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Este indicador permite que você use 8 valores rsi diferentes na mesma sub-janela. Cada rsi pode ter seu próprio período e seu próprio intervalo de tempo na forma de rsi regular, Wilders rsi, rsx e Cutlers rsi. Composite RSI indicador está neste post. Rsi é calculado de até 6 níveis de ema (ema, ema de ema, ema de ema de ema.) E aqueles são usados para construir um rsi composto. Com uma adição de cálculo de profundidade de rsi possível (quantos ema de ema de níveis de ema. São usados no cálculo) torna-se um indicador bastante flexível. Mas não perde muito em velocidade com profundidade adicional. Composto rsi 2 indicador está neste post. RSI composto atualizado e atualizado. Ele permite cálculos de até 25. indicador rsi composto para o Metatrader 5 está neste post. Esta é uma versão do metatrader 5 do composto rsi. As o original, permite profundidades até 25. 3. indicador de desvio padrão totalmente ajustável com a média móvel ploted sobre está aqui. O indicador de desvios de cor está neste post. Algumas mudanças. Adicionado suavização para evitar alguma rugosidade de desvios padrão. Se quisermos desativar o alisamento, basta definir o período Smooth como igual ou menor que 1. O parâmetro de interesse é o parâmetro alertsBarsInSameDirection. Nela especificamos o número de barras que têm a mesma direção. . 4. O indicador PriceTender está nesta postagem. 5. O indicador de CycleBar convertido de Tradestation está aqui. 6. O indicador do filtro Super8 está nesta postagem. 7. O indicador de pivô de Kalenzo está aqui. Camarilla Histórico está aqui. 8. Hi-Lomod. Indicador com semelhante vista como em VTS. 9. MTF EMA para usar com CCI e Momentum está neste post. 10. ICWR versão melhorada do indicador. 11. barra no contador de cartas está aqui. Alarme em cada vela perto: indicador está nesta página com a explicação. Indicador de tamanhos de pavio está neste post. O indicador mostra um ponto quando uma vela faz um pavio maior que pips. Os tamanhos para o tamanho superior e inferior da mecha podem ser ajustados separada. Os tamanhos de pontos são definidos nas propriedades de cores do indicador. 12. Repulse. Indicador mede e representa na forma de uma curva o impulso contido em cada castiçal. Repulse1.1 mtf - indicador suavizado está neste post. Uma vez que há 3 repulsas neste, cada um pode ser separadamente alisado. Por padrão, o alisamento é feito apenas na primeira repulsão. Para desativar o alisamento em qualquer valor de repulsão, basta definir o valor SmoothLength (nnn) como menor ou igual a 1. 14. Todos os indicadores Gann para MT3 e MT4 estão aqui. Gann High-Low ativador e Gann High-Low ativador histo indicadores foram fixados finalmente. Por enquanto - os indicadores não são repintados. Alguns outros recursos para esses famosos indicadores também foram aprimorados. Gann High-Low ativador - Heiken Ashi indicador está neste post. Este indicador está usando Heiken Ashi suavizado e é amplamente testado (se quisermos usar um asik Heiken não suavizado, basta definir MaPeriod como 1). Então, este está usando o alto eo baixo do Heiken Ashi suavizado em vez do Alto e Baixo como o ativador Gann alta baixa original faz. Gann High-Low ativador - Heiken Ashi setas indiator está neste post. 15. HLODIF. Indicador que traça alto menos o aberto e também uma média deste valor. Também o aberto menos o baixo e uma média desse valor. Stoch Cycle Indicator está neste post. 18. alerta de som para TrendEnvelopes indicador e NonLagMa com alerta de som (v6) estão neste post (como um links). MTFNonlagmav7.1 SW (para janela separada) está aqui TrendEnvelopesv3 (semelhante com o sistema Fibonacci Trader) está neste post MTF versão de NonLagMAv7.1 e MTF NonLagMav7.1Bar está neste post NonLagMABarsv7.1 indicador está neste post 3MAsMarketv1 indicador está ligado Este post NonLagMAv7.8 indicador está neste post (nova versão mais suavizada do NonLagMA) NonLagMAv7.9 indicador está neste post (NonlagMA com CountBars). Indicadores NonLagMA: versão simples, versão MTF e versão NRP estão nesta postagem. NonLagMA indicador histo versão está neste post e nonlagma histo - spotforex versão está neste post. O indicador das barras do nonlag de TTM está neste borne. NonLagMA Multi Time Frames Trend e NonLagMA Multi Time Frame Allerts indicadores estão neste post. O que este indicadores faz: ele descobre as tendências a partir de um período de tempo desejado (atribuível através do parâmetro TimeFrames), multiplica cada tendência de tempo com seu peso (atribuível embora TimeFramesWeights parâmetro) e adiciona-los para obter uma tendência sobre todos. Nonlagma multi time frame allerts - avançado está neste post. O indicador TrendEnvelopeCOLDEM1 está nesta postagem. TrendEnvelopesv6STF4TF-1 indicador está neste post. Trata-se de 4 indicadores de tempo TrendEnvelopes melhorado. 19. ChandeQStikv1 histograma, CMOv1, PVTv1, ChandeKrollStopv1, ChandelierStopsv1 e SI estão neste post (como um link) ChandeQStick linhas neste post Chande Dynamic Momentum Índice do livro The New Technical Trader está neste post Chandes DMI está neste post Chandes DMI no gráfico é sobre este post Chandes trendscore indicador está neste post. CMO indicador suavizado está neste post. É o Chandel Momentum Oscillator. CMO indicador smoothedv1 está neste post - é a versão melhorada do indicador suavizado CMO. 20. Adaptive T3 Chandes trendcore indicador está neste post. Trata-se de Chandes Trendscore alisado com T3 adaptativo com alertas e setas sobre oversold ou overbought. 