Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Chris mathis forexworld

Mais um albergue na lista de albergues que investem em design. Hoje a vez do alemo Um 80 instalado em Berlim Relaxar com estilo. Assim como uma pousada. Concebido no centro de Berlim, na Alexanderplatz, o albergue criou espaços de luxo elegantes e sociáveis ​​que oferecem ao visitante que se hospede na melhor localização do capital alem com muito estilo por pregos bem acessveis. Com uma concepção que mais 8220m hotel8221 que 8220hostel8221, a diferença de um 80 em Berlim para os outros albergues da cidade e do mundo o gosto pela requinte e pela criatividade. O design da rea ​​comum do One 80 puro charme. Com muita cor e iluminao seus donos conseguiram criar uma atmosfera aconchegante que, ao mesmo tempo, imponente. O hostel daqueles que tem tudo que um bom hotel oferece: café da manha, serviço de bagagem, recepção 24 horas por dia, wi-fi nos dormitrios, lavanderia e quartos individuais. Como um albergue, ele oferece tambm quartos que podem ser divididos em oito pessoas. Localizado a menos de minutos do célebre portal de Brandenburgo, carto postal de Berlim, e tambm da torre de televisão, um dos 80 Berlim um gigante no centro da cidade e seu prédio composto de 130 quartos. No salo de convivncia, o albergue agrada aos jovens viajantes. O bar principal se transforma em uma danceteria com DJ residente e festas toda semana. Mais informações sobre a foto de um 80 Cidade sem interior da Noruega Fotos de Kyrre Lien Parecem em uma área urbana norueguesa de Rjukan, mas os espelhos foram instalados na montanha em um funo muito mais Cientfica do que artstica. A pequena cidade industrial de Rjukan, nenhum interior na Noruega, nasceu enterrada no meio de montanhas e por culpa da natureza em torno do céu da cidade Rjukan no v luz solar durante metade do ano e nas terras que abrigam seus 3500 habitantes. Rjukan foi fundado entre 1905 e 1916 pelo industrial Samuel Eyde a 180 quilómetros a oeste de Oslo, capital da Noruega. O empresrio viu nas cachoeiras do entorno das montanhas timas fontes geradoras de energia eltrica. Eyde entendia, porm, os anseios da populao pela luz do sol e construiu um telgrafo para que seus empregados pudessem subir no topo da montanha para ter acesso aos raios solares durante o inverno. Mais de cem anos se passaram e uma falta de luz do sol ainda incomodava os moradores da cidade. O artista forasteiro Martin Andersen foi um dos que sofreu com uma falta de sol a partir de sua própria RJukan em 2002 e partiu dele uma ideia de instalar enormes espelhos na montanha ao norte da cidade para refletir alguns raios sobre Rjukan. O telgrafo continua fazendo sua viagem no topo da montanha, mas o espelho passou um trazer o sol em um praa central de Rjukan. Os espelhos situados no topo de um dos montes e os programas para direcionar os raios de luz para um praça frente da prefeitura da vila, 450 metros abaixo. A experincia foi inaugurada em 2013 e deu certo. Os trs espelhos so alimentados por energia solar e elica movendo-se no mesmo ritmo do sol. O novo experimento trouxe mais nimo para uma cidade que ficou mais socivel. J ramos uma cidade de alta tecnologia h cem anos e agora usamos uma alta tecnologia para trazer um pouco de sol ao nosso vale, contou o prefeito de Rjukan, Steinar Bargsland em entrevista ao New York Times. O investimento custou aos cofres pblicos cerca de R1,86 milhes. Com o conceito nacional Um olhar muda tudo, Casa Cor estreia em maio de 2014 em Goinia com áses Decoração Az A decoração mais detalhada, decoração e paisagismo das Américas acontece entre 5 de maio e 11 de junho de 2014 na Rua 34, quadra 17, lotes 5 a 10, no futuro Edifício ADN Goinia da EBM na Avenida