label track had focus and the cursor was at a label edge or b) allow TAB and SHIFT TAB to operate from that label when the condition in a) was true (or provide different shortcuts to do that). Automatic label text during playback/recording: ( 3 votes ) When using Add Label at Playback Position, provide an option to populate labels automatically with pre-defined text then close the label. Provide an option to increment the entered numbers or letters. Import label by simply drag-and-drop label file ( 1 votes ) Silence Finder: Split on silences automatically: Detected silences between songs or album tracks parsed into new track, or adds a label there. ( 9 votes ) Use an online database to do this ( 1 votes ) Analyze gt Silence Finder (available here if its not in your copy of Audacity) creates labels at each silence, then you can export multiple. Please clean records to assist proper detection of silences. Expand-to-silence: ( 2 votes ) expand selection command expands the selection leftwards and rightwards until silence between songs or beginning/end of track is found Also see the Books on tape. Use Cases for similar ideas. Expand-to-non-silence: ( 3 votes ) Double-click any point in a silence to automatically select the complete silence - useful for voice editing. In Audacity 2.x, Analyze gt Silence Finder labels silence, and Effect gt Truncate Silence can remove these silences. Minimum distance between labels ( 6 votes ) similar to Nero Wave Editor it can be very handy when handling large amount of spoken audio There is an experimental modification to Silence Finder here Count the number of silences produced to cross-check with number of tracks on an LP or cassette ( 1 votes ) Unified Silence Finder and Sound Finder: ( 4 votes ) Discussed many times before but never resolved. See forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpp212445p212445. Parameters must be saved so that it launches in last used Sound or Silence mode ( 2 votes ) Sound Finder: Provide message (or debug output) of number of labels produced: ( 1 votes ). New control for required number of output labels: ( 1 votes ) e. g. the number of songs in the track. Then Sound Finder auto-adjusts its settings to get as close to those number of labels as possible. Time Shift Tool Move Cursor Too Cursor within the track being moved should move with the track, not stay at same time point. ( 1 votes ) Additionally, if this cursor extended over other visible tracks, it would make it much easier to line up one track with the others. You can extend the cursor through all tracks by holding down SHIFT then clicking in the Track Control Panels of the other tracks. Allow multiple clips to be dragged onto a different track, not just single clips ( 1 votes ). Allow selection of clips by double-clicking whilst still in Time Shift Tool ( 1 votes ) Allow overlapping clips as in CoolEdit, but give overlap a different color ( 1 votes ) Lock-beyond: ( 2 votes ) Set a lock point beyond which tracks cannot be dragged. Could be set in current direction of travel or by right-click menu. Use Case: Set maximum length in a project with many overlapping tracks where you may not be able to see the end (bottom) of the project. An individual track locking capability to prevent inadvertent time shifting or changes to previously edited tracks Allow shifting by less than distance between samples ( 1 votes ) Allow shifting while audio playing ( 1 votes ) as in Cool Edit Pro Operable by right mouse button . rather than having to switch to Time Shift tool. ( 2 votes ) ( 2.x ) Using with CTRL moves that specific clip plus all clips to the right. Useful for inserting or a section. ( 1 votes ) You can select a region encompassing the clips you want to move, and drag just those. Export cue sheets from labels e. g. for CD burning (and/or text file compatible with shntool) ( 13 votes ) MP3 cue sheets ( 1 votes ) for example compatible with MP3Cue There is a Java-based tool called label2cue that converts Audacitys exported text files containing label information to cue information. Instructions for use of label2cue and details of other similar tools are here . Import cue sheets to labels e. g. to add internet database information to files. ( 3 votes ) Export lrc files from label track to be able to create song lyric files from inside audacity. ( 1 votes ) Split to multiple projects: Split the project into smaller multiple projects by labels, similar to the Export Multiple command. Each project retains the per-track labels of the original single project. ( 10 votes ) Save selection as new project: ( 2 votes ) Frequency Analysis Capabilities Plot Spectrum There are many additional single-vote suggestions at Suggested Frequency Analysis Capabilities. If any there especially appeal to you, please cut and paste them below and include your own vote for them. User-defined minimum dB level, but not via meter/waveform dB preference: ( 14 votes ) This is too inflexible, and non-obvious to the user. Also given the (generally better) normalization compared to 1.2, this leaves you with an empty plot when looking at low level audio, e. g white noise at -75 dB is not visible with Preferences set at -96 dB. Set a default minimum that can never leave user with an empty plot, but let user move the minimum if they wish. Text box input for lowest visible level ( 6 votes ) Option to turn off auto-scaling: which sets the top and bottom of the dB scale according to the significant level measured ( 7 votes ). User can then save their own maximum and minimum by text box in Plot Spectrum, a preference or sliders. Use case is easy comparison of different plots. Zoomable/pannable sliders ( 13 votes ) Absolute minimum dB could still be set by Meter/Waveform dB Preference . but use slider to set minimum within that. ( 1 votes ) Select any area on the grid and release mouse to zoom in on it ( 1 votes ) Normalization presets ( 10 votes ) Understandable default called e. g. music that gives a result like 1.2 plot, so that a section with most samples close to 0 dB peaks near to 0 dB in the spectrum, not at -20 dB User-defined frequency bands: ( 13 votes ) CoolEdit/Audition allow this. Use case: the most relevant region for music is 20 to 8000 Hz. Could be done by: Zoomable/pannable frequency axis ( 10 votes ) Text box for frequency cutoff point ( 4 votes ) For example the user could type in 1000 to see the frequency range of the spectrum from 0 to 1000 Hz. That parallels with the choice in Spectrograms preferences. Export spectrum graph as an image ( 7 votes ) Exported plot file should have metadata: ( 5 votes ) giving current plot window settings and a timestamp. Should also include path to project file ( 1 votes ) Manage plot files: ( 2 votes ) import or edit the files within Plot Spectrum window. Longer analyzable length than 10485760 samples: ( 3 votes ) Preference or option for analyzable length: ( 1 votes ) Overwrite or append choice for exported plot file: ( 3 votes ) Exported file should identify each peak and cursor position ( 3 votes ) Export maximum peak amplitude for each FFT bin rather than the average peak amplitude: ( 2 votes ) This means that the result will be identical whatever length of absolute silence is included in the selection. This might make a momentary frequency too loud everywhere else if you EQd against a such a plot, but if the average and maximum peaks were very different, this could usefully indicate possible faults in the recording. Remember window height/width across sessions ( 5 votes ) More distinctive cursor line ( 3 votes ) bolder, different color to grid lines or partly transparent Alternative plot from cursor point: ( 2 votes ) like CoolEdit, without having to select a region. Audacity could internally select the region length/position. Audacity 2.x by default selects all on no selection, so an exception would have to be allowed for Plot Spectrum. Also, region selection must still be offered for those analyzing a specific note. Multiple spectra window: ( 13 votes ) Plot multiple spectra for different tracks/regions in the same project e. g. Audition has four buttons to hold spectra. Currently different spectra must be in different projects. Multiple plots in different colors in the same window would aid comparing spectra. Plot cepstrum, energy, etc. offline: ( 1 votes ) Plot cepstrum and other indicators at given time intervals. Plot human frequency response curve (how humans hear frequencies) overlaid with the frequency spectrum ( 1 votes ) Create a negative difference between spectrum and human response curve as equalizer preset ( 1 votes ) Linear option for vertical dB scale: ( 4 votes ) Use cases: Demonstrating primary resonances of different instruments to elementary physics of music students without room noise and other musically insignificant peaks becoming over-prominent Shows power in peaks as directly proportional to height. Cents qualifier for pitch-class/octave ( 2 votes ). For example 443 Hz displays as A412, meaning 12 cents sharp of A4 in equal temperament (A4 440 Hz). Other analytical/statistical ability Export text file containing amplitude data for each sample ( 18 votes ) like Wavosaur Audacity now has Sample Data Export . Import text file containing amplitude data for each sample ( 2 votes ) RMS data wanted not just peak values ( 1 votes ) Allow selection by seconds as well as samples ( 1 votes ) Track sample data: headroom to dBFS (audio level), peak minimum and maximum sample, RMS volume, replay gain etc. see SF, Wavelab, Cool Edit etc. over an arbitrary length of audio, even the whole file. ( 8 votes ) This could go in Status Bar ( 1 votes ) This could work well with the new VAMP analysis plug-ins/ Find Clicks producing labels like Find Clipping, possibly using sine-wave-curve-fit prediction algorithm and labelling where waveform diverges from prediction. ( 2 votes ) Suggested Volume Analysis Capabilities. Volume Spectrum analysis tool. Stepped volume envelope with histograms of volume against channel, and gain against volume steps. ( 1 votes ) Pitch Accuracy Analysis: add votes below. Vectorscope : ( 3 votes ) as the example at youtube/watchvZGVu32c0ZA. showing X-Y plot for two signals (left and right of stereo track). Oscilloscope: ( 1 votes ) showing audio signal(s) converted to voltages over time. Spectrograms including Pitch (EAC): Also see Multiple track views for votes for a split waveform/spectrogram view. Crosshair as in Plot Spectrum ( 13 votes ) which enables on-screen measurement of the frequency and dB level. Length of audio should be the minimum interval possible taking the settings of the Fourier transform used in each track, namely the FFT size, window and overlap. Display low/high/centre of spectral selection on borders of a selection ( 6 votes ) Visual Tool editing of frequency or pitch: ( 10 votes ) - examples here. Erase Tool to remove pieces of spectrum: ( 9 votes ) e. g. removing harmonics or mouth noise from vocals brief noises at different pitch). See Spectral layers Photoshop-like brush tool ( 2 votes ) which would apply a chosen effect to an area of the spectrum which you paint it in. The brush might operate like a dodge/burn tool, making the volume quieter/louder in that frequency, or maybe you would apply a wah-wah just to the low frequency by drawing only in the low area Free shape selection tool Pen tool Pattern-matched brush tool: this would be a brush which attempts to match the area you are painting to pre-selected pattern before it applied the desired effect. Magic wand: to click on a color which selects all other pieces of that color Invert selection: so that you can select a frequency, invert the selection, delete the selection then be left only with the originally selected frequency. Export to image file (including PNG) ( 1 votes ) Export to image slideshow or video file ( 1 votes ) Export as graph or graphable data: ( 1 votes ) Vary FFT window overlap: ( 3 votes ) Allow varying the overlap when generating the spectrogram. Fully customize background color and spectrum colors not just grayscale or not ( 2 votes ) Export to three-column text file (energy/time/frequency) ( 2 votes ) Exchange X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis: ( 1 votes ) Per-track spectrogram settings: ( 2 votes ) When exploring the spectrogram, it would be convenient if it were possible to adjust by track the FFT Window and Display settings, which are now set through Preferences gtSpectrograms. 3D - Amplitude by Frequency by Time: ( 2 votes ) Scale should have shorter horizontal line for non-integer k values ( 1 votes ) See also Grid Lines Automation There is a separate Automation page for detailed discussions about new or advanced methods of workflow automation. For example we are at an early stage of developing the ability to drive Windows versions of Audacity from a perl or other script via a named pipe. At this stage this feature is suitable for developers only, but you can request the feature by voting below. Make Scripting (mod-script-pipe) available after enabling it in Preferences, without having to compile Audacity and the scripting module ( 25 votes ) Normalization/levelling and/or cropping of many files/tracks ( 5 votes ) Noise removal and other built-in filters ( 4 votes ) Create many audio clips from many different audio files ( 4 votes ) preconfigure exports to a particular format ( 4 votes ) Repetitive use of effects at different parameters ( 2 votes ) apply chains without use of mouse for audio analysis export files and their label track using information from online music databases such as Discogs Command line support Control Audacity from command line ( 33 votes ) See SoX for am alternative command line solution. Improvements to the Chains (batch processing) feature Include features dependent on selecting regions (e. g. trim, fades) ( 51 votes ) This is partly supported in Audacity 2.0.1 or later by adding to the chain appropriate Nyquist plug-ins that operate on selections. Export FFmpeg formats ( 49 votes ) Export format parameters ( 31 votes ) like bit rate, as in the Options button in the file export window. Parameters for chained and non-chain exports should be stored separately. Export sample rate ( 37 votes ) This is important for MP3 and other compressed formats because if a file imported for batch processing switches the project rate to something not supported by the export format, the batch comes to a halt at the resample dialog. Alternatively have a preference to OK the resample dialog automatically at the offered setting. This would not however alter the project rate, which is a separate suggested command Export Other uncompressed ( 26 votes ) Include Export Multiple ( 19 votes ) with options into Chain commands Apply Chains to multiple projects ( 19 votes ) instead of giving error messages Support Generate / Analyze effects ( 15 votes ) both those built into Audacity and user-added ones in any other formats supported by Chains Recursive selection of all files in one or more directories: ( 10 votes ) Export directory ( 10 votes ) Export AIFF ( 2 votes ) Export Labels ( 1 votes ) Support Silence Finder ( 5 votes ) VAMP support ( 2 votes ) VST support ( 8 votes ) LADSPA support ( 1 votes ) Apply Chains to files listed in LOF not mix the content into one file ( 3 votes ) Command to delete the old replaced file ( 2 votes ) Specify metadata using chain command Split Stereo Track: Single Chains dialog from which you can edit and apply the Chain ( 6 votes ) Permit minimising Audacity while Chain in progress: ( 2 votes ) Example parameters: ( 1 votes ) EX 1: (Reduce 4 dB at 2000 Hz with Q shelve 8 dB per Octave). EX 2: De-esser fx ( threshold -24 above 3800 Hz ) Make parameters configurable for: SaveHqMaster1 amp 2 Beep after a full Chain completes ( 2 votes ) but no beep for individual dialogs in a Chain) ( 2 votes ) See forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpp213546p213546. Import / Export buttons: so users can share Chains more easily ( 2 votes ) Ability to recover Chains applied to files if they crash ( 1 votes ) Wider Apply Chain dialog so you can see file names with long paths ( 1 votes ) Apply Chain dialog should be interactive: so you can scroll the list vertically or horizontally ( 1 votes ) Add Shortcut Keys e. g. CTRL SHIFT D to Chains array so that it can auto-task menu-dropdown and other manual mouse-click functions without disrupting batch automation. ( 1 votes ) Fader Automation Adjust the Mixer Board or Track Control Panel gain sliders while playing then record the slider moves so you can render them if desired. ( 4 votes ). Common feature on many other multi-track audio programs. In this way one can build up a mix, adjusting individual tracks and tweaking levels until just right. This would first require changing to linear envelope points. Could be extended to panning (if we had a pan envelope). Better transcription support Extend features/interface of Transcription Toolbar . ( 1 votes ). Label Tracks more suitable for transcription: ( 10 votes ) multi-line labels ( 4 votes ) so they dont lock when audio track is not zoomed in far enough to create a scroll ( 2 votes ) Freeform text box/small editing window better then you can copy paste all of it into a text editor when complete ( 2 votes ) each label should support more than 260 characters (which seems to be the limit on Windows) ( 1 votes ) Create 30 second tone, zoom out until it half fills screen then type in a label. When label is full, cant add more characters unless you zoom in (zooming allows you to scroll). James. If/when we improve transcription we want to support multi-line text and linking with a true text editor. Search for keywords within labels ( 1 votes ) New Effects Vinyl-specific noise removal effects such as low level rapid tickiness, groove rasping. (like GramoFile or other specialist tools ) ( 12 votes ) Noise gate (not noise removal, just a simple binary gate) ( 14 votes ) A Nyquist noise gate plug-in is available here . Built-in Expander (which is often coupled with a noise gate) ( 14 votes ) Compressor could include expander function ( 1 votes ) Presets such as for dbx/HighCom ( 1 votes ) Filters: Bandpass ( 3 votes ) DirectX effects not just VST ( 6 votes ) Pitch correction after setting to required key (like Auto-Tune), including T-Pain forced pitch effect ( 13 votes ) See open source plug-in called Autotalent . Pitch accuracy analysis: ( 1 votes ) Could be a Nyquist effect that shows the average pitch with cents deviation of labeled notes, or average pitch then on a further run adds a waveform representation of the labeled audio showing pitch deviation over time. See: forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpf42ampt73796. Better as another View Mode accessed from Track Control Panel instead: ( 1 votes ) Distortion: ( 18 votes ) A tube overdrive type distortion would probably be useful for a wide range of material (including vocals and guitar). Example choices could include: Tube Overdrive Fuzzbox ( 5 votes ) Robots ( 8 votes ) Tube distortion Walkie-Talkie Crunch Harmonic distortion (adds partials to the sound) Inharmonic distortion (adds frequencies that are not a integer product of the fundamental frequency) Hard clipping Soft clipping Cross-over distortion Tape saturation Modelled distortion types - those that emulate specific distortion effects such as modelling a specific brand/model of speaker, microphone, amplifier or effect unit. Room Panning: Pan different tracks to different parts of a room for surround sound effect.