21. Indicador R-quadrado e indicador de inclinação de regressão linear com algoritmo padrão da TradeStation estão aqui (como um link). Indicador de regressão linear está neste post. É shoving valor de regressão linear (às vezes erradamente chamado LSMA), linha de regressão linear (e uma projeção da linha de regressão do forro para o futuro), canal de regressão linear (projetado também) e pode colorir o valor de regressão linear com base na inclinação do linear linha de regressão. 22. Mudança Slope Taxa de Mudança são JMASlope estão neste post. 23. Índice Momentum Relativo, Índice de Disparidade, Bollinger Bandwidth (The Sqeeze) e Rapid RSI. Nova modificação dos indicadores. Rsi rápido das médias está neste borne. Disparity Index 2 indicador está neste post. É indicador melhorado com MTF, Zero Line Alertand Divergence. 24. Temperatura do mercado e Bollinger Porcentagem B neste post. O histograma Bollinger Percent B encontra-se nesta página. 25. Efficiencyv1 com diferentes tipos de cálculo de ruídos, Vertical Horizontal Filter (VHF) e AdvancedAMA estão neste post. 26. StepChoppyBars. Indicador que cor as barras que estimam a condição de mercado pela cor, ea explicação da cor e como usar. A versão fixa está aqui. O indicador StepChoppyv1.01 está nesta postagem. Alerta de e-mail foi adicionado. Vamos receber 8 alertas diferentes. 4 para a mudança de tendência e 4 para a tendência de mudança para baixo. Parâmetros para alertas são como de costume. 28. Indicadores CCI. Diferentes links sobre diferentes indicadores baseados em CCI. CCI - indicador simples, CCI - nrp indicador e CCI - nrp mtf indicador estão neste post. CCI - nrp mtf avançado indicador está neste post. Podemos configurar o tipo de setas que você deseja ver separadamente (mostrar na zona entrar e / ou sair da zona). Para ativar o alisamento, defina o SmoothPhase para menor ou igual a 1. CCI - nrp mtf avançado folating níveis indicador está neste post. O indicador de médias pré-filtradas CCI está neste post. CCI médias pré-filtrado indicador para metatrader 5 está neste post. CCI prefiltrado médias com flutuante níveis indicador está neste post. Cci médias pré-filtradas fl indicador para metatrader 5 está neste post. 29. BBRSIMAv2 e MAofRSIv1 estão neste post. Rsi MA - nrp MTF indicador está neste post. Coloração nonrepainting e opção mtf foram adicionados a este indicador. Rsi MA - histo indicador está neste post. É a versão histo do Rsi MA - nrp MTF indicador. RSI filtro v1.2 indicador está neste post. É famoso indicador de filtro RSI feito como MTF com alerta quando mudança de cor e setas. Mais uma opção boa adicionada: EverySignalCatching. Se estiver definido como verdadeiro, ele irá mostrar setas e alertará sempre que o filtro muda de nenhum sinal para sinal e sempre que o sinal muda de direção, caso contrário ele fará isso somente quando o sinal mudar de direção. Rsigaussianemamtfalerts indicador está neste post. Isso é rsi ma suavizado com filtro gaussiano, com setas e alertas saindo em rsi ma cruz. Ma rsi adaptativo - flutuante níveis de indicador e ma rsi adaptativo - níveis flutuantes - no gráfico indicador estão nesta postagem. A idéia original para este era de Alexander Kirilyuk mas chamou-o um RSI adaptável que seja enganoso desde que não é um RSI mas uma média movente. Assim, uma breve descrição do que seria que é um RSI adaptado EMA. Algumas mudanças na idéia original foram feitas a fim de torná-lo um pouco mais rápido para as mudanças de preços. As opções para o parâmetro RsiMethod são as seguintes: 0 - Rsi 1 - Wilders rsi 2 - Rsx 3 - Cuttler rsi. Ma rsi adaptativo - flutuante níveis mtf e no gráfico indicadores mtf estão neste post. O indicador ema - rsi adaptive 2 está neste post. Este indicador pode ajudar na escolha, dependendo do estilo de negociação. Além disso, cálculos rsi é adicionado. O rsi, Wilders rsi, rsx e Cuttlers rsi. Macd - rsi adaptive 2 indicador está neste post. O rsi adaptável macd indicador com uma adição de rsi para adaptação. rsi, Wilders rsi, rsx and Cuttlers rsi 30. RSIvarv1 . very interesting RIS indicator with EMA smoothing and settings adjustable. 31. Price Trender indicators are on this thread . LeaderMACD indicator is on this post. It is very advanced MTF version oif this well-known indicator from Giorgos E. Siligardos for Ninja Trader with Interpolate feature. For now - for Metatrader 4. 33. Volatility are on this page (indicators, explanation, how to use etc). Historical volatility indicators ( Historical volatility, Historical volatility - Parkinson and Historical volatility - high - low ) are on this post. It is three flavors. Parkinsons historical volatility, regular historical volatility (a close to close volatility) and a high-low historical volatility. 34. RAVI (Rapid Adaptive Variance Indicator) is on this post with some exaplanation. 35. Linear (or NonLinear) Regression Indicators . many links on this post . 36. Automatic regression channel indicator is on this post. This is an automatic linear regression channel with an addition. The addition is if we want to see the last value of the channel before the new bar as the history or we do not want it. AutoTrendChannel indicator is on this post. Slope angle information is showing on the lower right corner of the main chart. Regression channel indicator is on this post. This is extended and enhanced indicator. The extending is that it does extrapolation too and it can calculate 3 different types channels. The enhancement is that it allows degrees of up to 19 and the code is completely rewritten. Regression channel days indicator is on this post. In regression channel, calculating mode refers to what prices will it use in calculation and what kind of a channel it will make. 38. CrossedAlertsTrader . indicator is on this post . 