T-10 com um T-37, Setor Marista. Sonhos aqui se tornam realidade. Com esse objetivo que a Casa Cor lana mais uma edio da mostra em 2014. Segundo como idealizadoras da mostra em Gois, Eliane Martins e Sheila Podest, uma Casa Cor uma experincia de morar em versos. Nossa proposta retratar uma arquitetura e um decorativo como um estilo de vida que é trabalhado de várias maneiras por profissionais altamente selecionados e qualificados, afirma Eliane Martins. Queremos oferecer ao visitante diferentes pontos de vista sob um mesmo ambiente, objeto ou design. Para além disso, existem várias perspectivas e conceitos, o que determinante para o estabelecimento de uma relao viva e apaixonada com o lugar onde moramos, acrescenta uma organizadora. A mostra, que foi lanada dia 25 de fevereiro, contar no ano de 2014 com 46 ambientes assinados por 68 arquitetos, decoradores, designers e paisagistas do Estado em 3,5 mil milímetros com ervilhas como uma cadeira Vegetal Stacking, criado por Ronan e Erwan Bouraullec, um coração de poltrona, criado por Verner Panton, um poltrona de Copacabana, criado por estdio de design Lattoog eo banco de borboleta, criando por Sori Yangi. Não há comentários sobre este perfil? Escreva um comentário sobre este hotel Já esteve em EBM / DNA Style? Compartilhe sua experiência com seus amigos e amigos! Durante o evento foi realizado o Prmio Jovem Profissional, que tem como objetivo estimular a inovao no mercado por meio do incentivo aos novos talentos. O novo Fulano Backpackers trouxe para Bogotá o estilo e o charme de albergues que o projeto mais reconquistado mochileiros mais exigentes O pas a Colômbia, uma cidade Bogot, mas o bairro e o albergue tipicamente ingleses. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: Fulham Backpackers foi mais um albergue boutique eleito para uma nossa reportagem especial sobre os desenhos de hospedarias espalhados pelo mundo. Localizado no bairro Quinta Camacho, regio cheia de bares e restaurantes ao estilo ingls, o Fulano Backpackers um albergue novo que surgiu para modificar o estilo da estadia dos mochileiros que passeiam pela Amrica do Sul. Com 46 camas, banheiros e quartos limpos e seguros, cozinha comum com cozinha equipada, o que mais chama a ateno para o albergue seu design minimalista. O albergue conta com quartos individuais e duplos, alm de beliches com dormitórios mistos para dez, oito e quatro pessoas. As camas de madeira e uma decoração em tons pastel e preto compem o charme do hostel. O design do ambiente foi feito para criar uma atmosfera que lembra os pubs irlandeses. Albergue localizado no centro de Cingapura buscou no conceito boutique hostel forma de atrair pblico e projetou um dos mais luxuosos albergues da sia Vamos viajar. Para dar continuidade nossa srie de reportagens sobre hostels projetam ou hostels de boutique, comeamos com o The Matchbox Concept Hostel, que literalmente um conceito em um mundo de acomodao afora. Localizado no bairro de Chinatown, em Cingapura, The Matchbox um dos mais luxuosos albergues da sia e oferece muito mais que cama e banho. Quando um viajante troca o luxo do hotel pela economia do albergue, qualquer detalhe faz a diferença, mas o Matchbox Concept Hostel faz os detalhes. Não é permitido fumar, o Matchbox oferece ar condicionado nos quartos, estacionamento, sala de jogos, cofre privativo, sala de estar, internet wi-fi, maquinas de lavar, late check-out, sala de TV, rea externa, caf da manha Incluindo e quartos com 16, dez (quartos femininos) e duas camas. Apelidado de 8220albergue cinco estrelas, nenhum projeto de quesito ou albergue um passeio turstico por si s. Com uma rea ​​comum requintada e quartos chiques, o hostel no perde muito para uma qualidade de grande