( 4 votes ) Stereo widener ( 2 votes ) Available in the Channel Mixer plug-in. Stereo effect from mono ( 3 votes ) Available in the Pseudo-Stereo plug-in. use FFT ( 1 votes ) Smoothen effect . perhaps using a weighted average (or a better method)( 1 votes ) I wonder about a tool to easy removing of noise could be useful in the program. Like the rubber tool in f. ex. photoshop. The rubber tool should flatten the noise when you touch the noise. It would then be possible to remove noise with less zooming. And maybe it could be useful to have the possibility to set the pencil to (f. ex. with SHIFT ) only go complete horizontally. Specialised Voice effects: Basic: Change gender, Change age, Chipmunks, Zeus ( 11 votes ) In the case of a track where the vocals are not solo but mixed in with other audio, how well this works depends how amenable the vocals are to being isolated. See Vocal Removal plug-ins . Advanced formant tools: ( 6 votes ) Professional pitch change/tune while retaining the formants, so retaining the characteristics of the original voice Advanced filtering/analysis tools like Praat ( 1 votes ) Dolby B/Dolby C filters for converting to/from tape recordings in Dolby) ( 4 votes ) Will need quite a lot of trial and error by ear, as the Dolby process is recording level dependent. Needs expander and treble cut. Eu concordo. It would be tricky to get it right without straight-up copying the actual process. This would be a licensing no-no. Trust me, I work at Dolby. There is a Winamp plug-in which simulates Dolby decoding here . Exciter to enhance album or tape recordings. It is actually an easy effect and only needs a high pass and distortion. This is widespread use in recording studios and radio stations. There are definitely some entries in the Forum for this - I will count votes later Deverb/Echo Cancellation: Echo Removal Tool/Deverb slider. This could improve back-of-the-room recordings. Sliders are Liveness, Room Size, Room Oblongedness, and Dirt (same as sliders in an Echo Generator). ( 8 votes ) Deverb is exceptionally difficult and virtually unknown in audio software except Postfish . Cant both deverb and echo cancellation be implemented by convolving the signal with a modified version of the rooms impulse response No, those operations cant be performed by convolution, this is the case where deconvolution (aka inverse convolution) has to be used (well, not always). De-essing ( 5 votes ) Re-essing: This is to improve the sound of already low bandwidth voice recordings by adding higher frequencies. Multiply two frequencies multiply waveforms together as in AM radio Convolve two audio signals ( 5 votes ) Yes, I realize that there is a lot of difficulty involved in avoiding clipping. Audio convolution can be used to make very convincing reverb effects. Please dont set limits for the length of the convolution signal. I want to be allowed to convolve much longer regular audio signals together. Convolution is built into the Nyquist language and is an incredibly powerful feature. If I understand correctly, one could take a simple click, perform any combination of filter/chorus/echo/reverb/equalization/etc. on it, and then apply this pre-calculated set of effects to a long signal. Why wasnt this added long ago, along with multiplying and adding signals Implementing convolution Combine this with EQ Matching proposal Chorus: ( 9 votes ) Only needs rate and depth controls ( 8 votes ) Multi-voice Chorus ( 1 votes ) Repeat with Delay: ( 2 votes ) Current Repeat effect gives a very dry result compared to creating and playing a loop in software sequencers or drum machines. Some delay could be added after the end of the region to be repeated, then the start of each repeat has this delay mixed in. Chop with segments of silence: Merely adding in a definable length of silence after a set amount of time from the original stream. This would produce a cutting in and out effect, much more abrupt than a tremolo. It would need only two or three parameters, length of silence and length of audio. Suppress quiet signals . A squelch level suppression to squelch out signals below a adjustable preset level. (originally this was in the recording enhancements section - but its better as an effect.). EQ Matching: ( 4 votes ) SmartEQ function to sample the frequency spectrum of a given piece of audio with a pleasing equalisation, then bring a second piece of audio to the same spectral content. Useful for most cassette recordings and other other medium - and low-fidelity sources. Also usable for sfx. Note: where frequency content falls to the noise floor, this may increase noise level heavily in an attempt to compensate. This is easily addressed afterwards with the Noise Removal, or can be addressed during frequency correction with more coding. Possibly could be incorporated as a third radio button in the current 1.3.x equaliser, with a Get Frequency Profile button and ability to add useful profiles as a custom preset. Envelope follower: ( 4 votes ) Dynamically modulate the volume of one track to match the volume of another. Select a waveform, extract its volume changes over time then apply these to another waveform making its envelope behave in exactly the same way. VCO-Synth: Something like a combination of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and the Sample and Hold modules of the old ARP 2600 Synthesizer analog. You could sample another waveform (in another track) at regular time intervals, and the instantaneous level of the sample determines the frequency of a tone generated for the same interval of time. In the real-world Arp 2600, you could patch the output of a VCO (or other audio source) into the input of the SampH module, then patch the SampH output into the control voltage input jack of another VCO. In the Audacity version, the user makes a selection in the track to be sampled (analogous to the first VCO). and then (in a dialog box) selects the time interval between samples, the minimum and maximum frequency to be generated. The duration of the resulting sequence of tones to be generated in a new track would be the same as the duration of the original selection. Optional - select sine, sawtooth, square, or triangle waveforms for the generated tone. Another option would be to be able to sub-divide the length of the selection into X number of sample intervals, as opposed to specifying the duration of the interval. Typical results would be a sequence of discrete pseudo-random (frequency) tones at regular intervals, like a retro movie sound effect for a computer thats busy thinking. Another example: Sampling a triangle waveform whose period is much longer than the sample interval would result in a series of ascending and descending stepped tones. Reduce Formant / Boost the fundamental frequency of a signal - replace a vocal or instrument signal with the sine wave or square wave of the fundamental frequency of that signal. Would help identify notes through overly distorted or overlayered signals. forum post ( 1 votes ) Transfer Function Effect in time domain: ( 1 votes ) Drawn with mouse, with presets and import/export. Nyquist has arguably more powerful functionality, but not graphical. So many rules could apply in any one case that the transferability would be very limited and case-specific. Other Improvements to Effects General (Effect menu items): Mouse scroll the Effect Menu ( 8 votes ) without scrollbar ( 3 votes ) with scrollbar if necessary to make it work ( 1 votes ) Real-time preview effects should have a method to apply and close in one go ( 5 votes ) Effects stay open after processing ( 5 votes ). User-added plug-ins (at least, Nyquist) should have this capability too. Use cases: Multiple pass effects such as Noise Removal Facilitates repeating an effect on different selections but using different settings for each An alternative would be a Re-show last effect shortcut as per GIMP Useful if an effect is able to change the selection while open Useful if plug-in has displayable help files like some Nyquist plug-ins Plug-ins can have different number of input and output tracks: for example surround encoder in the plugin. org package needs four inputs but produces two outputs. ( 1 votes ) Preview effects for whole duration of a selection with option to loop the preview ( 3 votes ) Ability to choose preview length has been added to the Audacity 2.x. Compare original (dry) with new (wet): ( 9 votes ) Dry and Wet Preview buttons ( 5 votes ) Visual comparison ( 2 votes ) Loop dry and wet in succession ( 1 votes ) Curve Editor for each effect to adjust how ferociously the effect changes the sample by time (posted on behalf of nitrotrigger on IRC ) ( 3 votes ) Recallable presets ( 13 votes ) Or as a minimum, all effects should remember settings on exit ( 12 votes ) Should apply to effects under the divider too especially GVerb where built-in presets are unsuitable for direct application to track ( 6 votes ) Currently only Equalization has presets. GVerb default settings are intended for mixing with original track - see GVerb On-Demand effects: ( 2 votes ) Effects apply while you continue to work (hear them applied in one part of the track by clicking there) Defaults: Defaults button ( 4 votes ) Marker on sliders to indicate default value ( 2 votes ) Effects manager: for all formats. Browse for, add and remove plug-ins from menus, see which require restart/rescan to be visible, add and remove directories where Audacity scans for plug-in types, possibly choose location of plug-ins directory ( 22 votes ) Quite difficult if extended to plug-ins outside the Audacity installation folder, where plug-ins can be in system folders. Also VST plug-ins in Audacity 2.x are managed by a scan on restart preference Better, built-in reverb above the divider ( 52 votes ) This guarantees a shipped reverb on Linux. The current GVerb has many issues. The built-in reverb should offer: more features ( 6 votes ) more algorithms especially impulse response convolution reverb ( 7 votes ) Very strong opinions to consider Freeverb3 as the best benchmark/starting point for reverb types and features (but dont include the whole suite as is) ( 14 votes ) sensible presets that do not depend on mixing with a duplicate to sound decent ( 6 votes ) Wet/Dry mix control ( 2 votes ) stereo output.( 4 votes ) The Harrison implementation looks like an example of how to implement GVerb well, but that depends at a minimum on Audacity supporting real-time effects. Amplify: Linear New Peak Amplitude input: less confusing because it matches with default waveform (and the generate effects) ( 4 votes ) Toggle non-destructive clipping when in 32-bit float quality ( 1 votes ) Option to launch at last used amplification level: ( 5 votes ) even if the New Peak Amplitude is different each time. Use case is trying/undoing different amplification amounts to get the one you want, and you want to see quickly what you last tried (or do it again if you think that will give you the desired result. Presets in dropdown menu: ( 2 votes ) Default to last used maximum dB level: ( 1 votes ) Currently it defaults to 0 dB whereas Normalize defaults to last used maximum. Bass and Treble: Reinstate Bass Boost effect or add Frequency control to Bass and Treble: ( 7 votes ) Change Speed/Tempo/Pitch: Gradually increasing/decreasing tempo changes (without pitch change) to facilitate DJ-style mixing ( 6 votes ) Controllable by a change factor (e. g. 0.5x means half as fast, 2x means twice as fast) so that users are not confused by -50 doubling the length/halving the frequency, while you need 100 to halve the length / double the frequency ( 9 votes ) Allow changes in tempo/speed to be applied on the fly from the current (and ongoing) playback position. Currently changes in speed forces reverting to the start of cursor. ( 1 votes ) Edit gt Move cursor. gt to Selection End Change Speed: length of selection control like Change Tempo ( 19 votes ) Change Speed: semitone pitch change control ( 3 votes ) Change Tempo: allow calculation of160 change from less than whole BPM values. ( 3 votes ) At slower tempi a non-integer change in BPM could mean a percentage change of two or three percent. Please notify infoATgiovannierataDOTit if fixed. This also allows this field to be used for any freeform units such as frames per second ( 3 votes ) This functionality will be available from Audacity 2.0.4 onwards. Change Speed/Tempo presets ( 8 votes ) Change Speed presets to/from 16 RPM ( 1 votes ) Dynamic Transient sharpening in Change Tempo/Pitch as in Sliding Timescale/Pitch Shift (without sliding of course) ( 2 votes ) Option to use higher quality sbsms algorithm from Sliding Timescale/Pitch Shift (or amalgamate the tools so all that can be done in Change Tempo/Pitch can be done in Timescale) ( 3 votes ) Window size choice in Change Pitch to combat FFT artefacts ( 1 votes ) Click Removal: Detection for clicks that are of similar level to surrounding audio or generally more reliable detection ( 28 votes ). Click Removal gives hints for other solutions, but one tool should do the job in most cases, as with other software. Intelligent joining to boundaries ( 1 votes ) like Repair so that doesnt potentially add artefacts by almost silencing the samples it replaces so leaving abrupt joins with the unchanged audio Compressor: Multi-band: ( 8 votes ) so retaining the same frequency distribution. Include a de-esser in this: ( 1 votes ) Process stereo pairs together: ( 7 votes ) so that the same amount of gain reduction is applied to both channels. The current Compressor applies different gain reduction to each channel which can lead to shifting of stereo image. Shorter attack/release times: ( 5 votes ) Show attack/release times in milliseconds: ( 1 votes ) Text box input: ( 5 votes ) Configurable lookahead in milliseconds: ( 4 votes ) so pre-emptively apply the compression. Dont just make it the same as the Attack Time as now. Choose upward or downwards compression independent of peak or RMS envelope: ( 2 votes ) Choose make-up gain amount ( 2 votes ) Built-in Hard limiter/dual slope/tabbed for different settings ( 2 votes ) Presets for common tasks: ( 2 votes ) such as Levelling speech, Maximizing, Audiobook compression, Peak limiting. Eliminates the need to install third party compressor plug-ins for casual users. Finer Ratio discrimination than .5: ( 1 votes ) Envelope-based tool that just works by dragging as in Digital Performer ( 1 votes ) Equalization: Reinstate 78 RPM EQ curves from Audacity 1.2: ( 25 votes ) You can generate a large number of company-specific 78 RPM and pre-RIAA LP curves using the experimental Nyquist plug-in 78 RPM EQ Curve Generator and the curve tables on 78rpm playback curves . Automatic 78 RPM EQ from RIAA-recorded 78s: ( 9 votes ) Inverts the curve to negate the RIAA EQ then applies the required 78 RPM EQ in one button press. More 78 RPM presets facilitate this (votes as above) De-emphasis for early CDs: ( 2 votes ) using the WaveEmph or other curves (see hydrogenaudio. org/forums/index. phpshowtopic65067 ) Improve accuracy: Text input ( 8 votes ) like Cool Edits right-click on control point then type the values ( 2 votes ) Edit box like Label Editor that would list all the points and allow normal editing functions like copy and paste ( 1 votes ) Text entry box when double-clicking on Graphic EQ sliders as elsewhere ( 2 votes ) Cursor readout ( 7 votes ) Zoomable grids ( 5 votes ) Simpler/more presettable Graphic EQ : ( 3 votes ) Either an alternative interface with current EQ, or an additional built-in effect. 5 - 7 bands would be adequate/quicker for our many casual users. Greater range of general purpose presets needed such as heavy bass boost, light treble reduction, equal loudness. These should be separated from other e. g. gramophone presets. Graphic EQ sliders should allow choice of bandwidth ( 1 votes ) Separate built-in Parametric EQ ( 3 votes ) i. e. where all parameters controlling the tone change have their own control. high pass, low pass and 3 or more bands ( 1 votes ) Add built-in envelope so that amount of EQ ( of gain specified in parameters) can be varied over time ( 1 votes ) Mini-waveform ( 2 votes ) (time against amplitude) in which you can click to preview - see Wavepad Incorporate mini-spectrum plot ( 7 votes ) ideally it should change when you modify the EQ curve Include dry (pre-effect) spectrum too ( 1 votes ) Save Presets without renaming unnamed ( 4 votes ) More frequency-specific presets like Very Bright, Mid-range, Classical, Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Dr Dre ( 3 votes ) User-saved presets should save filter length and Draw/Graphic mode ( 1 votes ) e. g. a curve with low frequency control points will require maximum length to be reasonably accurate but this length will slow down processing of other curves un-necessarily. Smart Normalize before EQ to safe level for the requested curve ( 1 votes ) Remember window size and position ( 3 votes ) FFT Filter seems to be missing in 1.3.3 (and in 1.3.5) The linear frequency scale in Equalization provides the same functionality Fade In/Fade Out: New controls for choosing the start and end amplitude gain - quick linear fade, much simpler and quicker than the Envelope Tool (and VI-accessible) ( 27 votes )Steve 12Nov12: Does there need to be a note that linear scale gain is not acceptable Gale: One more person has requested both target and gain, so I added the votes. OK, Ive now sifted through as many of these original requests for start and end amplitude as I could find (20). 14 of them say , four say 0.something, and two just say partial linear fade (but they mean the shape, I think). Ive generalised the first order request and applied that ratio of those who wanted and other features to the second order bullets. I think its up to you and I if we allow linear scale of 0 - 1, but Id still argue that it would confuse some users because of the similarity with the horizontal scale. Gale: If you add devcomments, please look at the result and fix the bullet points160:) Should be from160 of original amplitude to another160 of original amplitude ( 19 votes ) Additional Choice of fade to a target dB . not by an amount ( 17 votes ) As it stands, this feature could not be practicably realized for signals that have varying amplitude without a time period being specified within which the target amplitude should be attained. However there is still the possible choice of hiding the length issue from the user - the help would say what it actually does. See discussion on Talk page. Choices for dB or linear units, and/or linear or logarithmic shape ( 9 votes ) Should include multiple envelope points ( 4 votes ) Fade out according to freqency spectrum: fade bass more slowly like professional fader hardware to provide smooth fade and maintain depth right to the end This is implemented in the Nyquist plug-in Professional Fade Out Generate: Provide way to default selection format to other than seconds. Either store the format in. cfg or let it default to the current Selection Toolbar format ( 35 votes ) last used is better ( 14 votes ) same as Selection Toolbar format is better ( 6 votes ) Possibly generation at a region should always default to hh:mm:ss samples, but still allow different choice to be saved in Preferences ( 6 votes ) List notes for tone generation: ( 4 votes ) e. g.middle C (264 Hz) etc. More tone choices e. g. triangle ( 4 votes ) More non-tone choices e. g. handclaps ( 1 votes ) (2.x) Text box input as in 1.2, because much simpler to overtype irrespective of the format, and allows copy and paste ( 8 votes ) Choice of overtones to include: (within the limitations of the waveform chosen) ( 1 votes ). Noise Removal: Save Noise Profile for re-use in another session such as the previous method in Audacity 2.x where enabling CleanSpeech mode loaded a saved noise profile).