40. Stochastic Momentum Indicator (Index) and RSI Momentum ColorAlarm . post with links. 41. Stochastic momentum with arrows is on this post . 42. open/high/low of the day/week/month . indicators on this post . Highs - lows indicator is on this post. Here is a kind of generalized high-low indicator. Default parameters are set as 52 week high/low, but you can choose any time frame and any period for that. 43. New Pivots Set . indicators with daily, weekly and monthly new pivot. Link to Pack 2008 44. Projection v1 (TD DIFF) are on this page . TD Sequential Setup indicator is on this post. It is from September 2011 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. article TD Sequential And Ermanometry For Intraday Traders from Andrew Coles describes, among other, Thomas DeMarks TD Sequential Setup usage. 45. Weekly trend indicator is on this post . Trading the trend indicator is on this post. It is based on Trading the Trend by Andrew Abraham article in TASC. In the original conditions testing is done on closed bar exclusively, while in this version it allows to use current (still not closed bar) in testing. If one wants the original way, then the TestBar parameter should be set to 1, otherwise if set to 0 it will test current bar instead. 46. Converted TradeStation Zigzag . indicator with description here and here . 47. NonLagZigZag (v4) with new options . 2 Price Modes, Fibo for last section, Alert for changing of direction, Warning for new High or Low: this post . NonLag ZigZag dasboard indicator is on this post. It is a non lag zig zag based indicator. In this indicator if the current peak is up, then it assumes that the trend is down and opposite. ZigZag any price indicator is on this post. Here is the indicator that allows us to choose high and low price. 48. The indicator for HOPS and LOPS . indicator with the link for examplanation next version of the indicator . 49. Chart Transposition Indicator . the thread . RK-Ichimoku-Cloud. v2 indicator is on this post. It is indicator with alert fixed. RK-Heatmap-MAwAlerts-trendarrows indicator is on this post . RK-Heatmap-wNonlagwAlerts-trendarrows indicator is on this post . RK-PrChSignal-1 indicator is on this post . 52. Very advance PriceTrenderv3 . page with explanation. 54. trend reversal . indicator as simple trading system with alert. 56. Correct DMI indicator . the thread and next updated version is here . 57. Advanced TD REI for MT4 is on this post . 59. Fixed CustomCandle indicator is here . Custom candles - by numbers indicator is on this post. The candles in this indicator do not have anything with time. They are exclusively counting bars and when a certain number of bars is reached, new candle is started (here is a 20 bars candle example). All the parameters (NumebrOfBarsPerCandle, TimeOfAncoredBar, UpCandleColor, DownCandleColor, NeutralCandleColor and more) are adjustable in the indicators input. Next version of Custom candles - by numbers indicator is on this post. it turned out that the by numbers candle indicator can be easily adjusted to show any time frame (the non existent in metatrader too). Custom candles - any time frame indicator is on this post. It can be used to have combined displays (like this example. there is daily and 4h boxes combined - two instances of the same indicator with time frames, colors and unique id set differently) It is a quick chop-chop of the custom candles any time frame to show only high and low instead of showing the wick too. Custom candles - any time frame - separate indicator is on this post. It is MTF candles which are drawn in a separate window of the chart. 62. ROC and a MA of that ROC on this post . 63. Bolt indicator to draw lines is here . 64. customBar2, DevStops, FiboPiviotChanel, KasePeakOscilatorv1, KIsignalsv2 and Trendiv3 are on post 277 and post 278. Kase peak oscillator, KASE CD, Kase indicator and Kase indicator oscillator are on this public page. FibonacciChannel indicator . improved version and next version ATRPivotsLnxv2 next historical version . 66. Kijun-Sen-Smothed indicator is on this post . 67. MACDLSMAEMA indicator (uses LSMA in place of EMA and EMA for smoothing), MACDDEMA (Standard MACD modified to use DEMA instead of EMA with EMA for smoothing) and DEMARLH2 (custom indicator used by MACDDEMA) are on this post . MACDSMAalertsv3 indicator is on this post. Added a vertical line for every time a red or blue bar follows an orange bar. Some members are using this trend indicator for a scalping setup. MACDSMAalertsv4 indicator is on this post. It is improved MACDSMAalerts version 3. MACDRSI - arrows indicator is on this post. arrows added when the red line crosses with grey and blue line. Two types of arrows separately configurable. for macd crosses and rsi crosses. We can turn them separately on or off. averages MACD - mtf alerts indicator is on this post. It is a bit extended MACD. Basis of it is the averages indicator and depending on Method parameter it can make a MACD of : 0 - simple moving average 1 - exponential moving average 2 - smoothed moving average 3 - linear weighted moving average 4 - linear regression value (LSMA) 5 - triangular moving average 6 - sine weighted moving average 7 - volume weighted moving average 8 - Hull moving average 9 - NonLag moving average Lines, alert and multiple