parte dos hotis. Design e tecnologia para o conforto dos hospedes de Matchbox. Na rea ​​comum, muita cor. Puffs coloridos e de diversos formados compuseram um decorao da sala interao. Nossos quartos para uma vez da iluminao. As camas assim quase miniquartos privados e bem iluminados para dar ao hospede um sentimento de privacidade que ele tanto procura. O Matchbox Concept Hostel não foi projetado para satisfazer todos os tipos de viajantes: os que buscam economia, privacidade e contato humano. Chega de falar, confiram como fotos do hostel design e tirem suas prprias concluses. E ai, vamos comprar nossas passagens Albergues apostam em decoraes irreverentes para atrair mais pblico mais exigente O nome antes era usado para o dinheiro de outras opções para receber os trabalhadores temporários em Reino Unido, Irlanda, ndia e Austrlia. Hoje, albergue ou smbolo de uma juventude descolada, que coloca uma mochila nas costas e sai em busca do mundo. No incio o estilo no agradou muito dos brasileiros acostumados ao conforto e privacidade dos hotis, mas a moda europia pegou e as cidades tursticas brasileiras este tipo de novo tipo de acomodao para o pblico jovem. O hostel, ou albergue, um tipo de acomodao que prioriza o contato entre os hospedes a preos intitulados de baixo custo. Enquanto uma diria de um quarto de hotel no centro de Paris custa R500,00 o preo para o albergue varia entre R100 e R200, e com tima localizao. Formados por quartos coletivos mistos ou s de mulheres, banheiros coletivos e cozinha, o objetivo de tipos alternativos de hotis unir pessoas de vrios pases em um s ambiente. O lema nós não você (ns, no eu). No comeo todo mundo estranho, mas depois de algumas horas uma conversa flui e como fronteiras assim quebradas, todos falam uma lngua de todos e é entendido independente de nacionalidade ou idioma. Porm a interao de ser a nica preocupao dos donos de albergues. Quem está hospedado em um que sabe que os detalhes são diferentes: luz e tomada individuais para cada cama, banheiros são suficientes e reúso comum que atrai o pblico. A ateno a estes detalhes trouxeram arquitetos, fotógrafos e artistas para dentro dos albergues com o objetivo de impressionar. Minimalistas, futuristas, artísticos e empresariais criaram o conceito hostel design. Ou seja, acomodaes antenadas com um decorao. No existe regra na decoração de um albergue, o importante chamar ateno de seu pblico. O Blog AZ abre um espaço para uma série de reportagens sobre esses tipos irreverentes de coleções de hotis e apresentar um albergue de design por semana, com seus mveis futuristas e suas paredes coloridas. Desenhador de texturas, Nani Chinellato Tece texturas impensáveis ​​e criam ervilhas de requinte para um decorativo Talentosa desde a menina, Nani Chinellato entendeu, por meio de seu trabalho delicado, que uma percepo do mundo vem por cabelo e não por olhar. Assim como um desenhador desenha suas belas criaes, tece jogos improvisados ​​em trama e urdidura e assim como mos de Nani que percebem uma textura ideal de suas ervilhas nicas. O tato a maior referncia desse designer txtil, sensvel beleza da matria-prima extrada da natureza e transformada em arte. Um percepo de mundo e um talento do designer de bero. Seu pai, italiano nascido em Veneza, confeccionava, por hobby, tapetes, cortinas e em alguns modelos de alta costura. Nani Chinellato seguiu os passos paternos e transformou o passatempo de seu pai em seu meio de vida. Um designer cria tecidos, tapetes, persianas, redes, mantas e almofadas em fibras naturais com uma essência e capricho artesanal aliados tecnologia de ponta. Nani aprimorou seu trabalho ao longo dos anos. Dela a nica verso no mundo de um revestimento de parede produzido e