( 9 votes ) Import/export noise profile as text file Profile graphs showing an FFT of the noise profile at capture and graphs before and after removal step Reset to Defaults ( 2 votes ) Modeless window: ( 5 votes ) like Analyze gt Contrast that lets you modify the selection with the window open. Clicking Get Noise Profile could then grab the profile but leave the window open while you select the audio to be noise-removed. Presets (including user-addable) such as light hiss, 60Hz hum ( 2 votes ) Leave Only Noise option as in Adobe Audition. When user performs this on a duplicated track which is then inverted and mixed with the original, it allows noise to be removed by pure cancel-by-inversion. Implement as a plug-in DX or VST, so people could use it in other applications. To filter noise out of mic input in real time, for example ( 1 votes ) Better noise removal without fiddling with sliders: ( 2 votes ) Normalization: Percentages: as an alternative to decibels. Many people have problems with decibels. ( 3 votes ) Replay Gain or RMS: ( 20 votes ) The current peak value normalization is far from what human ears perceive. If hard to implement, we can normalize to RMS (light blue in waveform) values instead Or use EBU Loudness Recommendation R128 ( 2 votes ) Display a momentary loudness curve that could adjust the normalization: ( 1 votes ) Smarter Normalize when isolated peaks much higher than others: ( 5 votes ) Ignore isolated peaks: ( 3 votes ) An adjustable percentage of the highest peaks are ignored for purposes of calculation, simply being left at the original level Sacrifice quality in isolated peaks: ( 1 votes ) Create histogram of levels that lets user choose normalisation dB or percentage and a percentage (or per thousand/million/billion) of peaks allowed to exceed the normalisation level Choose whether to ignore any peaks over 0 dB or not: ( 1 votes ) (some intersample peaks may be deliberate). Option to calculate track gains together to avoid changing stereo balance: When multiple stereo tracks are selected, only the highest peak level of ALL tracks should be considered to adjust each track by the same amount so that the volume of each track relative to each other will stay the same. ( 6 votes ) This is what Effect gt Amplify does. Some people would argue Amplify should be called Normalize. 2/0.x has an option to Normalize stereo channels independently. If unchecked, this retains the channel balance in stereo tracks while still letting all tracks be normalized independently . It does not replicate Amplify by only calculating the amplification needed to bring the loudest channel or track to the required New Peak Amplitude, then amplifying all tracks by that amount. Some people do want Amplify and Normalize to be merged - see the vote below - but care is needed so that too many options are not provided which could make a single effect too complex. Normalize should be merged with Amplify ( 5 votes ) Display the current absolute peak level: ( 1 votes ) Nyquist plug-ins: Preview Button: ( 2 votes ) Bundle as one large zip file: ( 2 votes ) Tabbed Interface: ( 3 votes ) Could allow a simple interface on one tab and an advanced on the other, or help on the other tab Remember settings post-session: ( 3 votes ) Nyquist Prompt: Parenthesis matching: ( 1 votes ) Highlight matching open/close brackets when one or the other is selected. Make Nyquist workbench an installable feature without having to compile Audacity from HEAD as now. Add syntax highlighting Insert plug-in Header command Repair: Vastly increased length of track to be worked on/works when zoomed out: ( 37 votes ) See here and this zip for attempts to integrate Repair with Find Clipping If selection made is too long, truncate it to maximum possible, but still let user drag the selection in either direction retaining the maximum length ( 4 votes ) Show the length that can be processed in current Selection Format, not samples ( 2 votes ) Show an approximate processing time for long selections. ( 1 votes ) Repeat: Checkbox for do not create split lines: ( 4 votes ) visually very distracting when fitting project to window. Add Delay so as to merge each repeat smoothly ( 3 votes ) Sliding Time Scale/Pitch Shift: Percentage control for pitch ( 2 votes ) so that conversions into semitone changes are avoided Envelope GUI ( 2 votes ) Truncate Silence: New option to work on each track separately not on mix ( 8 votes ) New option to truncate only leading and trailing silence ( 2 votes ) Vocal Remover: Removal of other than center-panned content, and isolation of content ( 10 votes ) Stereo output ( 3 votes ) See Vocal Removal Plug-ins for the issues involved in doing this and alternative tools already available. The main ways of improving such tools is by working on frequency/cepstrum rather than just spatial characteristics, plus (in the future) source separation . Option to place original audio in one channel and ouput in the other: ( 1 votes ) - solves main problem of recording karaoke - when to sing according to the original timings VST Plug-ins: Option for rescan on each launch plus once-only checkbox to restart on OKing Preferences ( 9 votes ) Rescan without restart ( 5 votes ) Install VST Effects dialog: Sort Name and Path separately ( 3 votes ) Put the name of the effect first in the menu or omit manufacturer ( 6 votes ) You can quit Audacity, open Audacitys folder for application data. then open pluginsregistry. cfg and carefully exchange the Name with the Vendor information and the Vendor with the Name information. Your change will only persist until you rescan plug-ins, of course. Installation/first run, deployment and uninstallation (Windows) Choose English language: ( 14 votes ) (Windows) MSI installer for multiple installation on networked computers ( 9 votes ) There is a script here that allows multiple installation via Group Policy or a tool to make an MSI installer here . (Windows) User-customisable location for Start Menu shortcut ( 2 votes ) (Windows) Support Windows 7 Jump Lists ( 3 votes ) At least allow Audacity to support Jump List Extender ( 1 votes ) Complete uninstallation including removal of Audacity settings and temp folder ( 5 votes ) Not very clear how this could be done outside of Windows installers unless there was a separate executable to remove settings. Where there was an uninstaller, it could include a repair option to reset settings instead of having a separate executable to repair or remove them. All-users settings, not per-user: ( 11 votes ) This frees new users in a multi-user environment such as a college or audio lab from having to configure paths or features that have to be chosen on first use, such as language (in 1.2), LAME or FFmpeg (in Audacity 2.x). You could run a script the first time a user logs on or otherwise pre-load their account with the settings wanted for Audacity. Plug-ins and Modules folders in Audacitys data folder ( 2 votes ) (where audacity. cfg is). On Linux this means root access is no longer needed to modify these folders, and custom plug-ins arent lost when updating from a package manager. OTOH Plug-ins and Modules would be hidden. This would be a drawback for Windows users which might outweigh the benefit of per-user plug-ins and modules. Let user choose folder location ( 2 votes ) could be done via an AUDACITYPATH environment variable for all platforms, or via an Effects Manager (doesnt matter then if folder is hidden), or via Preferences. Improved Resource or Project Management Priority: Set overall Audacity priority: ( 6 votes ) Raising Audacity priority can reduce risk of recording skips. Reducing might make it easier to work in other programs while exporting or running long effects. Could be a Preference but better to set on the fly with a button, its value stored in audacity. cfg and used on launch. Otherwise you need hacks such as computers Task Manager to change priority after launch, or a shortcut to do so at launch using some external software. Per-thread or per task priority: ( 3 votes ) Useful when Audacity projects and processes are separable and threadsafe. Progress bar for waveform drawing: When I do a control-f (zoom to fit in window) in audacity on a 2 hour recording it takes a while before the waveform is displayed. Some busy indicator, maybe even progress bar might help. Same for moving around in a file, which can take time. (even on striped disks) This also affects re-drawing of the waveform after applying pretty much any Effect. ( 6 votes ) Disk use limit for recording ( 11 votes ) Option to Disable ( 1 votes ) Disk space check before exporting: ( 16 votes ) - including indication of expected size of export, and choice to export partial file or cancel if insufficient space available. Would stop user exporting WAV files over the 2/4 GB limit, MP3s in excess of ringtone limits etc. Could only indicate that space was available at time of checking, could never guarantee the file would be completed if other disk events occurred. However Audacity 2.x does now have a warning if WAV/AIFF exports are not completed. Capability Hints in GUI: Search and recognize existing hardware capabilities. Specifically, note limits on quality achievable due to RAM configuration, DAC bit counts, soundboard specifics such as dB gain at recording levels (41, 44, 96), and other software installed on the machine (iTunes, other popular players / organizers). Then customize recommendations by what is doable on that machine, but still allow anyone to get extreme if they wish. ( 1 votes ) Detection of operating system with warning if Audacity version inappropriate: ( 1 votes ) Suggestion made primarily due to problems with Mac users having the wrong version of Audacity 1.2 for their architecture then the correct LAME binary is not recognised, though most of this particular problem will disappear when 2.0 comes out as a universal binary. Maybe useful when 2.0 is mainstream and does not support OS X 10.3 Undo History . Compress undo buffers ( 2 votes ) (You can already clear the Undo buffers by opening the Undo History dialog box, and compressing will take lots of CPU and have little space gain unless you use a lossy compressor, which kind of defeats the point of undo. ) Make Undo history viewable (but not actionable) after close project: ( 14 votes ) just so you can see what those actions were. Can be done by: Export undo history or complete commands history as a. txt file ( 7 votes ) or Store Undo history in the AUP file: ( 7 votes ) then you could look at the items (grayed out) in View gt History. Combine with feature to periodically save multiple timestamped AUP files as a backup ( 1 votes ) Make Undo active across sessions: ( 7 votes ) Useful when projects are shared between users and you may want to undo the last thing(s) that someone else did. This saves the much larger space requirements as now of saving multiple backup projects at different stages of project progress. This could potentially require vast amounts of disk space, so could never be default. Autosave history, so it can be restored after a crash: ( 1 votes ) Autosave is currently inefficient in long projects, scanning the entire data. As of 2.0.6-alpha there are many actions that appear in history that are not autosaved. It may or may not be possible to periodically export the history list every N minutes to the AUP file, bypassing the data scan. More detailed/organised: ( 3 votes ) includes EQ Parameters applied ( 1 votes ) includes which tracks items were applied to ( 3 votes ) should have separate entries for each track ( 1 votes ) Add mute/solo state to history ( 1 votes ) Project manager utility: ( 6 votes ) Could include: Safe renaming/moving/deleting of projects Choose multiple projects to export from/import into at one go (including export multiple ability from each project) Project Jukebox to play selected projects in sequence ( 1 votes ) Ability to open an AUP file by dragging in - it should just open a new project window ( 3 votes ) Smaller-sized and/or more unified project storage: ( 29 votes ) Single file, compressed audio (lossy or not) ( 18 votes ) Uncompressed data not essential for sending to others if they are not editing it. The dual concept of the data folder and. aup file is confusing and too interdependent. Option to zip project on save: Reduces size losslessly and minimises recipient confusion ( 5 votes ) Must be a lossless option . single file more important than compression ( 5 votes ) Audacity 2.x now has ability to save a compressed project, one OGG file per track, but still with a separate. aup file. Each track as one file ( 3 votes ) This is how commercial multitrack apps like Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools etc usually handles multitrack audio. Keep. aup file and data folder together in one folder. ( 3 votes ) Compatible with version control software (e. g. unchanged tracks or chunks always appear the same in binary form) --Skorpion 11:04, 11 March 2010 (CST) Project integrity . Make copy-in default: Only this will completely avoid danger of user deleting dependent files. ( 5 votes ) Store copy of. aup or autosave file as a backup ( 8 votes ) Could be a vital recovery feature if a crash or error on saving causes the file to be corrupted or destroyed. Incremental version check on audio file data (a la Volume Shadow Copy) because as of now, it seems to save anything it can and wants ( 1 votes ) Provide official MD5 and/or SHA1 sum ( 1 votes ) Save timeline/track position metadata in each. au file to allow recovery if. aup file missing or damaged ( 2 votes ) Could have a significant performance impact as editing may require continual resaving of all the. au files Better multi-threading/multi-processing support: ( 18 votes ) to use full potential of Dual-Core/multi-processor machines when exporting/editing the audio. Use Lisp process delegation for multi-core processing and (harder) multi-threaded operation. (Think: divide and conquer, process pools that operate on portions of the waveform and joining the result, and you will arrive at a solution) Better thread separation ( 9 votes ) to allow safe execution of simultaneous tasks to improve workflow. It should be possible on a modern machine to do things like simultaneously record in separate projects record in one project while editing or exporting from another etc. LRN wrote: Multi-threading means two different things. 1: Do two things simultaneously. This requires Audacity redesign to be more threaded. OpenCL wouldnt help here. On-Demand Loading is an example of threaded design. 2: Do one thing in two threads, which makes it go about two times faster. This requires special implementation and OpenCL would help. But its not cost-effective to rewrite everything in symmetric multi-processing style. Only costly operations should be made parallel, everything else would benefit more from threaded design. Additions to AUP project file: Current View Mode of each track: ( 3 votes ) Default View Mode in Tracks preferences will then affect only newly created tracks. View mode changes alone, like other view changes, may still not be sufficient to prompt for save of the project when closing. Window sizes and x/y positions: ( 3 votes ) Take advantage of unused GPU cycles: Graphics processing units have the processing power to run 3D image but Audacity doesnt use hi-res 3D. This unused power could potentially be harnessed to speed up audio processing. ( 4 votes ) Use Nvidias freeware CUDA parallel computing engine ( 1 votes ) Improvements to audacity. cfg: Export and Import ( 1 votes ) Immediate application of changes like modifying xml files: ( 1 votes ) 64-bit version of Audacity for faster processing addressing more than 4 GB RAM and support for 64-bit plug-ins( 15 votes ) Documentation more integrated with GUI: ( 6 votes ) Links/buttons go to relevant help in the Manual ( 4 votes ) Tooltips for extra help ( 3 votes ) Right-click context menu with list of all Wiki/docs entries Imports and Exports There are some file formats and effect interfaces we cant support for commercial reasons. Please check our Features We Cant Implement page before adding features to the list below. New Import/Export Formats Import/Export: Speex . Codec similar to Ogg Vorbis but optimized for voice. ( 11 votes ) Native Ogg Opus support: ( 19 votes ) - replaces Speex Support Opus info ( 1 votes ) - diagnostic tool giving technical information about the Opus file. OMF multi-track to/from ProTools /Cakewalk, etc. ( 5 votes ) Aud-X (mp3 5.1) files ( 1 votes ) MBWF (new multichannel extension for Broadcast WAV format) ( 2 votes ) MPC files (Windows) ( 2 votes ) DSS ( 3 votes ) OFR files: (OptimFROG files, a lossless audio format thats smaller than FLAC). DSD 1-bit Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) audio e. g. used in top-end portable recorders or for storage on SACDs. ( 2 votes ) RCA-VOC G.729a compression codec for RCA Digital Voice Recorders ( 2 votes ) BIN sound files. WV WavPack ( 4 votes ) iLBC as defined in RFC 3951. Free/Open Source. One of the codecs used by Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger etc. Often wrapped in CAF container ( 1 votes ) QuickTime files on Windows/Mac ( 6 votes ) Support for importing QuickTime based formats has been reintroduced in 1.3.3 for users on OS X Ability to extract and import Vorbis portion of Ogg files encoded with non-audio tracks, such as Theora. Currently gives an error unknown format, straightforward modifications should do the trick. ( 2 votes ) Other Import/Exports Quick Export: the essential feature is that the Export button saves the file - no dialogs, questions, or clicks after that. Paths/file names/formats are configured beforehand, probably in Preferences (these could include to use the path/file name the original file comes from, or a fixed location) ( 8 votes ) This feature is especially useful if combined with the request below for a timestamp included in the file name, especially for wildlife recording where you want to make frequent short recordings without having to divert too much time or attention from the actual subject. Edgar I put code on the forum which stores the Import directory and uses that to seed the Export dialog: forum topic See Proposal Menu Reorganisation for some ideas that are being discussed for project save and file export. There are also some votes to have preferences for file name and/or path, but still having to go through a file save window to give the ability to change format on the fly. Read/write embedded cue points in WAV files like CoolEdit ( 5 votes ) and let them contain information from Audacity labels ( 1 votes ) and have them act as snap points (e. g. marking bar or beat boundaries on rhythm samples) ( 1 votes ) Read/write embedded loop points in WAV files like Wavosaur. ( 3 votes ) Export File window: Checkbox here and in Export Multiple window for exporting leading white space as silence ( 14 votes ). Could be a preference or a render option rather than only export. See also forum. audacityteam. org/viewtopic. phpf20ampt80408. New checkbox Export at current Play-at-speed. ( 2 votes ) by Penguin on 19 July 2008 (2.x) Options too undiscoverable/hard to remember/fiddly to access ( 11 votes ) Ideas: Dynamic text shows current settings for those formats with options ( 3 votes ) Tooltip ( 3 votes ) Fly-out dialog when you select the format ( 2 votes ) Go back to individual ltexport formatgt items in File menu ( 3 votes ) Timestamp button to add a string for current system date/time in the file name ( 2 votes ) Templated Command Line Export: Add variables to the Command Line Export Options that reference the contents of the various Metadata fields. These would be similar to the160f variable for Filename already available, allowing totally automated export of files to programs that support writing Metadata to files/understand the variables being passed. ( 3 votes ) Until then, a workaround to get the metadata exported when using the command line would be to disable Metadata Editor in Preferences and enter the metadata in the command line options using the relevant tag switches (for example in MP3s with LAME, --tt lttitlegt) as described on the LAME usage page Cross-platform project files - somebody on Mac got burned by being given Audacity Project files from a PC. Audacity doesnt warn you that you should export WAV instead and theres nothing