time frame done too. Alerts configurable to alert on macd zero line cross or macd-signal line cross. Lines showing, colors and style configurable Averages MACD - alerts arrows indicator is on this post. This is a MACD of averages with 16 types of averaging. MACDSAR histo indicator is on this post. It is a sar of a macd made as histo. MACDSAR histo 2 indicator is on this post. It is the second variation of a sar of a macd made as histo. Adaptive Averages MACD - alerts arrows indicator is on this post. This is another adaptive macd this version is using advanced kaufman ama as slow macd and a choice of the 16 different averages for the fast ma and macd signal. MACD bars advanced indicator is on this post. In order to have the macd bars of every average made macd of averages. So now you can choose among 17 types of averages which kind of macd you want. MACD bars advanced 2 indicator is on this post. This is the MACD bars with an addition of multi time frame and one more moving average type added: the Leader EMA. hmacd T3 adaptive bandsalertsmtf indicator is on this post. its the same as adaptive t3 heiken but its using separate window and instead of using the regular mas now using either a t3 macd or regular macd of the heiken high, low, open, and close. Added alerts, mtf, and the bands. Normalized MACD of averages indicator is on this post. This is a normalized macd with our usual choice of averages that can be used for macd calculation and for result smoothing. By default this indicator is set to use Alexander MA for calculation and NonLag MA for result smoothing. 68. Yearly Pivot indicator is here . 69. Initial stop loss indicator is on this post . 71. HMAv1 . indicator with color mode and warning/alert. HMARussianColorv1 . fixed indicator. HMAv2 indicator with dynamic filter(PctFilter) like for NonLagMA. 72. RSICrossSignalv1 and RSIX2alarm indicators are on this post RSI Histogram indicator is on this post and second version on this post. RK-Special RSI Arrows Alerts MTF indicator is on this post. It is RSI indicators cross with arrows, alerts incl email alert, MTF coded in interpolated way. RK-ml-Trix - signals - trend buffer view indicator is on this post . rsi 3 time frames alerts indicator is on this post. It is very special multi timeframe indicator with the alerts created onto two groups: alerts when all are aligned over 50, and alerts when any of the rsi values crosses the LevelUp or LevelDown. rsi - floating levels - advanced indicator is on this post. In this indicator a low lag smoothing, choice of RSI methods and multi time framing have been added. The rsi methods are (choosable by RsiMethod parameter). 0 - Classical rsi 1 - Emphasized rsi 2 - Rsx 3 - Ehlers rsi and 4 - Cuttler rsi. rsi - floating levels - advanced 2 indicator is in this post. This is an upgraded rsi floating levels indicator. rsi - floating levels - advanced divergence indicator is on this post . rsi - floating levels - advanced divergence 2 indicator is on this post. This is improved version which can draw 4 the middle floating levels. rsi - floating levels - on chart indicator is on this post . 73. KST (Know Sure Thing) by Martin Pring written by Igorad, Smoothed ROC as A Elder explain in Trading For a Living and Trend Tigger Factor by Linuxser are here . 74. T3 indicators with the following indicators: - with MACD, RSI, Stochastic and Momentum are on this post - with CCI (CCI original code made by FX Sniper), with CMO (Chande Momentum Oscillator made by Igorad), RSI (the other version), Demarker - see this post . - T3WPRv1 and T3RVIv1 indicators are on this post . - T3 clean shift indicator is on this post . - T3.Taotra MTF indicator is on this post. This totally new version as fully re-coded way. - T3 Taotra indicator and T3 Taotra - on chart indicator are on this post . - T3 adaptive Taotra indicator and T3 adaptive Taotra - on chart indicator are on this post. Those indicators are improved adaprtive versions and have an extra option with which we can choose if we want adaptive or just a regular one. - T3 bands and T3 deviation indicators are on this post. Now about the T3 deviation. even if at a first glance it resembles to standard deviation, the way it is calculated is different than the standard deviation and it is anything but a smoothed standard deviation (it was not made till now on metatrader because it needs 36 extra buffers to calculate it). T3 bands is a variation of Bollinger bands using T3 and T3 deviation. - T3trixx3 indicator is on this post. Added a histogram as the difference between fast and slow trix. Improved version is on this post. It allows you to choose if T3 is adaptive for both T3 calculations used. - T3 trix mtf indicator is on this post. Here is the T3 trix made multi time frame. - Trix - signals indicator is on this post. It is MTF Trix signal indicator. - T3 tma combination indicator is on this post. The indicator is showing the distance between Snake and T3 in pips (absolute value) in bar 1 and bar 2, and showing the difference in pips of the above values with a sign /-. It will alerts when the distance exceeds asked value, bar for that alert can be chosen, bars for distances displayed can be chosen and we can choose if you want the information displayed at all or not. - T3 tma combination histo indicator is on this post. It is histo version of T3 tma combination. - T3 - normalized atr adaptive indicator is on this post . - All trix indicator is on this post. this one has the possibility to be adaptive too and it is the default