aplicado sem qualquer emenda. Acostumada a trabalhar com matria prima natural, um designer decidiu o seu meio de atuao com uma linha Acqua. Acqua uma famlia de persianas, tapetes e revestimentos fabricados em fibra sinttica de aparncia natural. Sinttico ou natural, o trabalho de Nani Chinellato conhecido no s pela sofisticao. Os produtos possuem proteo solar, anti UV e anti chamas, prova dagua e lavvel, qualidades que tornaram seus produtos adequados tanto para ambientes internos quanto externos. O que achou. Lindos, no Arquiteto canadense investe em projeto de apartamentos com pouco espaço e muita criatividade em um nome de uma vida simples e mais feliz Quanto maior a sua casa, melhor modelo pode ser útil para um certo, certo Errado A correria das grandes cidades exige uma praticidade de pequenos Espaos e foi pensando nela que construtoras esto cada vez mais investindo em apartamentos compactos. O conceito no novo, cidades e pases com grandes populaes espalhadas em pequenos territórios j inventaram diversas maneiras de aproveitarem melhor seus espaos. Em cidades como Tquio e Paris, o luxo que nem todos os bancos, mas agora arquitetos e decoradores funcionando com esse conceito e mostrando que o preço do prtico e barato, morar em pequenos apartamentos pode ser tambm charmoso. O arquiteto e ambientalista canadense Graham Hill criou mais um pouco do projeto LifeEdited. A vida editada de Graham Hill tem o objetivo de desenvolver soluções diversas para o aproveitamento de espaço em apartamentos que variam entre 20 e 40 metros. Segundo monte quando o lugar em que você mora menor, você usa menos o aquecedor, tem menos espao para limpar e gasta menos. Uma vida perfeita para um solteiro, um executivo ou um ambientalista como o arquiteto. 8220Por um tempo, mais em vias cidades, semper em locais pequenos e semper levando as minhas coisas em apenas duas malas. Isso me fez pensar sobre quanto de espao e coisas eu realmente precisava. Percebi que a vida tem mais a ver com experincias, flexibilidade e tempo, contou Hill durante uma entrevista para o site da UOL. O arquiteto que morou em uma casa de 300 m viajou o mundo vivendo em lugares menores na descoberta que não necessrio um grande espao para ser feliz. Hill inaugurou o LifeEdited projetando seu prprio apartamento, um imvel de 39 m em Nova York. Ele desenhou diversas soluções para o aproveitamento de espao, e conseguiu. Durante o dia de ele pode montar uma mesa e receber em 12 pessoas para almoar e noite, uma mesa escondida e d lugar uma cama de casal. Em Tquio, alguns projetos so ainda mais sofisticados. Paredes que mudam de lugar, ambientes que se transformam, tudo em nome da praticidade com bom gosto. Embora o Brasil seja um conceito de sobra, o conceito tem chegado para as grandes metrópoles. So Paulo est investindo em ambientes pequenos para atrair estudantes e executivos. Com uma bela decoração e um bom aproveitamento de espao pode encontrar uma felicidade em 30 m. Assim como na moda, o projeto tambm possui sua alta costura com ervilhas, qualidade e qualidade inquestionvel Comback Chair 8211 Kartell Quando samos s ruas para perguntar quais so os grandes nomes da moda, em menos conhecedores fazem o tm marcas marcas Ponta da Língua para responder a pergunta: Armani, Chanel, Dolce amp Gabbana, Versace, etc Os entendidos vo um pouco mais longe e é o lembram de nomes como Christian Louboutin, Valentino Garavani ou Marc Jacobs. Mas em quando uma pergunta sobre como grifes da alta-couture do mobiliário nacional e mundial Bom, em mais interessados ​​em decorao nenhum tm muitos nomes a pronta entrega. Ao contrrio do que se pensa, nunca existiram tantas marcas de luxo no mundo do design e cada marca tem sua histria. De acordo