in the instructions. Projects saved by Audacity 1.2.2 and later are cross-platform, but you have to supply the other user with the data folder as well. See Sending your work to others . Command line presets in an. ini or. xml file rather than retype over for different formats. ( 1 votes ) Command line pipes: For example sox - t wav - - r 44100 - t wav - polyphase lame - V6 --vbr-new - f VBR as Default: Export MP3 should use by default variable bitrate to efficiently allow best quality, probably also with a low-pass filter enabled. It appears to me the available bitranges are still too narrow in the current (1.3.4) version. Please see jthz/mp3 160 ( 1 votes ) The MP3 export options dialog does have to balance offering more advanced options with being usable by the majority of users. All you need to do if you want more exotic options such as those allowing the exported VBR MP3 to contain a wider range of bitrates, is to put LAME. exe in the Audacity installation folder then select external program instead of MP3 files. Then enter your command string. For example, for the highest quality command that page suggests, youd enter: lame - V1 --vbr-new - b112 --lowpass 21 - q0 - f Set sample rate for export in export options: ( 5 votes ) Default could be the project rate, but if a single track is exported and has a different rate, use that rate. Set bit rate for export options for all formats: ( 1 votes ) Bitrate would be very confusing for most users where WAV/AIFF are concerned - its (ltbit formatgt ltnumber of channelsgt ltsample rategt) so 1411 kbps for a stereo, 16 bit 44100 Hz sample rate WAV. Invalid sample rate dialog: Add checkbox Apply this rate to any remaining conflicts (checkbox state is stored in. cfg) and/or add checkbox linked to Warnings Preferences Dont warn again and always use highest rate. ( 7 votes ) Easier file selection: Allow multiple import from different directories by specifying in a list box ( 1 votes ) Automatic snap-to CDDA boundaries when exporting multiple with labels: Avoids small gaps when burning CDs, saves changing selection format and turning snap-to on manually. The FLAC encode actually has an option to do this. ( 2 votes ) Import/Export of envelope points: as XML file ( 4 votes ) Label Export Include name of label track in the file fields so this displays in the label name upon import ( 3 votes ) Include project name in exported file name: for example: projectnamelabels. txt ( 2 votes ) XML/SMIL Label Export for using Audacity to analyze interviews or to generate Audio-Picture-Slideshows e. g. for educational use). Nodes: trackname with Nodes start, end, label or using SMIL. ( 3 votes ) ODF Label Export with the timecode of each label in an ODF document. ( 1 votes ) James. We already have CSV. Already easy to get ODF. Import/Export playlist file like M3U/PLS . Playlist is converted to a track with separate clips, each clip being loaded from the specified file ( 2 votes ) You can as a workround edit playlist files into a. lof list of files format as per instructions here. Audacity will then import the listed files, albeit into separate tracks Hierarchical Projects Importing a project into another project: Could highly facilitate the development of big projects, because one can maintain the different parts separated ( 2 votes ) Metadata tags: Separate tags for each imported file not have Metadata Editor take the tags from the last imported file ( 15 votes ) Track Number tag should have two fields n of nn (for example, 3 of 12) ( 1 votes ) Support lyrics and album art in metadata tags where the format supports this, so that you can add these, or at the least so that these are not discarded when you import and export the file ( 52 votes ) Support ID3v1: ( 6 votes ). Some MP3 players and specialised software or hardware require it e. g. BWF WidgetPro and some hard disc recorders can only identify MP3 timecode in ID3V1. CR/LF in metadata: ( 1 votes ) a way to enter Carriage Returns/Line feeds into the Comments Tag field in the Metadata Editor. Audacity now truncates pasted text at the first CR/LF but more advanced tag editors support multi-line comments. Could be handled by a single-line edit box with expansion button. The single-line edit box displays the multi-line data without breaks clicking the expansion button opens a new dialog with a multiline editor. Connect to MySQL metadata database: ( 1 votes ) so can select a song from the database and push a button to fill in the data for a recording in Audacity. Support common ID3 tags that are not included in Audacity defaults, such as Album Artist (TPE2), Composer (TCOM) and BPM (TBPM) ( 13 votes ) rather than write them as user-specified TXXX tags that some tag editors cannot see ( Bug 541 ). Import RAW data: Save and load Presets ( 6 votes ) Remove hardcoding to maximum 100000 Hz ( 12 votes ) as per bug 192 Remove hardcoding to maximum 16 channels ( 4 votes ) Parse file names or extensions: ( 2 votes ) for example audio16b44100Hz6c or similar pre-fills the dialog There is a patch submitted which automatically imports U-Law files as mono 8000 Hz via Import gt Raw data based on their. ulaw file extension. Link or button to open Import Raw from Error importing dialog when error suggests using raw import ( 3 votes ) Option to disable format guessing and use last used setting saved in audacity. cfg ( 4 votes ) Retain format guessing but remember sample rate across sessions ( 2 votes ) Import/Export Project to Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) . Or use AFF instead of. aup. Makes Audacity projects compatible with many other audio (and video) editing programs. AAF supersedes OMF. See AAF on Wikipedia and AAF framework on SF. Easier Lame: Rewrite the Lame selection panel so non-techies can understand it. We now have an. exe LAME installer for Windows users. Just download and run it. Keep import/export libraries up-to-date: ( 2 votes ) for example libogg is several years out of date as at July 2010 Default MP3 export setting halves the bit-rate if the track is mono: ( 15 votes ) When you invoke LAME from the command-line using the default command without parameters, it detects if the track is mono and produces a 64 kbps file (as opposed to producing a 128 kbps file if the track is stereo). With Audacity GUI MP3 export, the default export to MP3 always produces a 128 kbps file even if the track is mono. When you invoke LAME from the command-line using the - b option then the specified bit rate applies. In Audacitys MP3 export GUI, the bit rate is always specified for CBR (and ABR) and is applied just as for command line export. What Audacity does not have is an option to leave the bit rate unspecified. MP3 export option to use default LAME sample rate for the bit rate rather than use the Audacity project rate ( 1 votes ). Use case: import 44100 Hz MP3, export as 32 kbps MP3. Using - b 32 in (external program) export sets output sample rate to 22050 Hz (for mono) and often produces a better sounding file than leaving project rate at 44100 Hz. Allow use of pre-existing system libraries: for example ffdshow tryout on Windows instead of both LAME and FFmpeg. Provide way to automatically add extension for chosen export format after file name when file name contains a dot: ( 22 votes ) Audacity adds the chosen extension when there is no dot in the file name, but if you add a dot as part of the file name, it prompts if you want to save as the file name typed in. - Bertyhell James If we did this there would be no way for a user to save the file without an extension. Some users may want to do that. Gale There is no way to do that now, except by Custom FFmepg export or command-line export. The reason I disagree with the suggestion is that there would be no way to force an extension other than the allowed ones for the format. To workaround it, add the intended extension manually (for example, dot. mp3), then there will be no warning. Bertyhell I see your point but i disagree. what do you think about this: when you want no extension you choose all files from the extension menu, when you already have a point, check if its 3 or less chars behind the point and not only numbers, then you dont have to add extension, else you autoadd. Gale All files would not let you specify the format unless there was a huge dialog behind the Options button. Your rule would still not let me write dot to export dot. mp3. There are 3 cases 1) force no extension 2) force non-standard extension 3) add format-appropriate extension even if file name has dot. I suppose 1) and 2) could be covered by a Verbatim checkbox which then never produces a warning and 3) by an Always add extension checkbox. I dont think any single rule will cover all cases. What does someone typing music. mpg want to produce - music. mpg or music. mpg. mp3 Use FFmpeg for MP3 export so that maximum external libraries to install is one ( 4 votes ) Keep FFmpeg dynamic library support updated to latest FFmpeg: ( 3 votes ) Add Honour solo state checkboxes to the Export and Export Multiple dialog boxes: ( 1 votes ) Theres some disagreement and user confusion over whether the solo buttons should affect exports. Adding this option to the export dialogs will (a) allow the users to select the behaviour they prefer, (b) inform them the the default behaviour doesnt honour the solo state, and (c) reassure them that this isnt a bug. Interface Modifications In some cases requests for modifications are differences in user preferences, and are best entered as a request for a modification to Preferences . New/Modified Toolbars or Menus Customisable Toolbar: ( 6 votes ) add/remove/move items from/between toolbars (similar to customising the toolbars in Firefox) and create a personal toolbar with just the icons you use heavily yourself (then you can hide all the other toolbars to save space) Customizable Menus: add/remove/move items from/between menus ( 1 votes ) Ribbon toolbars or dropdown icons to help declutter the GUI ( 3 votes ) Effects Toolbar ( 6 votes ) Should be able to be dragged to any area of the screen and dockable. Organize the visible buttons, organise the Effect menu and create favorites list. Repair Toolbar ( 1 votes ) containing (left to right) Zoom In/Repair/Zoom Out buttons. Both Zoom buttons zoom by (say) factor of 10 if Control key depressed. Breaks monotony of using the keyboard all the time and holding and releasing the mouse to highlight the repair area. Global hide/show toolbars switch ( 1 votes ) retains the same toolbar positions when unhid - preferably keyboard accessible too. Analyze Menu: Real-time Tuner: like Tuning Fork in GarageBand ( 1 votes ) See here for some free instrument tuner programs and a possible method to tune instruments in Audacity using a pre-recorded track and Plot Spectrum . Edit Menu: Insert File: ( 5 votes ) Dialog allows insertion of multiple files, each at specified cursor positions not just insertion of one file at wherever the current position is ( 1 votes ) Paste Special: More commands including Replace, Mix and Insert Before as well as the standard Paste for Insert After. ( 13 votes ) Paste Mix: ( 3 votes ) Paste Crossfade Mix ( 2 votes ) Paste Replace: ( 1 votes ) Paste Fill: ( 1 votes ) A special case of Replace where the region pasted into is filled with the content of the clipboard (truncated or repeated as needs be) so as to maintain the length of the track. Obvious use case is maintaining synchronisation in video sound tracks. Move cursor with short key and value e. g. 1.5 minutes forward by pressing 180 enter, -10 to go back 10 seconds. ( 4 votes ) Please make this available as move cursor and move select from cursor position, as its currently not so easy to select fixed length areas. This should also allow parts of seconds, e. g. 10.25 to go forward 10.25 seconds. As a quick workaround a keyboard shortcut to reach the Selection Start/End/Length/Audio Position Box without moving the mouse would be very helpful. Select sub-menu: Quick-Play Range, Move Cursor gt Quick-Play Start, Move Cursor gt Quick-Play End Halve selection length, double selection length ( 1 votes ) Shift selection by length of selection: Shift Left and Shift Right, e. g. if a bar of music is selected, the next or previous bar becomes selected. ( 1 votes ) Invert Selection: Huge time saver, would require support for multiple regions as per multiple label selection. As a cheaper allternative, Effect gt Repeat last effect on inverted selection, running the effect separately on the two selections. ( 3 votes ) Split off Select items into their own menu. Region Save/Restore: Restore to same zoom level and timeline position ( 5 votes ) Use case: zoom into selection scroll a bit to find a part to edit, then go back to original selection. Also see Edit Toolbar for idea to toggle Fit/Unfit of Selection or Project - you may want to modify the selection before going back to last zoom level Save multiple regions ( 2 votes ) Restore last used: ( 2 votes ) so you dont have to remember to save. If user repeated the command, we would need to decide if it alternated between the last two regions or carried on going back in time (or provide a choice for those). Reset Preferences: ( 15 votes ) An easier way is needed to enable and advertise reset of Preferences (rather than have users mistakenly think uninstalling/reinstalling Audacity will correct a problem). Could instead/also be an executable to repair or remove settings in the install folder (see first run, deployment and uninstallation ). It could be an item in Preferences but that creates confusion as you could both change preferences and negate the changes by enabling a reset. It could be a key-modified click when launching the Audacity executable. From version 2.0.1, the Windows installer for Audacity has an option to reset Preferences on next launch of Audacity. Make Silence Audio non-destructive so it could be undone at any time. ( 1 votes ) Could be a feature of Envelope Tool or it could work like an automation control for the Mute button. Edit Toolbar: Delete selection: Cut (scissors) also too easily used for this in error Fit Project fits vertically as well as horizontally like CoolEdit ( 3 votes ) Fit/Unfit Selection, Fit/Unfit Project: ( 3 votes ) So much easier to go back to last zoom and timeline state. Save Project ( 1 votes ) Delete Project ( 1 votes ) Select Current View ( 1 votes ) Select All ( 2 votes ) Split: Cut (scissors) is too easily used for Split by mistake Zoom: Zoom Maximum button (sample level) (or to a configurable preset close to maximum) ( 8 votes ) Zoom Normal button ( 5 votes ) Vertical from/to state where collapsed tracks are at some minimum size (still able to display gain/pan, or still showing sample rate and format). ( 7 votes ) Could be done by CTRL click on the current zoom button ( 1 votes ) To beginning or end of a selection ( 7 votes ) Zoom to selection should have small space at right and left so selection may be adjusted without scrolling ( 6 votes ) Zoom presets: ( 9 votes ) Briefly we had a zoom toggle button with a double magnifying glass that switched between two levels of zoom. It remembered the zoom level for the last two uses, so clicking it twice always returned you to last zoom level. Zoom slider ( 4 votes ) for finely graded zooming Display current zoom factor on Status Bar ( 2 votes ) Effect Menu: Reopen ltlast effectgt: ( 5 votes ) without running it, with a new shortcut CTRLSHIFTR. Useful to apply the same effect several times with different settings, for example if applying Equalization, Compression or filters. Would also be an easier way to re-access Noise Removal after grabbing the Noise Profile. File Menu: Overwrite: ( 17 votes ) Just overwrite the imported file without any questions asked about name, format or options See also requests for a preference to Export to same format as imported file and File gt Overwrite on Exit. Preview file within file open dialog ( 8 votes ) Separate Export to ltformatgt menu items as in 1.2 ( 4 votes ) File information within file open dialog: ( 3 votes ) Media File Information: ( 5 votes ) Separate window that displays full audio characteristics of any file that has been imported into the project. Print Special: ( 1 votes ) to print selected parts of waveform Separate Recent Projects and Recent Files menus ( 1 votes ) Open to open Audacity Projects only (Import opens audio files). Suggested that users look for Open to open audio files because this is more understandable than Import, but then cant find Save to save an audio file. If only projects were available in Open, it might educate them to find Import ( 5 votes ) One disadvantage is that a new way would be needed to allow importing into a new project in one step. More importanly, import is just as misunderstod as export is. Reload imported file from disk: with dialog if more than one file currently imported. Useful if generating/simultaneously editing uncompressed files in other programs. Only have Export item, not Export Selection: ( 1 votes ) The problem is now that if you select audio then press Export thinking that exports the selection as in some other applications, it actually exports all. A couple of people have objected that you cant then export all while retaining the selection, or you may forget to remove the selection. Help Menu PDF version of Manual ( 82 votes ) This gives you overall search, and is much simpler if you want to launch the Manual out of your file manager. Hard copy purchasable official Manual ( 7 votes ) (2.x) Screenshot Tools: Option to capture only the waveform/spectrum/pitch excluding all interface parts ( 9 votes ) File gt Print lets you print an image with the track content only, plus the Timeline customised image format and quality ( 3 votes ) auto crop ( 1 votes ) customised background color ( 1 votes ) Label Track: Next and Previous Labels buttons in panel of Label Track. ( 2 votes ) Metadata Editor: Right-click copy and paste for all fields, not just Genre. ( 1 votes ) Ability to remove default fields ( 1 votes ) There would also have to be a way to restore the default fields, or make it so that removing them would only work while the Metadata Editor was open, so that a Template or Default could be saved with fields removed. Meter Toolbar: See more suggestions about the VU Meters that only have one vote. If you like any of those suggestions, move them from there to here and increase to 2 votes: Allow meter to dock vertically at any edge/corner ( 9 votes ) - this a) lets you resize the project window without losing the relative position of the meters b) lets the main window keep focus so still accept the R Record shortcut after clicking in the meter to monitor. This same argument can be extended to all toolbars. Vertical dock must be at reduced width too ( 4 votes ) Configurable samples-to-trigger160: ( 6 votes ) Meters require 3 consecutive samples to clip, Show Clipping 1 sample and View Clipping 3 samples (by default) user should at least be able to change the meter trigger value with 1 sample being offered Configurable level-to-trigger160: ( 3 votes ) Useful if the hardware insists on clipping below 0 dB e. g. SoundBlasters. Proper window with minimise/close buttons and title bar as in 1.2 ( 10 votes ) Standards-based meter: See details. ( 5 votes ) EBU standard R128 ( 1 votes ) ANSI C16.5 VU meter ( 1 votes ) Per-track recording meters ( 4 votes ) LED/bar type with sticky peak sections: ( 4 votes ) Especially helpful for live recording. Now you need to watch the meters in real time, and the sliding peak indicator only holds position for a few seconds. Cakewalk Sonar has this with a reset button. Reset button for red clipping hold light ( 2 votes ) irrespective of type of meter bars Compressor/limiter peak hold line to show maximum amount of compression/limiting since starting. Can help finding right settings without having to watch very closely. Display meter ticks/values above 0 dB/FS ( 2 votes ) Control for Meter/Waveform (dB) display range on the fly instead of in global preferences ( 2 votes ) Cascading menu item Meter/Waveform dB range gt in the right-click meter menu Display/name the input being monitored ( 1 votes ) I understand that this info would have to initially come from the drivers and that it might be named poorly. Id like to change the name of each of these inputs myself. For instance, I have a card with 8 analog inputs, and 5 different input names, multi (for access to all the inputs), and 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. In the Edit - gt Preferences menu these all have the words M-Audio Delta 1010LT in front, but I dont need to see that. Options Toolbar: a new toolbar ( 1 votes ) for easy access to Envelope/Fade/and possibly other options Project Menu: A new menu ( 3 votes ) that accepts that novice users dont understand projects and export. Keeping everything do to with projects out of File menu should ease confusion, shorten the File menu and allow later expansion of project handling/management. Selection Toolbar: New selection formats: Microseconds s: ( 26 votes ) Very important to measure exact frequency of a certain cycle or speed of sound - 1.2.6 supports microseconds but later versions dont The relevance of s divisions are perhaps a little spurious for audio applications given that the smallest selectable time unit is one sample period (around 22.68 s at the default sample rate of 44100 Hz) Milliseconds ( 1 votes ) (on their own, like seconds) useful for video and other synchronisation delays 23.976 Drop Frame: ( 1 votes ) 23.976216 NTSC Frames: ( 1 votes ) 29.970 NTSC Frames: ( 1 votes ) 29.970628 NTSC Frames ( 1 votes ) Minutes seconds: (without hours) ( 2 votes ) Seconds Hundredths and/or Seconds Milliseconds: ( 2 votes ) Customized user-chosen syntax: ( 1 votes ) e. g. omitting hours or alphabetical separators Favorites for quicker access: ( 1 votes ) Permanent indication of/add box for total length of project: ( 6 votes ) This should be end-time minus start-time, so ignoring white space at the start ( 1 votes ) Show project length when Length button is selected with no region selected ( 1 votes ) Presets for frequently entered values ( 1 votes ) Copy/paste from system clipboard ( 2 votes ) Percentage of project selected ( 1 votes ) Visual indication when Project Rate changed due to file import e. g. flashes red Mouse position indicator: like Photoshop X/Y info while mouse being moved. Could be used to preview a new position without having to click to lose the original one. Could possibly be a tooltip instead ( 2 votes ) Number of tracks and select track number. box ( 2 votes ) Project rate in kHz for easier reading ( 1 votes ) Separate time displays for End and Length Very useful to see both at the same time( 2 votes ) Separate widget for Selection Format to replace current three widgets: ( 1 votes ) It uses (a little) more space but aids discoverability of feature. If Samples is the selection format, Audacity is running in a language that uses long words, the OS uses large fonts/and or user runs at 800x600, there isnt room without modifications such as End/Length above each other, or move Audio Position (which appears to be editable but isnt) elsewhere. Snap To: Beats ( 16 votes ) Zero Crossings . useful for silent edits and looping. ( 6 votes ) Should apply to dragged clips ( 5 votes ) Should apply to dragged/resized labels ( 4 votes ) Toggle on/off when performing operation: For example, shift before drag snaps selection edge or cursor position) ( 1 votes ) Cut lines ( 1 votes ) Tools menu: a new menu ( 2 votes ) for: features or plug-ins that do not generate audio or require a selection Some of the utility commands that dont fit well in the existing menus Linear or Exponential Envelopes (Envelope Tool Options) Fade In/Out options Nyquist Workbench New Utility type Nyquist plug-ins that do not generate, process or analyze. Tools Toolbar: One row of icons instead of two giving space to fit other toolbars underneath or make more space for waveform ( 5 votes ) Toggle follow playback/record allowing editing of an area while continuing to listen. Available during playback/record. Tracks Menu Unsolo All Tracks: ( 5 votes ) this would be a one-click way to hear what you were going to export in Standard Solo Button Mode. Button for Add Label: ( 3 votes ) It could add label at selection when track static, otherwise at playback or recording cursor CrossFade and Mix: ( 1 votes ) Unexplained feature that crossfades (specifed regions) in selected tracks then mixes. Edit Properties ( 2 votes ) Like Labels Editor, a table with columns (to change Name, Mixer Board icon, track number, Pan, Gain, Mute, Solo and track start time). It should include a Play button and import/export as a text file. Edit Labels: Include label track metadata: ( 1 votes ) It would be useful to store and export information not strictly needed for creation of the label track, such as the label track start, end and duration, number and duration of labels and user comments (use case is for Powerpoint presentation where slides have to change at precise points in the sound track). Sort Tracks works on selected tracks ( 2 votes ) Mono to Stereo ( 4 votes ) Given a) you can Edit gt Duplicate then use the Track Drop-down menu gt Make Stereo Track b) the mono track will play through both speakers and sound the same as the stereo track c) a menu item would encourage the myth that 2-channel mono is stereo, it seems a non-starter A shortcut for Make Stereo Track such as CTRL SHIFT would allow for quicker usage of plug-ins which first require a rendered stereo track, e. g. Psuedo-Stereo. ( 1 votes ) Transport Menu: Rename to Play/Record so discoverable by novices ( 4 votes ) Transport Toolbar: Separate loop-play button ( 9 votes ) Arguably we need an alternative optional Transport Toolbar with smaller buttons to accommodate this - until then the extra button could be seen as clutter ( 2 votes ) Loop button to loop whole track even if selection ( 1 votes ) You can currently press SHIFT while clicking play (discoverable by a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the Play button) One-handed method e. g. right-click to make Play button loop (not loop by SHIFT-click) ( 2 votes ) Play button icon has vertical bar to left: ( 3 votes ) to show that it plays from editing cursor Pause button changes to Play icon (with no vertical bar) in paused playback state: ( 3 votes ) Loop-Attribute to Play instead of Loop-Start-Button ( 1 votes ): for editing you rather always need Loop than ever Play. Separate Stop and Set Cursor button: ( 11 votes ) Separate Append-Record button ( 4 votes ) Stronger indication in Record button of active recording ( 2 votes ) Bright red with blurred effect like an LED ( 2 votes ) Resize to half-height ( 4 votes ) to align with a half-height resizable Tools Toolbar List of available buttons with options to enable or disable, and change order. ( 1 votes ) Square buttons as on Mac ( 2 votes ) Smaller buttons No separate Stop button: press Play and Record to toggle start and stop ( 4 votes ) No separate Pause button: let Play and Record become Pause once depressed, can be distracting looking for/having to hit a separate button. ( 1 votes ) Some users find recording starts quicker with a Pause gt Record gt Pause sequence that needs a separate button We obviously cant have both of these, I guess whichever one gets more votes wins if either one gets in We could have both if we allowed fully customisable Transport Toolbar buttons. Fully customisable buttons: ( 3 votes ) Pressing a cogwheel icon shows you a range of buttons that do one action only (e. g. Append Record, Pause, Loop Play, Play from Start, Pause, Stop and Set cursor, Stop and set back) and buttons that do multiple actions according to modifier (e. g. Record, Stop, Play, combined Pause/Play). User then chooses what buttons they want to appear in the toolbar. Advanced Transport Toolbar Should be able to switch between Basic and Advanced mode while recording if possible. Maybe with another button on the Control Bar. (selectable in button list) ( 1 votes ) Button center changes color instead of the whole button sinking when activated Record button would begin to blink when hit the first time Like hitting pause and then record, and then would just simply be a pause button until you hit stop. Fast backward and fast forward. Which would play at high speed. Standard: Skip to Beginning, Skip to End, Stop, Play, Loop Play Image of Toolbar Have you looked at 2.x Audacity Play already acts to restart playback when in progress. Transcription Toolbar has a variable speed playback button with a slider that determines the speed. It has disabled functionality for detecting breaks in speech that is not under active development. There may be a case for incorporating this slider/button into the Transport Toolbar, at least for now. View Menu: (2.x) Change Language: Too undiscoverable where to change language now Audacity does not ask at first run ( 7 votes ) Move in or duplicate Show track name in waveform display from Interface Preferences to View Menu ( 5 votes ) Could be called Show Track Name in Display or Show Track Name (slightly ambiguous) Show Clipping: configure number of consecutive samples required to trigger ( 3 votes ) Karaoke multiple label track support: ( 1 votes ) Play multiple label tracks at once and assign which track gets the bouncing ball. Use case is three separate label tracks, one for the sections (verses, choruses and bridges), another for the rhythm changes and another for the lyrics parsed as individual words. Mixer Board misnamed: the main interface is about mixing as well. The point about Mixer Board is the multi-metering so the menu item should be Multi-Meters or Per Track Meters ( 3 votes ) I disagree, the Mixer-Board is much more than just a set of multi-meters, it carries a full set of mixing controls too (much like a hardware mixing board that many would be familiar with) PeterSampson Ive seen a number of comments pointing out you can mix without Mixer Board, so why call it that sent off the email link in the Manual, but this user wanted to explicitly vote for a wording change. I think the point is that the extra meters are what catch the eye and what really make Mixer Board different. Mixer Board has an extra image too, but the full set of controls is only otherwise the same controls that all the tracks have. I wouldnt say its misnamed but I perfectly understand the comments. - Gale This is a silly idea. Multi-meters is a non-standard, uninformative name. Misleading even, as it describes only the meters (as Peter commented). Mixer Board has had that name for about 4 years, so only one user complaining about it actually speaks to the appropriateness of the name. It looks like a hardware mixer board and is modeled after one. Yes, you can mix in the TrackPanel class, but you can also, for example, see the waveform as you record, and many other things that you cannot in Mixer Board. Mixer Boards sole and special purpose is mixing. The name is totally appropriate and I veto this request. Can we just remove it, as this page generates a warning about its large size already - Vaughan No, votes cant be removed in a democracy, you can only refuse to implement the idea. I think the other people who made similar comments as an aside are almost voting that they find the Mixer Board concept confusing. Possibly their unfamiliarity with hardware mixers is the reason, and they are the same type of person who expect mute/solo to be interdependent. I think if it were possible to have a wider background behind the Mixer Board track strips it might help get it across better as an alternate view - Gale New/Modified other GUI elements Buttons on dialogs (general): (OS X) Support OS X dual defaults which differentiate between preselected (hit ENTER) and bordered (hit spacebar) ( 1 votes ) Waveform and clip colors: Assign different colors to individual tracks, clips or regions ( 42 votes ) For example different colors for different participants in an interview A border around the clip is sufficient ( 1 votes ) Changing the track background is sufficient, not the waveform colors ( 1 votes ) Allow different names for each clip as well as different colors ( 2 votes ) User-customised waveform colors for RMS and background to improve contrast ( 31 votes ) Do this without need for Theme downloads ( 3 votes ) This will be added in a future Audacity along with other interface customisations. Average value (RMS) already is light blue. Another issue is that the selection color is behind the waveform. Other editors e. g. GoldWave, CoolEdit just use different colors for selected and non-selected waveform. Effect track : ( 1 votes ) An envelope with control points like Time Track. Dropdown menu lets you choose the effect to be applied and whether the effect track applies to the audio track below, above or to all audio tracks. The Track Control Panel has buttons to select each parameter. Control points are set against the parameter levels shown on the vertical scale. The envelope line starts flat, implying the default parameter is applied to all of the track(s) it applies to. Envelope Tool . Choice of linear envelope editing: e. g. as in Pro Tools ( 16 votes ) Current fades are logarithmic, if you switch the track view mode to Waveform (dB) the fades will show as straight lines. To make linear fade, need to create multiple small fades to create an envelope that approximates to a straight line. Too fiddly/unintuitive to fade out to zero ( 3 votes ). Pinching the point hard to the zero line makes volume fade to zero almost after the beginning of the fade. SHIFT drag for linear envelopes and CTRL drag for logarithmic envelopes Fading to 0 is possible: in normal Waveform view, click the top point and drag down below the center line. Easier seen in Waveform (dB) mode or after rendering. The last point is not quite correct. Waveform dB view does not show fading to 0. The lower limit of the Waveform dB view is set in Interface Preferences and any signal below this lower limit will appear to be silent. The envelope tool performs a logarithmic fade out down to -145 dB and then steps down from -145 dB to - inf dB. Tooltip or Status Bar message when mouse holds control point: ( 9 votes ) to show gain amount, final dB level and position in the Timeline. Tooltip preferred: ( 2 votes ) Apply to regions ( 9 votes ) e. g. hold down ALT key and drag between envelope points to move only that section up or down (handy for changing the volume of a section of audio without having to drag individual points around). This would seem to imply that regions create temporary envelope points as split lines do. CTRL or ALT click creates a control point but doesnt alter the envelope: ( 4 votes ) (it currently starts dragging the envelope straight away which isnt very helpful). If you are far from a control point and want to tweak the envelope, but dont want to add a new control point, you need to go back to the control point. Text input for accuracy of control point placement ( 6 votes ) Should allow specifying timeline position at frame resolution, as well as movement in the vertical axis on a percent or dB scale) ( 1 votes ) More intelligent/automatic rendering: ( 4 votes ) Could be a switch or a preference, off by default. Could render after each point drawn, or after switching from Envelope Tool. Reason: its too easy to switch back to Selection Tool, forget you have not rendered the envelope then apply some effect that causes clipping after you render. It must confuse novices too to look in Amplify after using Envelope Tool and see the wrong values. Cut and paste of envelope points: ( 5 votes ) - especially useful to paste between different tracks or projects. Ideally, should permit pasting from mono track envelope to stereo (copying both envelopes from a stereo track to a mono track would be more problematic). Per-track envelope accessed from button in Track Control Panel ( 2 votes ) Lock to prevent drag creating clipping ( 1 votes ) Modifier keys for horizontal drag only/ vertical drag only ( 4 votes ) Horizontal bar to change volume of all envelope points together ( 5 votes ) Perhaps alt-drag on a master fader could do that ( 1 votes ) Method to shift all envelope points left/right: ( 1 votes ) Non-destructive: Draw lines and curves on top of audio events for accurate, graphically-based audio mixing like Cakewalk ( 1 votes ) FTP/RSS/online distribution support for podcasters, bands etc. ( 19 votes ) Experimental FTP support was previously available in Audacity 1.3.3 Beta. FTP is not supported in current Audacity releases, but copies of 1.3.3 are still downloadable from our file archive Support SoundCloud : ( 2 votes ) An API is available that allows applications to upload or download audio files. This API has been integrated into several DAWs like PreSonus Studio One Pro. Hand Tool to Cut/Drag and Copy/Drag selection region: While dragging, the END of the selection range would be a dotted line and START a regular vertical line to know where to drop it. Selection Bar shows the START/END values ( 1 votes ) Label Track Double Click Label Edit . have one click on a label select the labelled area, e. g. for160shift-space160playback have double-click open the label itself for text-editing ( 1 votes ) The reason we dont do this, which was discussed at the time, is to allow creation of a label by typing in a label track (either at a cursor or inside a region) without use of a shortcut to do so. Once you have single-clicked in the label to select it, use up arrow, ESC or ENTER to use a shortcut without affecting the label contents. Message boxes: Selectable text ( 1 votes ) so can be copied/pasted when asking for help Metronome: Fully dynamic responds to your recorded beat, showing for example current beats-per-minute, number of beats and elapsed time since first beat ( 2 votes ) Play on demand without having to generate a click track, enter the BPM and it plays ( 3 votes ) Count-in beats before recording Mixer Board: Needs to stay on top with main window. ( 19 votes ) Although it gets in the way if you have a lot of tracks, you can resize it horizontally. Making it disappear when you use the main window is not the answer. That means shortcuts dont work when it has focus (or developers have to add separate shortcuts for it). Tiling doesnt help if you want to work with maximised windows. Shortcut to switch focus and on top state between main Audacity window and Mixer Board window. Or try the Goldwave solution for its Control Window. It floats on top when main window is maximised, or sticks to side/bottom of main window when that is restored down. If minimised, it sits on top of the Taskbar as a Title bar with buttons and can be moved anywhere. On Windows you can use right-click over Taskbar gt Tile Windows (Side-by-Side or Stacked on Vista or later) or select the windows to tile in Task Manager. Alternatively try FileBox eXtender or PowerMenu. On Mac, try Afloat. Most Linux window managers include an always on top option for each window. Button (and shortcut) to roll it up and down in situ: ( 1 votes ) Allow it to be vertically resized: ( 1 votes ) Include Recording meter as well as playback meter ( 3 votes ) Allows per-channel metering for multi-channel sound cards. or embed Mixer board into Meter toolbar ( 1 votes ) See also requests for per-track meters in Meter Toobar . More like Kristals mixing window ( 2 votes ) Include 2 or 3 band EQ ( 1 votes ) Save open/closed Mixer Board state in audacity. cfg so new projects respect that ( 1 votes ) Save open/closed Mixer Board state in. aup file ( 1 votes ) Quick Play Region: Double-click within the region to select it ( 3 votes ) Multiple overlapping Play Regions ( 1 votes ) Snap a standard region to a locked quick play region ( 1 votes ) Button to lock/unlock the