setting. Also, trix is somewhat similar to indicators like macd. values from different time frames are very different and that would cause lowest time frames to be shown almost as a line. Because of that they have to be equalized in order to make each time frame equally visible. Equalization changes the values, so if we are looking for original values the turn the equalize to false. - Adaptive T3 RSI nrp indicator is on this post. Adaptive T3 Rsi nrp, it has alerts on color change, and using Mladens adaptive with atr t3. Adaptive T3 Rsi nrpv1 indicator is on this post. It is fixed and imperoved Adaptive T3 RSI nrp. - Adaptive T3 RSI histo indicator and Adaptive T3 RSI histo forEA indicator are on this post. It is histo version of Adaptive T3 RSI. Second indicator was made to be used in any EA. Very usefull for programmers and developers. - Trix linear regression indicator is on this post. Here is this version of trix with what Joe Luisi calls a least-squares fit method (linear regression value) in his article Playing TRIX: The Triple Exponential Smoothing Oscillator. - T3 steps indicator is on this post. This indicator is, with default parameters, showing all the steps to the final T3 value and how it is built up. In such form it reminds a bit of Guppy MMA which lead to a logical extension of what could it do. it is showing up to 8 generalized DEMA values (ShowLevel parameter used for that). It used original Tim Tillson calculation by default but if T3Original parameter is set to false, then Fulks/Matulich modification of T3 is applied to all the 8 level steps. By the way - Fulks / Matulich mod is faster than the original. - T3 nrpmtf indicator is on this post. Its mtf with multicolor, but if you prefer can change it to all gold like the 9 squared t3, but to explain the setting T3 Original false equals the difference between the 2 shown in this picture both with t3 period 9 and t3 hot or volume 1.00. If you set T3 Original true, the 2 are equal. - T3 rsi adaptive indicator for Metatrader 5 is on this post . 75. T3 r-adaptive indicator is on this post. T3 is a good moving average but it has that hot parameter which is sometimes called a volume factor even though it does not have anything with volumes in calculation. And here is one experiment. in this one the hot parameter is not fixed (it is not a parameter any more) but instead r-squared is used for that purpose. So, now, instead of adapting the length of calculation, we are adapting the hot field and that way it is always trying to adapt itself to data changes - the trendier the data the higher the hot is (less speed) and opposite - if there is no trend, it is faster in order to accommodate itself faster to imminent change, and still it is kept as smooth as it is possible. 76. T3 velocity 2 indicator is on this post. This is an advanced version of T3 velocity. In this one histogram on slope and zero cross has been added, it is made multi time frame and it has alerts for both slope and / or zero line crosses ability. - T3 velocity 3 indicator is on this post. This is the T3 velocity with the addition of arrows. The same way as the alerts can be configure separately, arrows can be configured that way too. You can chose which arrow do you wish to see, their gaps and their colors so you can distinguish them on the chart easily. T3 velocity extended indicator for Metatrader 5 is on this post . 77. SMI (Stochastic Momentum Index) and RMI are on this post. New version of SMI is here and TMI indicator is here . 80. Balance of Power indicator is on this page . Balance of market power indicator is on this post. This indicator is based on Igor Livshins article Balance of Market Power. Calculation in the indicator is the same as Igor Livshins calculation except for the last step. he uses a regular simple moving average to smooth the result into usable form, while we use something faster, with less lag an smoother. Balance of market power nrpalerts indicator is on this post. Added the multi coloring, alerts and arrows. 81. Coppock Curve indicator . original public thread . 82. John Ehlers indicators explained in his book Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures is on this page : Fixed versions of those 5 indicators are on this post . - Non-Linear Kalman Filter is on this post . - Gaussian Filter is on this post. Gaussian filter indicator for Metatrader 5 is on this post . - Adaptive Laguerre is on this post. Adaptive Laguerre in separated window is here and Adaptive Laguerre Color Mode with PctFilter and with Alert and warning mode . description is on this post and fixed indicator is here . - Adaptive Laguerre Filter MTF version indicator is on this post . - alf non lag bands mtf indicator is on this post. It is Nonlag adaptive Laguerre bands using same type std deviation as Bollinger bands. Jurik Trendmtfalerts indicator is on this post. This was iTrend changed it using jurik and now with multitimeframe, alerts and arrows. Still using auto iTrend levels. OS Gaussian SR Rate combined indicator os on this post. This indicator is combined from kuskusstarlightv2 and OS Gaussian SR Rate. Alerts added, so we can test it and see if it is giving us signals and crosses that we were expecting it to do. This indicator will not repaint and will not change the place where crosses appear, so that issues was solved too, it is just a matter if we find it useful. OS Gaussian SR Rate Histo mtf 2 indicator is on this post. This is the histo version, with alerts on color change, which happen when the Gaussian crosses