com a pesquisa de Inteligência, os consumidores gastaram cerca de R 5,4 bilhes com artigos para decorao no ano passado, que representam um crescimento de 8 em relao a 2012. O desejo do brasileiro pelo mundo da decoração est crescendo eo mundo Da decorao no est alheio a esse fato. O Brasil está vivendo um movimento de entrada das marcas, assim como ocorreu na moda anos atrs. Coco Chanel representa não apenas o luxo em avaliações e vestimentas e sim uma mulher que popularizou como roupas sem espartilho e se tornou um smbolo da libertao feminina. No mobilirio, assim como na moda, como marcas mudaram e estilos e criaram tendncias. Porque comprar um nome de luxo pode encontrar mobiliários baratos sendo vendidos em cada esquina Bom, uma qualidade um determinante determinante. Ter um Srgio Rodrigues na sala (assim como uma Chanel no guarda-roupa) ter uma certeza de que o produto vai durar anos e nunca sair de moda. Móveis de arte, assinados e desenvolvidos especificamente para uma marca, significam qualidade e originalidade. Grandes criações, produtos indíceos e peas nicas são apenas identificadas quando se referem a nomes de design e em um futuro prximo, quando as ruas são assim grandes nomes, uma resposta na ponta da lngua: Etel, Kartell, Tidelli, Zanini De Zanine, Jorge Zalszupin, Srgio Rodrigues e outros mil8230 Madeira de espreguiçadeira 8211 Tidelli Cadeira de Balano 8211 Etel Com uma funão de dupla ser prático e decorativa uma luz natural e artificial tão fundamental para compor o design de um ambiente Re-Design L Bougie A princpio pode Parecer bastante simples escolher um iluminao de uma casa ou escritrio, mas sabre aproveitar uma luz natural e artificial um ponto crucial na hora de decorar. Design tudo e iluminao tambm design, ento saber onde colocar uma lmpada ou escolher uma luminária para importante como decidir como núcleos da parece ou o sof da sala. Foi pensando na importância de um mundo para o design que o blog AZ dedica o post de hoje para dar um brilho de luz na sua casa. Uma pea de iluminao charme de um ambiente. Sabre qual lustre ou luminária colocar em um cm importante, mas saber se o espao merece um lustre ou uma luminria de p ainda mais. Cindy por Ferrucio Laviani Bougie 8211 Estabelecida: Perfil: Kartell Os ambientes de vida e os melhores não podem ser usados ​​sozinhos essa funo. Basta um ponto certo de luz e pronto8230 sua casa ganha uma cara nova Mas na hora de escolher qual o melhor foco de luz algumas peças entram no jogo, podendo optar por iluminao pontual, iluminações decorativas, iluminações funcionais ou como luzes vivas. A iluminao pontual a que se limita a um lugar, como uma mesa ou uma cabeceira. Para destacar um elemento decorativo a melhor opo a iluminao decorativa. Ela priorizar um ponto em destaque se tonando uma escolha certa para dar vida aos quadros na parede. A iluminao funcional a do dia-a-dia, ento não pode ser esquecida. J como luzes vivas conceber criar uma iluminao em movimento, como velas ou lareiras. Mas ateno8230 Capriche na escolha das suas ervilhas Assim uma primeira coisa que como pessoas olham em uma sala. Postado em 30 de setembro de 2013 pela minha bondade, hoje é 3 de setembro e eu meio que penso em Sep como sendo o último mês que eu posso relaxar antes Preparando para as férias e nossa obra de caridade. Hora de cavar para fora o terno de Santa outra vez. Mas eu olho para a frente a este cada ano e eu temer o ano onde eu tenho que pôr afastado meu terno de Santa para o bom. Os rostos sorridentes daquelas crianças e dos pacientes do hospital me mantêm indo a cada ano. A propósito, que tal aquela velha foto comecei. Você reconhece aqueles caras Que caras melhores para ir com este mês de Halloween Eu espero