region without destroying the region ( 1 votes ) Play a selection within the locked region ( 1 votes ) Vertical lines through waveform when dragging ( 1 votes ) Dragging an edge restarts play (left edge) or continues play (right edge) ( 1 votes ) Drag and drop, preserving length (if done while playing, restarts or continues according to position of playback cursor) ( 1 votes ) Region shows in Selection Bar while dragged ( 1 votes ) Right-click context menu with commands such as Loop-play, Play, Trim region, Cut region, Lock, Unlock, Export selection, etc. ( 1 votes ) Some means of allowing second click close to first click: cursor arrows prevent this. Suggest cursor arrows dont need to be shown after you click: you cant use the play region if you drag the arrows once you have clicked. Create quick play region only by click and drag, and dont show cursor arrows until you drag. ( 1 votes ) Improved right-to-left (RTL) support ( 1 votes ) RTL typing in labels and RTL direction of labels and waveform (if operating system installed in a RTL language does not make this happen) Control should also allow left-to-right typing and direction of labels on operating systems installed in a RTL language Scrollbars: Secondary horizontal scrollbar ( 1 votes ) (above the existing standard horizontal scrollbar) that scrolls only the extent of selection. When youve highlighted one bar of a song, then want to zoom in to the sample level you want to scroll back and forth in your selection, but the standard project-wide horizontal scrollbar isnt granular enough and you whiz way out of your selection. Selection Viewer (draggable): ( 11 votes ) Useful for previewing loops, to see how well the ends match. Could incorporate zooming like the Windows magnifier. Could have option to duplicate a region into viewer as transparent different colored waveform for easy comparison over the top of another region. Also see proof of concept for a Focus-Plus-Context Audacity interface ( 2 votes ) Sliders: More discoverable precise adjustment Add double-click for precise adjustment message to tooltips ( 1 votes ) A downward pointing widget may be a better idea because there is a fairly definite intention to use the tooltip to display the current setting Status Bar: Original file data: ( 15 votes ) Track Panel information gives current resolution/sample rate but the data for the original files in the project is wanted too: sample rate, sample format, bit rate, file format, VBR/CBR and so on Easy for a single track referring to a single file, not so easy for multiple files and tracks that dont relate to files e. g. recordings. It would seem this would need to be a dropdown Tabs for individual projects, not separate windows: ( 9 votes ) Far easier to manipulate and understand Timeline: Option to display in current Selection Format such as film frames, not just in seconds. ( 7 votes ) Timeline settable to HH:MM:SS: ( 7 votes ) for easier calculation of times at which recording events occurred Should be an extra timeline, not just an option for existing Timeline ( 4 votes ) Cutting or pasting audio should adjust displayed time ( 1 votes ) Draggable Timeline that could dock between or at bottom of tracks: ( 3 votes ) Identical timeline at bottom of screen: ( 2 votes ) on by default, but closable by X and open/closed state remembered. Display in loop units as per the length of an identified loop region in the track ( 1 votes ) Time Tracks: Greater default range than 90/110: ( 5 votes ) Reinstate a way to move all the points when changing range: ( 3 votes ) One per track not one per window ( 1 votes ) Vertical scale shows speed change percentages ( 1 votes ) Tooltip on hover over envelope point showing corrected time line position and speed percentage ( 1 votes ) Title Bar: Contain Audacity even when displaying a file or project - This allows other programs such as macro programs to recognise it ( 2 votes ) include version number: - important for multi-computer environments like community radio ( 1 votes ) Show entire project length: - helps when doing attrition-type editing for a particular length ( 1 votes ) Contain a for unsaved changes ( 1 votes ) Contain time remaining for a current operation (e. g. noise removal, mp3 export) ( 1 votes ) Track Dropdown menu, vertical scale and track views: Better signposted ( 19 votes ) Descriptive tooltips ( 10 votes ) Move it to main menus at top instead ( 7 votes ) Some commands only apply to adjacent pairs of tracks though, so not very obvious what happens if you select a group of mono and stereo tracks and choose Make Stereo Track Make it into a normal combo menu box that everyone understands and accept it will widen the Track Control Panel. As a variant, track name could be a slide-out (with a tooltip) where you enter the name. Dropdown menu itself could be a spanner icon to right of sample rate/format, or maybe even a button that says menu ( 4 votes ) Move track to specific place in track table ( 6 votes ) Move Track to Top and Move Track to Bottom are most important ( 2 votes ) Make it easier to read long track names: ( 9 votes ) Hover tooltip for the name ( 7 votes ) Pitch view should show intelligible pitch estimates of simple piano, guitar or vocal selections with a piano labelled diagram user yanky5cool ( 3 votes ) Should also be a real time tool with a graph and movable points that change the pitch as the track plays Add scaling for negative samples in Waveform (dB) view ( 9 votes ) (the obvious issue is how to present that when the scale values themselves are mostly negative) That is not a problem at all (beyond indicating the samples in the lower half are negative). The numbers on the lower side of - inf are a direct reflection of those above. See any other audio editor for an example. Zoom the vertical scale with magnify icon to much finer resolution ( 7 votes ) not just to integer or a bit less. Should show samples e. g. -32768 to 32767 ( 2 votes ) If you drag the track down at the bottom of the waveform you will get more resolution New Waveform (Linear) view with Logarithmic Scale then one can look at a sine wave without distortion. Also Audacity effects and filters all work in dB ( 3 votes ) New Waveform dB view with Logarithmic scale ( 8 votes ) not linear spacing of increments as now New Waveform dB view with linear interpolation (sine wave looks like sine) ( 2 votes ) L and R channel labelling on vertical scale ( 2 votes ) Additional vertical scale at right hand end of waveform ( 1 votes ) Swap stereo channels for upper track of stereo pair ( 1 votes ) Multiple track views . ( 7 votes ) Waveform/Spectrogram split view for each track: ( 9 votes ) upper track has a waveform view, lower a spectrogram view of the same audio, like the Thinklabs variant of Audacity Split stereo track into waveform left channel, spectrogram right channel: ( 1 votes ) Use case is bat recorder hardware where left and right have different content for different purposes. Multi-View: upper track in waveform view, then linked views of the same track below in waveform (dB) view then (read only) spectrum and pitch views: ( 2 votes ) Editing or horizontal zooming either waveform view changes the other views. Makes it easier to isolate and analyze a specific micro sound and see all the big picture. Should also be accessible via Analyze Menu. Its possible to duplicate the tracks, select them all to run the effect or other edit, and select just one to do an analysis with a plug-in. New 3D track view: Amplitude and Frequency against Time to complement Analyze gt Plot Spectrum ( 2 votes ) Solo and Mute choices ( 1 votes ) so easier to operate these with shortcuts in multi-track projects Track Control Panel (TrackInfo class): Redesigned to retain functionality at minimal height ( 10 votes ) Keep gain/pan sliders available when track height reduced ( 3 votes ) Redundant mute and solo options . ( 1 votes ) so you dont have to constantly open/close different collapsed tracks. see Space Savers for some more ideas Add per track Equalizer: Fairly coarse control OK, or (better) put it on pop-up panel ( 3 votes ) Allow Track Control Panel to be resized horizontally ( 8 votes ) Additional Priority Solo Button: ( 4 votes ) Pressing this unsolos any soloed tracks and releasing it re-solos the previously soloed tracks. Delete track with X when playing or recording ( 1 votes ) Finer Gain/Pan sliders: Annoying they move by only intervals of 3 by default (yes i know if you can hold CTRL and move them by one). Better if designed so that clicking on the slider activates it, then mouse roller increments up or down by intervals of 1. Gain/Pan hover display: Avoids having to click the mouse and accidentally change slider position ( 2 votes ) Display bit rate in audio data above the mute/solo buttons: most helpful if wanting to re-export MP3s at same bit rate (and hence file size). Status Bar might be alternative location ( 3 votes ) Display current track length: ( 2 votes ) easier than having to select the whole track and look in Selection Toolbar Track Tree: ( 8 votes ) to group tracks James 6 Oct 2007: See Space Savers for detailed suggestions on how this might work. People who dont want this can use Audacity as now by having a tree with everything at the same level. We should be able to operate on collapsed nodes just as if they were tracks in their own right. They become submixes, and the effect is applied to the mix. Similarly cut and paste should work in the same way, as long as you dont try to paste a mix of 7 tracks to a mix of 3 for example, which is like pasting stereo data into a mono track. Grid lines: Horizontal: and also in spectrogram view ( 24 votes ) Helps alignment with a specific level or frequency on the vertical scale when working at the other end of the track ( 12 votes ) Headroom lines at user-specified dB below and above 0dB FS . ( 1 votes ) Gives compliance with SMPTE and EBU standards calling for specified amount of headroom before full-scale clipping. Vertically draggable, like a ruler, showing the dB level ( 2 votes ) Thinner lines for non-integer k frequency values ( 1 votes ) Line at 0.0 visible at all zoom levels so as to splice together without clipping. ( 1 votes ) You can use Edit gt Find Zero Crossings to snap selection regions to safe zero crossing points without having to zoom in. Horizontal and vertical: ( 8 votes ) turned on and off on the fly, to help with aligning audio and setting levels. Fixed number of vertical lines on the screen - about 30 (or user could chose a number). Zooming should retain the number and pixel distance spacing of the gridlines. Single vertical line in all tracks at the editing cursor ( 7 votes ) for aligning tracks or seeing the edit position in all tracks Audacity 2.x already has a vertical line for snapping clips to each other/labels/time zero, and a Selection Toolbar for typing in time values for cursor point or selection region. Window management: Always on top button: both for main project window and all other modeless windows, for example Plot Spectrum and Mixer Board. Will enable them to work consistently on all OSes for example Plot Spectrum is always on top on Windows and Linux but not Mac OS X. ( 10 votes ) Minimise Audacity when long processes running: ( 6 votes ) See also votes for the Timer Record dialogs being modeless. Possible already on some operating systems for example Ubuntu, but on others this may not be possible without allowing access to the main project window while the process is running, which could allow other projects to be opened or worked on. Audacity is not yet threaded enough for this. Meantime use the operating system task switcher. Close all open projects without individual dialog for each ( 1 votes ) Automatically refit project after dragging out window rather than user having to CTRL F manually afterwards. Windows 7 features: Use Windows 7 Explorer-style open and save dialogs: ( 7 votes ) like 1.2.6 does. These have extra functionality like search. This is probably a legacy from when we supported Windows 2000 or earlier. On those systems the newer Windows file open dialogue with search would not work properly in Audacity 1.3.Beta. Use Taskbar button overlay icons/progress bars ( 1 votes ) See developer information . Keyboard Shortcuts/Modifiers Also see Use Cases for a number of ideas for shortcuts that would be used during playback or recording. New Shortcuts . Effects - see Highest-rated Export formats ( 2 votes ) File gt Export Selected Audio ( 1 votes ) Play-at-speed: Play at current slider speed ( 3 votes ). The same shortcut could possibly stop play-at-speed, as well as using spacebar. Open text box to enter exact speed for VI users, like gain/pan sliders ( 1 votes ) Navigation and align: Scroll project horizontally: ( 8 votes ) See Bug 187. CTRL Left and CTRL Right: ( 3 votes ) The first press of these could centre on the cursor (or if there was a selection, on left or right edge of selection). Useful for adjusting loop positions. Could be confusing if cursor or selection was left of centre to have CTRL Left scroll right on first press then left. May be better to have unique shortcuts for scroll left/right and centering then scrolling (maybe the latter would be short scrolls, not a screenful). Edit gt Move Cursor gt To Clip End Edit gt Move Cursor gt To Clip Start Edit gt Select gt Cursor to Clip End Edit gt Select gt Clip Start to Cursor ( 4 votes ) all the Tracks gt Align Tracks commands ( 3 votes ) Track Dropdown Menu gt Move Track to Top, Move Track to Bottom ( 4 votes ) Track Dropdown Menu gt Move focused track up or down. This is still easier than using the shortcut for Open menu on focused track then using arrow keys and ENTER ( 2 votes ) Move to top/bottom track in project ( 3 votes ) Edit gt Clip boundaries gt Align together ( 1 votes ) align clip boundaries together that are in the middle of a track Add icons for all shortcuts: ( 4 votes ) would complement possible new feature for customisable toolbars Better default shortcuts . Zoom: CTRL to zoom in, CTRL - to zoom out, CTRL 0 for zoom normal as per almost every other app ( 4 votes ) Keyboard Modifiers: CTRL click for selecting multiple objects such as tracks, instead of SHIFT click which is not standard practice ( 4 votes ) Move selection without moving track: ( 4 votes ) Modified mouse drag (and keyboard shortcut) to move selection along the track without changing its length. SHIFT click to create a selection that can span multiple tracks without prior selection of tracks . as if you had dragged from the cursor to the place you had shift-clicked. Currently, shift-clicking only creates a selection in the track(s) where the cursor is. Add more modifiers to speed up working ( 1 votes ) for example Sound Forge has shift modifier to move a selection without changing the duration Global shortcuts ( 43 votes ) that operate Audacity if it does not have focus but dont return focus to Audacity. Not just useful for correcting recording mistakes while in another application (see below). For example, control recording and labelling while working on unrelated tasks. This feature is available cross-platform in wx 3.x (trac. wxwidgets. org/ticket/12354 ). Multimedia key support ( 5 votes ) Required shortcuts are: play/pause, jump back x seconds and increase/decrease play speed ( 1 votes ) Needs Stop shortcut as well as Record ( 3 votes ) Or the shortcut toggles record and stop ( 1 votes ) Could be done with a single key - after pressing that all shortcuts are passed to Audacity ( 1 votes ) Gamers would not be able to start the recording quickly enough. Shortcuts for buttons more discoverable e. g. by Status Bar message or dynamic Tooltip ( 5 votes ) New/Modified Preferences General: Indicate default Preferences values in GUI: ( 2 votes ) Could be italicise, color, underline, dash to differentiate from others, or perhaps show in tooltips. Devices: Store separate buffer and latency values per host and device: ( 3 votes ) Need to decide if necessary to store for separate sample rates too. Need to handle different devices that display with same name such as USB Audio CODEC. Extend the not yet implemented idea of Recording Profiles for multi-channel track allocation to include devices and their settings. ( 1 votes ) Directories: Reinstate Audio Cache: ( 14 votes ) for faster read/write after recording as well ( 6 votes ) for helping avoid recording skips ( 3 votes ) only use it for recording - simpler and safer ( 4 votes ) History: Do not create Undo History: ( 2 votes ) - users are often unaware how much space this uses and can run out of space to export Display complete details of parameters used in all shipped effects: ( 2 votes ) store this history in hover tooltip for whatever audio point you mouseover ( 1 votes ) Maximum space for Undo History ( 3 votes ) Import/Export: Export at same bit depth or warning (on by default) that export will downsample the bit depth ( 6 votes ) Always import at Default Sample Rate ( 9 votes ) Recent Files maximum number of entries: ( 3 votes ) to include 0 to keep it empty dB level Checkbox for Normalize all tracks in project on import: ( 3 votes ) to be independent of the current level applied via the Normalize effect dialog. Normalize on export: ( 3 votes ) Reliable MP3 encoding without changing the peak level: ( 7 votes ) as per bug 23 Explorer integration: Multiple files import into same project ( 5 votes ) Associate with chosen file extensions ( 5 votes ) All open and import are into same project: ( 2 votes ) less confusing - if you want a file to open a new window, open the window first Default Open/Import folder and Default Export/Save Folder ( 13 votes ) These are always accessed when opening the file dialog. If you only ever use one directory Audacity would always open it as it already remembers the last used. Default XML import/export directory: ( 3 votes ) e. g. for Load/Save Metadata templates and Import/Export of EQ curves, rather than use Audacitys data directory. Could remember last directory instead, but shouldnt simply use the same directory as import/export of audio files. Export to directory from which original. aup or audio file loaded: (like Save Project does). Should apply to all export options (including labels, which should use name of the file, not labels. txt) and fall back to last used directory otherwise. ( 36 votes ) Export to current directory: Much easier for command line users ( 3 votes ) Export to same directory as project save directory ( 1 votes ) Default Export Format ( 1 votes ) Export multiple overwrite files state ( 1 votes ) File gt Overwrite original file on exit: ( 9 votes ) - time saving for those using Audacity as external editor for another app. Export to same format as imported file :( 6 votes ) - even that on its own would help Enable automatic file name generation/suggestion ( 5 votes ) Could be for project files as well as exported files. Specify if name includes date/time (and its format, such as YMDhhmm), whether time is for start or end of recording, whether quits automatically just with string as file name, or inserts string into file name if a name is chosen manually. Write no metadata ( 16 votes ) - not just disable appearance of metadata editor, not just write empty tags. Should apply to all exports, not just export multiple. One use case is that CD burning software may use metadata to determine track order. This affects all use cases where the user relies on the file name in applications that give priority to metadata, including some hardware media players, CD burning applications, some audio editors, software media players and so on. Disable writing metadata only for WAV export ( 3 votes ) - Dont clear Metadata Editor because you may want to export MP3 too Generate/suggest on basis of current metadata ( 1 votes ) Preserve start-time relative to time zero when exporting ( 19 votes ) This is needed for exporting offset tracks for multi-track mixing