the levelP, which by default is set at .5, as the original. StochRvi generic indicator is on this post. This is stochastic rvi generic, its using the non recalculating TMA for smoothing. - LabTrend indicators . LabTrend elite section thread LabTrend1v4, LabTrend2v2 and LabTrend3v2 are on this post template (labtrendv12.tpl) is on this post LabTrend1v4.1 on this post LabTrendZigZagv1 indicator is on this post LabTrendZigZagv1.1 version is on this post (calculation of cycle periods and distance between turning points). LabTrendZigZagv1.2 version is on this post (very improved version). - elite section labtrend thread is here . LabTrendZigZagv1.3 version with Fibo Levels is on this post . LabTrend1a indicator, LabTrend2a indicator and LabTrend3a indicator are on this post. Added a Jurik MA cross in the Labtrend 2 and some other things like a lookback feature in Labtrend 3 so maybe it can be used it in future optimization in EA or even manually Labtrend 1-2-3-RSI indicator is on this post . ZigZag levels and ZigZag levels separate indicators are on this post . ZigZagChannels swing indicator is on this post. This is improved ZigZag Channel indicator for draw trendline based on TTM. Alerts and colors are included. PriceChannelZigZagv2 is on this post . PriceChannelZigZagv3.2 is on this post . TrendLabs indicator with alert is on this post. Alert for this indicator is used when the value is above or below -5 at the close of the bar and having the following settings: This indicator is complex indicator looking like a separated trading system itself using the following indicators: AddSignalv1.1 TrendEnvelopesv2 TrendStrengthv2 LabTrend1v4 LabTrend2v2 LabTrend3v2 VoltyChannelStopv2.1 TrendRSIv3 AllTrendEnvelopesv3 and TurboTrendStrength (all indiators are available in elite setion of the forum). VoltyChannelStopv2.2alerts indicator is on this post . Volty Channel Stop on jurik indicator is on this post. This is Volty Channel Stop now using double smooth jurik or regular jurik your choice, visual mode is the same 1 for dots, 0 for lines. If you use either 2 (high) or 3 (low) as price then the indicator will use high and low jurik in its calculations, otherwise will use regular calculations. The alerts are on color trend change and now it MTF. Volty Channel Stop on jurik - histo indicator is on this post. It is histo version of Jurik smoothed volty channel. Parabolic wma envelopes mtf alerts indicator is on this post. This is Parabolic weighted moving average trend envelopes. Parabolicwmaenvelopeshisto indicator is on this post. It is the histo version of this well-known elite section indicator. 84. WoodiesLnxHMAv1: CCi Woodie like HMA Ogeima Version is on this page . CCIWoodiesLnxHMAv2 is on this post . - Hull Style ADX v3 indicator with MA of ADX and individual period settings for ADX and PlusDi/MinusDi . original thread . - Wilders ADX/DMI v3 by igorad with histogram on this post - AdxVma indicator is on this post. Histo version of this indicator is here. AdxVma final fixed version is here. Adx Trend indicator is on this post. Adx Trend indicator with alert is on this post. ADX Trend Alerts and Arrows indicator is on this post. zero line cross arrows on current chart were added. Advanced ADX indicator is on this post. This indcator is having very advanced features/parameters such as ADXLevel, ADXPeriod, TimeFrame. adxvma channel indicator is on this post. The calculation is similar to Keltener channel except that it does not use the ATR (average true range). adxvma bands indicator is on this post. This one is calculated similar to Bollinger bands, with one deviation. It does not calculate standard deviations for upper and lower bands. adx trend smoothed alerts and arrows indicator is on this post . adxvma - mtf zigZag 2 indicator is on this post. Added horizontal lines on the zigzag that show price: we can control almost everything regarding lines and price tags (even the visibility of lines and price labels) and it works in mtf too. ZeroLagBands . Bands based on zero lag algorithm. Zero Lag Hull Moving Average indicator is on this post . Zero lag Hull Moving Average - Histo indicator is on this post . Zero lag Hull Moving Average - Histo alerts indicator is on this post. It is a histogram version of zero lag HMA with MTF and full alerts feature: alertsOn as false or true, alerts on current bar or alerts on close bar, alerts message, alerts sound and alerts email. All kinds of alert and enable/disable in indicators input. Zero lag Hull moving average 2 indicator is on this post. Added some options with which we can control if we want multi color and / or if we want arrows visible as well as the code for arrows can be set from parameters. Zerolag MACD CCI mtf Alert v2 indicator is on this post . Zerolag MACD - alerts arrows indicator is on this post. Types of alerts and arrows are controlled by AlertArrowsOn parameter. Depending on its value there are 3 kinds of alerts/arrows : 0 - when macd and signal line cross (which is equivalent to osma crosses of zero line) 1 - when macd crosses zero line 2- when signal line crosses zero line. ZeroLag Tema multi color indicator is on this post. This became an interesting indicator: it uses 25 buffers internally just for calculation 6 for drawing 31 in total, so it is breaking the 8 buffers limitation of metatrader by far. As of how it works. since there are 2 lines in that indicator had to add some options to choose how to color the whole thing, so now we have 3 modes of color displays. The main switch is MultiColorMode. If set to true, it will display lines in multi color mode, otherwise it will display as before. When in multi color mode, we have 2 modes to switch: each line is going to be colored depending on its slope, or the color will depend on relative position of the 2 lines - one color when a line is above other line other color when a line is bellow the other line. Zero lag Hull CD indicator . Zero lag Hull CD histo indicator and Zero lag Hull CD histo - for EA indicator are on this post. 1st is on chart indicator that shows the 2 zero lag Hull moving averages, their slopes and their crosses. 