que haja alguns eventos especiais este mês que eu posso lhe dar uma cabeça acima em. Enquanto isso, faça seus planos para estamos caminhando para o bom tempo e diversão, diversão, diversão. Pessoal, recebo muitos convites para participar do Linkedin e do twitter. Por favor, estou ocupado o suficiente com meus e-mails regulares simples que levam me idades para responder. Eu não estou familiarizado com Linkedin ou twitter em tudo, eu não entendi-los. Além disso, adicione Insta-grama ou qualquer um destes outros programas de comunicação. Estou velho demais para aprender. Eu tenho bastante tempo com o Facebook. Meu filho de 14 anos me ajuda com isso. Agradeço os convites e espero que aqueles que foram gentis o suficiente para me convidar para esta coisa Linkedin não acho que estou ignorando-los. Apenas envie-me E-mails. FEEDBAG Olá de Chicago, Harry. Basta ler a sua coluna pela primeira vez. Bom saber que alguém está relatando coisas nas Filipinas. Eu nunca estive. Bem, veja o que o futuro reserva. Uma coisa que você mencionou na sua newsletter de setembro está incorreta. Eu mencioná-lo porque a pessoa que você atribuir dizendo algo, é um amigo de longa data da mina. Você escreveu que Stickman, depois de alguns dias de mongering em AC, declarou-o morto e aconselhou as pessoas a não visitar mais lá. Ele não fez isso. De modo nenhum. Clique no link e leia o artigo. Mesmo o link em si diz leituras de leitores. Este é um artigo de um de seus leitores, ea opinião indicada no artigo é aquele de essa outra pessoa. Não Stick. Se você rolar para a parte inferior do artigo, Stick diz hes nunca foi para as Filipinas. Recebe muitos artigos submetidos a seu local cada semana, e os publica com pouca ou nenhuma edição, apenas o breve comentário ocasional na parte inferior da página. Eu escrevo isso porque hes não está tentando tambor de negócios para Bangkok ou Pattaya hes apenas postar as cartas que ele recebe de seus leitores. Pensamento Id mencioná-lo. Cuidar. Chicago Dave. (Sim, Dave, meu erro. Eu tinha notado isso antes de seu e-mail e pretendia mencioná-lo, mas agora eu posso fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Corretar o meu erro e também bem-vindo a minha coluna. Agora, tudo que você tem a fazer é Faça a sua primeira visita a Angeles City e pare por me conhecer) Comentário especial de Harry the Horse: Nos últimos dois meses eu respondi a muitos e-mails perguntando sobre multas de bar eo que fazer eu tenho realista, honestamente afirmou que a barra de multa Sistema como se sabia que não existe mais. Por que Porque o prefeito ordenou enfaticamente que não haverá mais multas de bar Ele disse isso não uma vez, mas em duas ou três reuniões. Caso fechado, então agora todos os bares cumprir com seus desejos ou fecho rosto. Dito isto, eu também indiquei que os clientes (turistas, expatriados) ainda podem se divertir nos clubes, mas ser paciente e compreensão dos novos procedimentos. Cada clube tem feito os seus próprios ajustes para permitir que você se divirta da maneira que você se acostumou com enquanto visita a zona de entretenimento para adultos de AC. Lembre-se, onde há uma vontade há um caminho. Fiquei consternado ao ler o e-mail de um expatriado vivendo aqui que observou comportamento menos do que adequado de clientes que lidam com as nossas restrições recentemente impostas. Senhores, sejam compreensivos, tenham paciência, sejam flexíveis e compreendam, com certeza, vocês ainda podem ser felizes. Sim, AC não é Pattaya, Tailândia, nem somos o ambiente dos anos 70 e 80, mas ainda estamos divertidos e nossas mulheres aqui ainda são fantásticos. O e-mail segue: Boa tarde Harry, como eu estava fora e sobre a semana passada nos estabelecimentos em Campos Ave e