elsewhere. This can now be done by generating silence between time zero and the start of the audio, or by exporting a multi-channel file (choose Use custom mix. in Import / Export Preferences ). Better instead as a checkbox in export dialog ( 4 votes ) Compressed exports: use same export bit rate/compression level as the first imported file so that exported file size is the same if file length unmodified. Or simplest, a checkbox just in MP3 export options in version 2.x ( 7 votes ) Using the same bit rate as the imported file would be quite complex e. g. exclusions if there was no imported file or if it was uncompressed or a different compressed format, plus adaptation for variable bit rate export Offer Import Raw dialog if file type unrecognized: ( 1 votes ) that is if Audacity cannot detect the file format at all. Normalize to master gain level : ( 1 votes ) Interface: Placement of new tracks: ( 13 votes ) At top ( 6 votes ) Underneath selected track(s) ( 7 votes ) Mixed and Rendered tracks placed at top of project ( 8 votes ) Every new audio track creates its own label track underneath ( 1 votes ) - requirement for DAISY Books Global font for GUI display ( 4 votes ) Zoom Normal level . Default 10 seconds too restrictive ( 3 votes ) Beep on completing longer activities: Choose the sound to play and how long a process should last before it sounds ( 3 votes ) You can specify this manually in audacity. cfg Choice of color for Track Name in waveform: ( 8 votes ) Choice should be per track ( 2 votes ) Different modes for skill level/purpose ( 4 votes ) - expose/hide different parts of interface/control quantity of messaging. Examples: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, DJ, Multi-Track Studio, Composer, Scientific Maximising window maximises tracks ( 1 votes ) Keyboard Click Command to sort alphabetically ( 4 votes ) Alert User about Keyboard Shortcut conflict if the shortcut is already taken, and what is currently set to it. ( 1 votes ) This should already happen - if it doesnt its Bug 229 - in that case make changes in the All category to receive the alert. Meters: Reset delay for Recent Peak ( 1 votes ) so it can fall back sooner than a few seconds after the peak Mouse: Configurable bindings ( 17 votes ) Zoom by holding mouse button not by continual click Zoom by hovering mouse over pre-defined part of a region such as bottom-left ( 1 votes ) User:Arlen votes against this ( -1 votes ) Ugly cursor for hover over selection edge: ( 3 votes ) Double-headed arrow Playback: Output slider does not move system slider. ( 19 votes ) Standard with media players and even many audio editors. Turning up volume to work on quiet audio in Audacity can wreck speakers/headphones if you then forget to turn system volume down before playing in another app that has an independent control. Turning the level down in software gives worse signal-to-noise ratio than doing so by directly affecting the hardware as now. On Windows Vista and later, you can make the Audacity playback volume quieter without affecting the system volume by left-clicking the speaker icon by the system clock, then click Mixer (or on Windows 10, right-click the speaker icon), then turn down the Audacity slider. Give output to Audacitys application-specific slider on Windows 7, Vista and other OSes that support this ( 6 votes ) Loop from cursor to track end when no selection, not the whole track (or do it anyway to respect practice elsewhere in the app) ( 12 votes ) Loop from cursor to cursor ( 8 votes ) i. e. always plays whole track even if cursor is not at zero Stop and set cursor: ( 7 votes ) makes the default action of Stop button to set cursor at stop point this means SHIFT A stops and resets cursor to starting position. Projects: Always store unsaved changes on quit: ( 3 votes ) This removes the Save Changes dialogue and stores something like an autosave file and the data it points to. There would be a prescribed size limit and it that limit was exceeded the Save Changes dialogue appears. Create a project manager to access, open or delete this data. Save and reopen unsaved content on quit: ( 6 votes ) This works on the Quit Command (including the window close button on Windows and Linux) but not on File gt Close. There is no Save Changes dialogue on Quit. When you launch Audacity the last open work opens again. No file size limit. Restore all content on restarting Audacity including saved projects ( 1 votes ) and so also removing Save Changes. Quality: Dont dither absolute silence: ( 3 votes ) Recording: Append-Record: makes the default recording mode append to existing track this means SHIFT-click on Record button appends and click starts new track. ( 5 votes ) Set Timeline zero to system clock time when starting recordings: not just for Sound Activated Recording ( 7 votes ) Spectrogram Monitoring Before record: ( 1 votes ) to monitor the real-time spectrogram display before hitting record and after hitting stop. Especially useful for wildlife recording. Timer Record Duration ( 3 votes ) - although Timer Record now remembers its last duration across sessions, a use default/use last value preference would allow flexibility to change duration in Timer Record for specific purposes but still have it initialise back to the most commonly required default. Default input source to be always loaded when Audacity launches irrespective of current system setting ( 7 votes ) would have to apply to Mixer Toolbar or Recording Preferences according to where the OS puts them, and assumes the OS is set to enable the required default. Tracks: Persistent Track Height ( 10 votes ) Automatically minimize height of right (or left) channel ( 1 votes ) Warnings: Disable Save Changes on exit: ( 32 votes ) Simple option, even if the file has been edited. Use case is importing files to play them, view them or analyze them. Disable Save Changes on exit, subject to conditions: ( 17 votes ) If users last action was to export the complete audio (not a selection) ( 11 votes ) If user had not edited the project/had only imported files ( 4 votes ) If user had only done safe editing that would not materially harm the audio, e. g. no length changes but normalizing or amplifying to see the audio better is allowed ( 2 votes ) If the only content was imported files located in the system temp location ( 1 votes ) Users are well known to delete files on import as part of their workflow. To be safe, this option must either not be exposed in Preferences (only be available by editing audacity. cfg) or be hidden behind an Advanced dialogue, or only be available if all the audio has just been exported. Non-preference behaviours and other interface modifications Play selected tracks rather than choosing tracks to play by mute/solo. If allied with buffering changes might help smooth playback of a few tracks out of many (muting the others only helps playback marginally). Also avoids danger in 2.x of unintentionally muting tracks at export. ( 1 votes ) Cut Preview: Plays all selected or Sync-Lock Selected tracks ignoring mute/solo ( 4 votes ) Previews the mix respecting Mute and Solo, and ignoring track selectedness ( 2 votes ) If no selection, play centered on the cursor position (and rename feature if needed) ( 3 votes ) Tracks Fit vertically zoomed: should be on by default ( 4 votes ) should be capable of toggling off as well as on in the View Menu, (so that unchecking it reverts all tracks to default height) ( 3 votes ) should have an option in preferences to set the number of tracks to fit on the screen by default (determines the default height) ( 1 votes ) Ability to disable/hide track resize drag bar At least some simple method of getting back to even (1:1) track sizes Given no resizing method is undoable, and having such would add too much to Undo history, no resizing would have to be a global preference, or some button provided to restore the default track height on demand. In 1.3.7 or earlier, you can save and re-open the project to restore default height. In response to demand, 1.3.8 and later will save the track height in the project. Silence/unsilence a selection at any time not just with undo, since we might want to do some other things before undo-ing the silence. Perhaps can be done similar to cut-lines. Set all supported files as the default filter for opening instead of all files on a fresh install (Mac) Support Option - arrow to skip back and forth one word when editing text ( 1 votes ) Allow minimize/maximize/restore/move of window during operations (import, export, effects, etc.) ( 1 votes ) (OS X) Support for Macs with Retina Display : ( 16 votes ) Believed to be a lack of support in wxWidgets. You can apply Retinizer to Audacity but this makes it impossible to change the export format inside Audacity. One-step way to avoid clipping on multiple tracks: ( 30 votes ) Master Fader ability: ( 26 votes ) Separate mixing window (like Mixer Board but with a Master-Fader control): ( 7 votes ) Shortcut that moves all gain sliders by same amount ( 8 votes ) Master-Fader or Master Envelope track: ( 3 votes ) Like the Envelope Tool but in its own track and applies to all tracks, used additional to and independently of Envelope Tool. On playback, fader position is interpolated (linearly in dB) between the track points and the result is added (in dB thus multiplied) with the current envelope value. Automatic gain adjustment (Mix and Scale): ( 14 votes ) so that the mix in unmuted tracks can never clip. Could be a control that sets the target level of the mix. This has some performance impact in that scanning to calculate the peak mix level would be required, but a disk write would not be needed. The target level should be calculated from all unmuted tracks but applied to all tracks. ( 1 votes ) Must be non-destructive . that is not modify the waveform data or its visible height ( 2 votes ) Better ability to update ( 45 votes ) Automatic push of updated versions at launch ( 15 votes ) User-initiated menu item to advise if version is current but not automatic updates ( 30 votes ) Feel free to vote. The developers are currently not keen on Audacity querying servers directly due to the complexity and especially security, especially in a cross-platform application. However a Windows feature to go to a web page giving users version and current version is under consideration . Too utilitarian/outdated/generic in appearance/hard to customise . ( 50 votes ) (generalised comments only) See this Forum topic for some suggested new skins/logo As with Windows, there should be an easy way to revert to the Audacity Classic look Mac version should look more like Mac software: ( 6 votes ) important for Mac users that our software is unified. All the knobs, buttons, sliders should use the standard Aqua interface instead of the current Windows 95 look. If it has to be done with Themes, then do it Audacity should look completely native on all platforms ( 1 votes ) Icon too low resolution: looks poor at 32 x 32 or higher ( 4 votes ) Smoother Track scrolling on Playback: ( 31 votes ) Keep the cursor in one place but move the track - gives smooth visual playback without continual cursor back and forth As selectable option which is on by default in case of slower systems. ( 2 votes ) Or still allow cursor to move, but scroll smoothly when it reaches about 15 from the right and place cursor 15 from left ( 1 votes ). Also during recording. ( 1 votes ) Proper support for Windows Remote Desktop Protocol including audio transfer. ( 9 votes ) Other audio programs like CoolEditPro (as was) handle playback audio over RDP. Use case is examining the files, or chopping into smaller ones for local use without bringing the whole file over from the host. Automatic Crossfading ( 15 votes ) see this proposal for how the developers think it might work Might this may lack something in flexibility If the above does not let you choose the overlap region, define it by dragging, then apply cross-fade. Include ability to find an achieved cross fade again and stretch/contract or move the region. Needs more subtle automation for an already beat-matched mix - you dont want to slide it around again. Suggest using a separate crossfade track that preserves beat matching and lets you play with the best place to do the crossfade. The crossfade track would show graphically what percentage of each of two tracks were contributing to the playback, and simple controls would allow the user to set the levels in straight-line segments and slide those segments around. So, in my case, I would have 100 track 1 for a while, then a short ramp to 100 track 2, and the ramp could be slid in time. You could even have some pre-defined crossfade tracks as a starting point. Clarify distinction between Save Project and Export audio file ( 6 votes ) Try having the Export together with Save near the top of the menu A few people like the Export distinction for example because it has an analogy with flattening layers in images. Move selection regions without splitting or length-change: ( 5 votes ) useful feature in SoundForge Drag to move the region within or to another track ( 1 votes ) Drag and drop over grey background to create new track with that audio ( 1 votes ) Non-modal effect dialogs . ( 1 votes ) It would be nice if you could open multiple effect dialogs side-by-side to compare their effects, or just to compare an effect to the unmodified clip. More specific error thrown for Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate. Should include something like Please run the Windows Mac Linux online diagnostic program at. ( 3 votes ) RA: that would require Audacity knew why there was a problem. Exactly the same error comes back if the permissions are wrong, the user is not in the audio group, the sound device is locked by another program - so non-trivial to work out what is wrong and display a useful message. Connect to hardware sampler via SCSI cable: ( 1 votes ) Allows 1) fast transfer of WAV files to the samplers hard drive over SMDI, as in Sound Forge (full version), Wavelab, Recycle. 2) the PC to capture an image of the samplers hard drive, then burn custom sample CDRoms. Look up feature for online databases like Gracenote, Allmusic. ( 5 votes ) Individual samples joined by curves instead of straight lines to better represent analogue reconstruction of waveform in playback. Could be done with cubic-spline interpolation or possibly sample rate conversion. Would show as a smooth curve through the sample points, bandwidth limited according to Nyquist. Slower, but yields a better display. Could lead to overshoots beyond Full Scale, which would have to be handled. ( 4 votes ). Also see this Forum discussion. Presets for Track settings: Track Settings Template to set name, gain and pan of on-screen tracks to pre-set values ( 2 votes ) Improved audio clipboard: Import audio direct to the clipboard ( 1 votes ) Multi-item clipboard with thumbnail view where tracks can be stored instead of cluttering the screen. ( 1 votes ) Great for organising multiple takes. See also Space Savers Native format editing: ( 13 votes ) Limited editing of lossy compressed audio in native format, rather than decompressing then lossy recompressing. Would suit MP3, OGG, etc. especially at low bit rates. For non-destructive cut, paste and volume editing of MP3 see MP3 Direct Cut (Windows) or Audion (OS X). On Linux, lossless MP3 splitting (but no editing) can be done with Mp3splt. For Audacity this would be a big task to add, and is unlikely to happen. Tap delay, and tap bpm input ( 1 votes ) Web folder import/export support such as Sharepoint, WebDAV ( 1 votes ) To make alignment and analysis simpler it would be nice to be able to overlay 2 tracks . Each track would need to be displayed in a different color and/or density. Since moving left/right would probably be difficult with an overlay, it might be best to let the user select the 2 (or more) tracks to overlay and just present a temporary view. Then the existing tracks could be manipulated with the effects displayed in the overlay view. Scroll with the Mac Mighty Mouse or TrackPad : (including two-finger TrackPad scroll left/right, up/down and pinch in/out zoom gestures, as recently added to Finale). ( 26 votes ) Allow to scroll left/right with mouse ball/wheel without SHIFT on Windows too ( 5 votes ) This may or may not be possible when Audacity updates to wxWidgets 2.9 - see this Forum thread . Scroll with the middle-mouse button . ( 1 votes ) This should work like panning with the middle mouse button in Gimp, or panning in Google Maps, to make it easier to scroll in small amounts when working with long tracks. Drag windows by bottom bar as on OS X ( 1 votes ) Inter-application communication: a way for a Java app to invoke controls or commands in Audacity Can Audacity receive commands such as Start/Stop recording on a TCP/IP port See Third party applications controlling Audacity in Use Cases. James See also progress on Automation. Support for Perl/Python/Lua/Jave etc scripting. Start-up actions dialog: Would it be possible to have Audacity to start up with a small window with a couple of options such as New Project or Open Existing Project. If the user hit New Project it would ask what the name of the project is to be and create a folder for all the files to be saved in a location of their choosing. Advantages I see to this is that if the user starts work on their project and doesnt save it (as they inevitably do) and the computer crashes then their work will be safe, since auto save will be turned on and that all the project files will be stored in one place. Gale. I think it might have to be a Preference or possibly something clever like holding a key down while it loads, because many would not want this just for a quick record or edit. Also auto save should be equally safe whether the data is in the temp folder or project folder. Independent Input and Output controls: Control audio output at system level or by using volume controls on your monitors split input/output level meters apart as well or collapsible into each other when editing. Simple LP/tape digitization interface: ( 5 votes ) Perhaps more like CD Spin Doctor or Fission (by RogueAmoeba) Effects Layers: ( 2 votes ) Much like Layers in Photoshop but with this you could apply an effect and it creates a collapsed layer containing the effect which you can alter or remove if needed. Also you could create an envelope for the effect which works the same as envelopes on the audio track so you could increase or decrease the level the effect alters the track. Obviously this would need a more powerful computer to playback multiple effects layers but the easiest way around that would be for Audacity to quickly render the effects to temp files contained within the project which would give you the flexibility to remove the effect if you later decided you didnt like it or it doesnt quite work. Porting to QT: To integrate the program to Window Managers and OS better I think is to porting Audacity from WX-Gtk to QT. OK, hard work but the Qt are better. ( 2 votes ) Reason being there is too much aliasing with Widgets ( 1 votes ) Use GTK for GUI for more native colors/icons/controls. Could use GTK stock items or ask them for custom widgets ( 2 votes ) Recording Enhancements Multi-channel/multi-device issues See also Highest-rated (not cross referenced). Find Record from multiple sound devices at once Some suggestions for applying effects as you record have been moved to the effects section. Allocate specific channels to specific Audacity tracks: ( 18 votes ) Detect newly added or removed device automatically: ( 5 votes ) Allow nonconsecutive set of input channels to be selected e. g. to deal with devices that send special outputs on the higher numbered channels. For example, Alesiss MultiMix-8 returns its mixed outputs, which is the only outlet for its on-board effects, on channels 9 and 10. A common setup for me is to use channels 1-3 for instruments and mics, and mix in some effects from the Alesis unit Id like to have Audacity record channels 1,2,3,9,10 instead of 1 through 10.