2nd is a histo version that shows relative position of 2 zero lag hull moving averages (it shows trend) as well as on chart arrows. These 2 are multi time frame and have alerts too. And the 3rd one is the one made for EA. It has only the basic since from the EA you can specify a time frame in the iCustom() parameters and it should be as fast as it it possible. ZeroLag Tema bars indicator is on this post. It actually should be called dema of tema but am leaving the name as is since the original author of the article The Quest For Reliable Crossovers named it. Addition is that it is showing the current trend as bars on a chart and that we can choose if you want to see the lines at all. ZeroLag Tema 2 indicator is on this post. It is improved version with changes are made simply to avoid one non-logical point in the the original calculation. ZeroLag Tema 2 - alerts indicator is on this post . 87. StDLnxv1 indicator and AtRLnxv1 indicator . are on this post . - TEMABands . Triple Exponential Moving Average Bands on this post . - FRAMABands indicator. Fractal Adaptive Moving Average by John Ehlers Bands. - BandsonBands indicator is on this post. its based on custom Bands not on iBands, to allow you to set decimal values as 1.5, 2.7. - BandsLevels indicator. a tunnel, but based on Bollinger Bands with levels as Vegas style. - Jurik cci with bands, mtf, arrows and alerts indicator is on this post . - BolliToucher 2 indicator is on this post. It will show when price is above and/or below specific Bollinger Bands with alert added. - Bollinger bands on WPR indicator is on this post. WE can use 2 additional smoothing modes. jurik smoothing and jurik double smoothing. Added these because they are very good in preserving peaks, and since we are looking for breaks, peak preservation is rather important. - Multi Bollinger indicator is on this post. It allows to have up to 3 Bollinger bands. - averages confidence bands mtf indicator is on this post. This is averages and confidence bands indicator into an MTF version with interpolation option. - averages confidence bands 2 indicator is on this post. This version uses different calculation for confidence bands (Students T) which takes into account the degree of freedom of the average too. jmabands sw indicator is on this post. it is a stand alone indicator, for now its mtf and with 3 different alert possibilities: 1st is when the center jma crosses price, 2nd should alert if price crosses the first upper lower bands, and the 3rd is when price crosses the second upper lower bands. 89. IFishv1 indicator (improved version) . the post . iShark (iFish cousin): fisherized CCI - this post and MTF is on this post . 90. StepTunnel . indicator based on StepMAV7. StepMAv7 arrows indicator is on this post . StepMAv7.2 pdf indicator is on this post. This is StepMA 4.2 with pdf ma addition. StepMAv7.2 pdf histo indicator is on this post . 91. ECO - Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator . this post . 92. ATR versions : - ATR Frama . ATR levels indicator plotted using FRAMA as baseline. - ATR KAMA . ATR levels indicator plotted using KAMA as baseline. - Nonlag ATR of Jma Cross indicator is on this post . - Historically predicted ATR indicator is on this post. Majority of indicators use n previous bars to calculate current value of something. Like ATR. it takes last n bars and calculates what is the current average true range. But what if we took ATR from 24 hours ago center it (so get an ATR that was half periods before and after) and use that as a kind of prediction (so, it was like this around this time yesterday, it will probably be similar today kind of prediction). - ATR Levels2R - simple indicator is on this post. It is right justified and shows the day you chose. - ATR Levels2R - simple 2 indicator is on this post. It is improved version of ATR Levels2R: it is skipping Sundays, prices are added and labels too, position of labels is controlled separately and font size is adjustable now. - HPTAtrTrend indicator is on this post. Its mtf now. On the labels you can change the fontsize, also you have label up color and label down color, the colors should change according to the atr stop trend. Improved HPTAtrTrend-1 version is on this post . - Adaptive atr channel indicator is on this post. Model for adapting part is taken from Perry Kaufmans efficiency ratio modified for the purpose of this indicator, and bands are not built by using standard deviation but average true range. Each part is adaptive. middle line becomes a kind of adaptive ema while average true range is adaptive in calculation too, so it is an all adaptive indicator. - averages ATR indicator is on this post. It is an ATR in which you can choose which kind of averaging you want to use in average true range calculation (the usual 18 types of averages - you will find their list in parameters). - Turbo JRSX indicators (signal, cross, alerm etc) is on this post . - RSX