( 23 votes ) Template with any number of stacked NAMED tracks: dropdown menu should allow us to choose any of the N-channels of the attached device (e. g. 16 for a Mackie 1640i). Once template is created and saved, RECORD should launch an instance of this template and record those channels. Each time RECORD is invoked, another instance of the template would start below those already done. In this way the user interface would look mostly as now, but would add the multitrack capability. ( 3 votes ) Per-channel recording metering: ( 13 votes ) - Multi-channel recording requires one meter channel for each channel being recorded. Also waveform display while recording is lagged and arrives in steps rather than being continuous. Must be a reasonable length as in other multi-channel recording apps. Could use Mixer Board metering for record as well as playback, with main recording meter showing levels for mix of all channels. As second best, the main meters could be switchable from channels 12 / 34 / 56 / 78 (up to the number of channels set in Preferences). A problem is that Mixer Board is a separate window that takes focus from the main window, so does not accept shortcuts. If meters are vertical, that makes Mixer Board wider so encourages keeping it as a separate window ( 1 votes ) Other recording enhancements Off-Tape Monitor: True off-Tape Monitor while recording or What you Hear is What youve got. When Recording the playback is taken from the data stored on the Hard drive and passed through the entire audio chain with a suitable delay (say 100 ms) so its obvious youre not listening to the input. This is ideal for high quality spoken word recordings. Timer Record: Many of the below requests could be implemented (I think) by enabling automation support for tcp/unix sockets Multi-event scheduler ( 29 votes ) for future recordings (like a VCR), not just scheduling a single recording for now Record multiple streams at once if desired recordings overlap ( 2 votes ) Access to progress or record controls: Both dialogs should be modeless for current project, allowing access to same controls available during standard recording ( 16 votes ) This lets you change levels, pause manually, drop a label, zoom in/out or resize tracks, plus it lets Audacity on Windows be minimised while Timer Record is in progress. Waiting for Start dialog should be modeless for all (or at least, other) projects: ( 5 votes ) allowing to work normally until recording starts This raises all manner of issues about what happens if user is in the middle of playing / exporting when recording is due to start. Peter 15Mar16: My PVR deals with this by giving me a ten and five minute warning of a scheduled recording or channel change. If I ignore it the recording or channel change takes precedence at the prescribed time. Change/extend recording stop time during record or waiting to record ( 4 votes ) Stop a manually started recording automatically ( 2 votes ) by extending recording stop time in Timer Record - use case something unexpected makes me have to go out Could be considered user error not to have started Timer Record in the first place, though lack of access during Timer Record might be discouraging its use. However this requires more menu access than is currently allowed during recording. Can be achieved if user scripts a scheduled task before leaving, or it would be possible with Audaremote on Windows except it does not recognise the Audacity 2.x window title. Some method to close the timer without stopping it - Cancel ( 2 votes ) More intuitive/simpler timer controls: ( 18 votes ): Type any hour before present time to stop timer/advance date: ( 5 votes ) instead of input before present time being unintuitively ignored. Recall last used date/times to start recording on a daily basis ( 8 votes ) Simple set of independent combo boxes for start and end ( 2 votes ) having month, day (both pre-selected), hour, minute and seconds. More like a hardware timer: ( 3 votes ) Get rid of Duration and Dates as editable controls and get rid of interlinking of start and end time Needs thought - the basic suggestion of type an hour before present to advance date (applied on top of current implementation) would only work well for advancing date by one day and moving only one of either Start Date or End Date. Maybe disallow typing in spinboxes to make it more obvious that incrementing already works like a hardware timer. This may imply not using TimeText spinboxes at all or modifying how they work. Perform system shutdown after recording ( 9 votes ) Schedule computer to turn on for recording from within Audacity, as well as shutdown: ( 5 votes ) Save/export on completion: to a pre-defined project name/location set in an in-situ dialog ( 6 votes ) to a pre-defined audio file name/format and location set in an in-situ dialog ( 8 votes ) export file name in date and time form ( 3 votes ) option not to autosave ( 5 votes ) export at given periods during the scheduled recording ( 3 votes ) also close the track or project on completion ( 1 votes ) Waiting for Start dialog enhancements: Add duration and scheduled stop time ( 2 votes ) Rename Remaining Time to Recording will commence in: hh:mm:ss ( 2 votes ) Remove Elapsed Time and Progress Bar ( 2 votes ) (Windows) Minimise Audacity while Timer Record in progress ( 7 votes ) Disconnect internet stream as well as stop the recording ( 2 votes ) Pick URL to record from: ( 2 votes ) New Loop Record feature: records while loop-playing a selection region in other tracks. ( 1 votes ) It is not recommended to capture the loop in the recording, as this would rely on a stereo mix sound device, hardware playthrough and the result would probably be out of synchronisation (which could not be fixed) Recording limiter that reduces the input level when it approaches clipping ( 8 votes ) Will lead to recording with compressed dynamics and possibly abrupt volume changes. Many would argue a limiter in the analogue chain (for example, connected to the microphone) is preferable, so that clipping never reaches the soundcard. Is a log-law compressor difficult Include Audacitys own virtual driver to record stereo mix: ( 46 votes ) These days fewer and fewer cards support stereo mix or what U hear recording of whatever is playing on the soundcard. Plus direct digital capture from the application ( 9 votes ) - even Freecorder can do this. One method might be by supporting DirectShow capture devices (see below) ( 1 votes ) for example using the open source virtual-audio-capture-grabber-device. Theoretically Audacity could take advantage on Windows Vista and 7 of the WASAPI loopback recording feature. However PortAudio does not support WASAPI properly yet, so Audacity cant. Dont forget OS X: ( 5 votes ) Soundflower requires configuration to set the playback device to output to Soundflower then set the Audacity recording device to Soundflower. Audio Hijack and other apps. are much simpler but not free. (Windows) Support DirectShow capture devices: ( 1 votes ) as VLC now does. FFmpeg could perhaps stream the input to Audacity. One argument against may be that DirectShow is on the way out, to be replaced by Media Foundation . VoIP Recording - record from speaker output and microphone input simultaneously ( 7 votes ) See Use Cases for more information. Pre-roll (buffered) recording for all types of recording not just for Sound Activated Recording. ( 8 votes ). Pause Record allows Audacity to be armed for recording so that recording begins before the recording is un-paused. Available on some hardware recorders for all recordings, but usually limited to a few seconds. If RAM is sufficient for long pre-roll durations, thats useful for making opportunist recordings at band rehearsals/jam sessions and the like. FIFO buffer of long duration (maybe minute or few) would be good for capturing a stream that you found worth keeping. Post-roll only: ( 2 votes ) Capture metadata when recording stream ( 3 votes ) (Linux) Full support for JACK so that digital output such as streaming audio can be received from other programs ( 13 votes ). See JACK and Audacity issues. Mixer Toolbar: Add L. R (hardware) balance control ( 18 votes ) Sliders need finer visible gradation than 10 ticks ( 5 votes ) Should be MTC/MMC slave and master Record direct to MP3: ( 4 votes ) could be special build or self-contained interface/toolbar solution. 8-bit recording: Quality more than sufficient for many lower quality sources such as cassettes, speech, etc. Reduces file size amp cpu use (both important for multitrack conference recording). Also reducing cpu use would make audacity usable on more machines. ( 1 votes ) Azimuth Setter displays tape azimuth setting before and during recording. Enables quick easy amp accurate azimuth setting, and shows any real time variation during recording. This is described in more detail in the recording from cassettes section of Use Cases. ( 1 votes ) Automatic pre-record level adjust: ( 2 votes ) something like ALC to analyze input to determine the level before starting record. Audacity has some experimental, unfinished code which had a similar objective. Automatic sample rate/format adjust: ( 1 votes ) based on capture of several seconds of incoming audio. Achieves non-bloat for non-technical users. Automatic sample rate is fairly easy, just detect what highish frequency never raises itself significantly above the noise floor, and translate this to a suitable sample rate. Automatic bit depth setting raises a few questions: Input must contain at least a moments silence Maybe show a little text box saying the source is n bits deep suggesting n1 bits for recordings where no effects will be applied, or 32-bit where many effects can be applied without degradation. Record a new track in a project backwards: Its all PCM data, so its possible. We all know backwards electric guitar is the coolest thing ever. Better to use the reverse effect later. Saving while recording ( 6 votes ) - very useful for post-processing a selection in advance of the end of a long recording, or for increased safety, or just saving time. See Saving while recording. Quick Record: Pressing a Quick Record menu item or button exports to a pre-determined file name and format after recording is stopped (or terminated by Timer Record). ( 10 votes ) Could also do the same but save to a project ( 1 votes ) Could have option to quit after export ( 3 votes ) Delete mistakes on same track without interrupting recording workflow: ( 9 votes ) Suggestions as described here arose from experiences of the Librivox community. For example, a recording region with a mistake could delete back to a cue point, play before the cue and resume recording after it. Both this and simpler ideas such as dropping labels without leaving the web or document application require Audacity to have cross-platform support for global hotkeys, which wxWidgets supports only under Windows. See also Punch-in Recording . Customisable Add Label at Playback Position ( 1 votes ) - place cursor /- x seconds from playback position Better management of DC offset : Automatic removal of DC offset after recording (rather than just as an option in Normalize) ( 7 votes ) Audacity should block DC at source because of the problems it causes. DC is not sound, and passing DC should only be a fringe purpose for scientists/researchers. ( 2 votes ) Blocking DC at source raises technical issues which we may well not want to address. Playback Enhancements Play-at-speed button/slider: Remember Play-at-speed slider setting: (Bug 711) ( 10 votes ) The setting should not be reset to 1x at the start of each new project or session. It should work as the Selection Toolbar format does from Audacity 2.0.6: A new project window takes its Play-at-Speed slider setting from the audacity. cfg settings file If you move the slider in the new project window, the slider in the previous project window should remain at its current setting If you explicitly save a project, that project has the slider setting saved into it and will open at that setting, whatever the current setting in audacity. cfg is. Separate fast and slow sliders: each with its own default value in preferences, last values not saved in audacity. cfg ( 1 votes ) Shift-click on button to loop at the different speed ( 7 votes ) Higher upper limit: ( 1 votes ) e. g. 4x or 5x Export at selected speed . On the right side of Transcription Toolbar, add a checkbox Export at this speed. ( 1 votes ) by Penguin on 19 July 2008 Finer gradations on/wider slider: ( 3 votes ) Current 3 minimum is a half semitone. Music off-pitch by e. g. 1.5 cant be matched to standard tuning. A text box for entry of a playback ratio is available by double-clicking over the slider Record while playing back at the different speed: Often singers like to record vocals at a lower speed than final playback, it adds an edge to their voice. ( 2 votes ) RoscoHead 20:04, 17 February 2007 (PST) Pre-set speeds e. g. 50 slower or faster as in Jet Audio Basic plus a Reset for 1x speed ( 6 votes ) Change speed while playing 22.47, 10 May 2007 (GMT10) - Nickdella ( 2 votes ) Play at tempo (without changing pitch). Very useful for editing spoken word vocals. --Jongalloway 13:42, 18 January 2009 (PST) ( 3 votes ) Loop: Dynamically adjust loop playback when selection boundaries move ( 17 votes ) A short part of the original selection start or end should be played while and just after the boundary is moved. ( 1 votes ) Must be able to move boundary with keyboard while playing ( 1 votes ) Currently, SHIFT ARROW to move the selection merely moves the playhead backwards. Timed track loop as an alternative to repeat . to potentially help increased ram efficiency. With adjustable time it would be easier for matching tempo. In the render it would repeat the desired sound and have silent intervals when repeat time exceeds the time of the sound. Gapless MP3 playback: e. g. using libmpg123 (LGPL ) instead of libmad ( 1 votes ) Looping tool . play a metronome click (ideally of your own choice) on beat divisions of your selection. This would help to be sure that the loop to be cut is syncopated. (see SoundForges Acid looping tools and Wavosaurs selection gridlines ). ( 1 votes ) Batch-looping tool with auto loop finder and slice marker like fl-studio. ( 1 votes ) Fade in/out playback volume automatically when pressing Play/Stop ( 2 votes ) Streaming server ( 3 votes ) to broadcast playback or recording, stream it over internet, send it to Skype. Editing Enhancements Non-destructive (non-linear) editing: ( 21 votes ) Especially useful for effects e. g. put some echo on a file, then realise a click needs to be edited out, I now have to edit out the echoes of the click as well as the click itself. Project-wide is sufficient: ( 16 votes ) Should be per-track: ( 5 votes ) so you dont have to undo a bunch of changes you DO want on some tracks to get rid of something you did a while ago to another track. The history would then be viewable per track. See also a - devel list discussion about a proof-of-concept patch for non-destructive effects stacks. Delete/move regions/clips/tracks without having to press Stop first: ( 13 votes ) Playback carries on (from end of deletion region if needs be) so saving stop and restart of playback every time. Truncate Silence a possible alternative, but only if near silences are what you want to delete. Select multiple regions . por exemplo. in Word programs etc. you can use the control key to select multiple but separate areas of a file so several areas to processed at the same time. ( 4 votes ) Audio pattern matching: In a recording, remove the same 20 second tag scattered throughout. I want to identify the same piece of sound and remove it from a number of files. ( 6 votes ) See Audio Diff Notes for a possible way to do this. Draw Tool: Visible/editable sample values: hovering pencil over a sample and assign numerical value from keyboard, as in CoolEdit. Useful when implementing/debugging audio processing algorithms. More configurable brush: Define number of samples smoothing brush applies to, rather than current idea of clicking in the middle of an undefined region of samples. See the LIQUIFY tool in Adobe PhotoShop. Should work when further zoomed out: ( 3 votes ) SoundForge allows pencil tool to be used at a zoom ratio of 1:32 or lower, without seeing individual samples. Should work in Waveform (dB) mode ( 3 votes ) Horizontal Guideline to follow amplitude position of the pointer. Possibly with numerical readout in Status Bar ( 2 votes ) And/or a ruler that you move manually to snap to the ticks on the vertical scale. The guideline would change color when snapping to the ruler. ( 1 votes ) More region/clip dragging functionality: Adjust trim: by dragging corners of clip boundary. Allows to recover original audio easily if you trim too much, rather than as now, having to undo a cut and redo it. See Audition, Cubase, Vegas. ( 12 votes ) Very useful for chopping sound bites into separate tracks where you may need to grab a second or two before or after the sound bite. Currently you must search out the source material in the original track. Audacity does have cut lines allowing you to restore cuts at any time, but you can only restore all the cut. Time Stretching: ( 7 votes ) mouse tools for both pitch-variable and pitch-constant time stretching. Adobe Audition has this and its vital for the production of sample-based music. When dragging to create a selection spanning multiple tracks, be able to stop selecting a previously-selected track . for example, if I press somewhere on track A and drag down onto track B, then down onto track C, I now have a selection spanning tracks A, B, and C. It would be helpful to (while continuing to hold down the mouse) drag back up to track B and no longer be selecting track C (so that the selection now only spans tracks A and B). Edit, create and filter MIDI files, using VSTi instruments ( 10 votes ) Allow MIDI files to control VST Instruments ( 4 votes ) MIDI Event Inspector like Sonar which displays and lets you modify properties of a selected MIDI note (or multiple selected notes if they have the same value). Record MIDI: ( 9 votes ) Allow Audacity to be controlled by MIDI devices or peripherals: such as MIDI controllers ( 14 votes ) - could be separate profiles for Audacity to learn commands from each device. There is a MIDI Translator tool for Windows and Mac OS X that can control Audacity via MIDI commands from a FCB1010 MIDI foot controller and BCF2000 MIDI controller. Render a MIDI file using free-to-obtain samples such that the eventual file was also free. ( 1 votes ) - some kind of tracker would allow a user to convert a MIDI or other forms of tracker file (i. e. Protracker) into RAW audio. Old PD Music can be scored and performed without the need for actual musicians. I want conversion of sound-like files without having to payout for commercial tools. ShakespeareFan00 10:15, 30 January 2007 (PST) Import meter/key meta-events from MIDI-file (to represent time in measure/beat) amp markers. ( 1 votes ) Support MIDI beat clock ( 5 votes ) so that the BPM data can synchronise MIDI devices Click Track could broadcast MIDI beat clock data ( 1 votes ) MIDI composition and score display/printing ( 1 votes ) Unclassified Feature Requests Requests which dont fit into the above categories or need a very long description can be added to our page for unclassified requests. Click here to add a short request that doesnt match with any current requests, or here to add a long description of the feature you want. These unclassified requests will be eventually be categorised, summarised if necessary then amalgamated back into this page.
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