MA TMA abands indicator is on this post. It is MA of RSX and the Triangular MA abands combined onto 1 indicator with added the color to RSX line so now it shows when it is above or bellow the signal line (so the color change is not the slope of RSX, but its relation to signal line). - rsx ma tma abands mtf indicator is on this post. It is MTF version of MA of RSX and the Triangular MA abands combined onto 1 indicator with added the color to RSX line. - Rsx MA - nrp indicator is on this post. The main factor in calculation of this indicator is the slope of an ema moving average (slope as in difference in points of 2 consecutive values of ema). It seems to be filtering out some false signals when compared to regular rsi version. - Rsx MA - nrp indicator is on this post. The asymmetricity is avoided and you can control the sensitivity of the over/under reacting. Sensitivity value 1 means that there are no changes in the rsx value (except for the where they are) and any other sensitivity adds (if sensitivity is 1) or subtracts (if sensitivity isIntroduction to Tom DeMark Indicators Although the rules for the sequential have been public knowledge for over 35 years, most traders are unfamiliar with them. I suspect that part of the reason is that DeMark prefers to use verbose and obfuscatory prose rather than diagrams to explain many of his concepts. His stuff is a hard read. This article strives to summarize his basic points and explains the conventions I use in my technical analysis charts. You can see this analysis in the Mejt System blog. Kennys Technical Analysis Kennys Elliott Wave Analysis is my trading plan for the week ahead with regular updates. Technical analysis reports using Elliott waves, chart patterns, trend trading strategies, Hurst cycles and other stock market time cycles analysis. Tom DeMark Indicators: The Sequential Indicator - Set-up A buy set-up occurs when there are 9 or more (There is no maximum) consecutive bars, each of which closes under the close of the bar 4 bars prior to it. Please see the Set-Up examples in the Sequential Indicator charts on page 2. The more stretched out these bars are, the better the set-up. If either bar 8 or bar 9 of set-up closes under the lows of all of the previous bars of the pattern, the set-up is said to be perfect. The high of the true range of bar 1 of set-up is called the TDST line (for Tom DeMark Set-up Trend). The term true range means that any gap is considered to be filled. The higher of the print high of bar 1 of set-up or the close of the bar in front of it is the price level of the TDST line. There is resistance at, and one bar above the TDST line. I find the TDST line one of the most helpful parts of DeMarks work. Nothing requires his sequential or combo indicator patterns to go to completion, but the TDST line is present as soon as set-up is completed, and it provides useful information. The convention I use on my blog is that: A horizontal line demarcates the TDST line An arrow indicates its origin The number 9 indicates the ninth bar of a set-up If the set-up is perfect, it is colored white. If it is not, it is colored purple. If there is a new set-up in the same direction it is colored yellow. (Tom DeMark labels each of the first 9 bars in his books. I do so on occasion as well.)Tom DeMark Indicators: The Sequential Indicator - Countdown The rules for set-up are rigid, but it should be noted that the rules for countdown are more flexible. Countdown in the Tom DeMark sequential indicator begins after a set-up has been completed. Bar 1 of countdown begins on or after bar 9 of set-up. Please see the Countdown examples in the Sequential Indicator charts on page 2. After a buy set-up, each bar of countdown must close under the low of the bar two bars in front of it. (The rules for countdown after a sell set-up require each bar to close over the high of the bar two bars in front of it.) When 13 bars print, countdown is completed and a signal is given. Please remember that the indicator outlines the price area where a price extreme can be expected. It does not give a precise entry price. The bars need not be consecutive, and typically arent. A buy signal indicates the area where we should expect a bottom. A sell signal indicates the area to expect a top. The stop loss is based on the closing price of the lowest bar of the pattern for a buy signal, and the highest bar of a pattern for a sell signal. The stop loss for a buy signal is based on the lowest bar, whether or not it is a numbered bar in countdown. Tom DeMark Indicators: The Combo Indicator The Tom DeMark Combo indicator uses the same rules for set-up but a different set of rules for counting to 13. In my blog I print the sequential count in blue and the combo count in green. While the rules for sequential are repeated all over cyberspace, I cannot find the rules for TD combo indicator anywhere on the internet. Because of copyright considerations, that limits what I can say here. One obvious difference is that bar one of countdown begins at or after bar 1, rather than bar 9, of set-up. For the record, anyone who tries to trade based solely on what anyone on the internet says about the Tom DeMark indicators will probably lose more than what it would have cost to buy DeMarks books. Patterns can fail, recycle (start a new set-up) and be invalidated by a variety of different rules. Now lets look at some examples of the Tom DeMark indicators on the technical analysis charts in page 2.
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