Perimeter Road eu comecei a notar algumas coisas que me preocupavam um pouco. Eu observei alguns exemplos dos clientes que indicam algum comportamento um pouco decaído como clientes e patronos. Eu observei três fistfights e um par de fisticuffs perto. Eu também vi um par de argumentos e mal-entendidos altos ocorrem devido aos clientes não estar ciente de e / ou não compreensão e tendo em consideração os procedimentos operacionais atuais dos estabelecimentos no que diz respeito ao entretenimento e atividades extracurriculares. Isso foi muitas vezes acompanhada por uma forte crítica dos estabelecimentos, juntamente com declarações muito depreciativas feitas sobre os estabelecimentos, o pessoal, Angeles City, o povo filipino e as próprias Filipinas. Houve também um par de casos de clientes correndo até guias e, em seguida, não ter os fundos para cobrir o pagamento de suas contas. Vou ser contundente sobre isso. Este é Piss Pobre comportamento por parte dos clientes em minha opinião. Parecia-me que estes caras causando a ruckus foram principalmente turistas ocidentais (americano, europeu e australiano). Eu passei o tempo em 40 países mais ao redor do mundo ao longo dos anos que incluíram 21 anos no Serviço Naval dos EUA. Este é o tipo de comportamento que eu sempre odiado vendo meus companheiros de navio e americanos companheiros exibir. Este tipo de comportamento, então, como agora, não ganha sobre os amigos, faz com que uma situação de fronteira se tornar uma situação muito ruim e pode muito bem arruinar a coisa divertida inteira para todos nós. Especialmente neste momento em Angeles City e nas Filipinas. Os estabelecimentos são principalmente tentar o seu melhor para continuar a fornecer todos nós com o mesmo tipo de diversão de entretenimento que temos sempre conhecido. Não precisamos, certamente, dificultar que isso aconteça ou causar situações que exijam o envolvimento do PNP, CIDG, NBI ou outras autoridades governamentais. Não estou sugerindo que temos de agir como choirboys ou monges, no entanto, penso que podemos discagem voltar um pouco e dar os estabelecimentos de entretenimento um pouco de ajuda, pelo menos, tentar manter as coisas sob o radar, tanto quanto possível. Espero que eu não esteja me parecendo como o Comandante Geral, o Chefe do Comando ou o Capelão, no entanto, eu sempre tentei ser um amigo Liberdade razoavelmente decente e olhar para a segurança e bem-estar de meus companheiros e para garantir que nós Todos tiveram o melhor times e mais diversão possível. O que estou sugerindo é que temos muita diversão, mas vamos tentar fazer isso sem ser empurrões completos para as pessoas que fornecem diversão e entretenimento para nós. Mais uma coisa. Se há alguém em necessidade de um Liberty Buddy ou Wing-Man, em seguida, entre em contato comigo. Eu vou sair com você, bem se divertir e eu vou fazer o meu melhor para garantir que tudo seja bom para nós. Aquele é o que seu amigo da liberdade faz. Confira o meu weblog em: yourlibertybuddy Liberty Call. Chamada da Liberdade. Vamos ter uma explosão e vamos estar seguros lá fora. Tenha um grande dia Harry, seu amigo da liberdade, o marinheiro da frota, duque Lafferdy. Harry, Por favor, postar isso em seu site: Emirates Airlines e Qatar Airlines estará voando em Clarke a partir de outubro. Acabei de verificar as tarifas para Fevereiro do próximo ano com skyscanner. I foi maravilhado com o preço, I fly do Manchester Reino Unido para Clarke 604, eis bloody boa e não duas horas branco knuckle de Manila 40/50 de ida. Skyscanner é grande porque você pode escolher os melhores preços ao longo do mês, uma vez que você acha que você tem o melhor preço check-out jetcost. co. uk e seus outros alguns quilos mais barato, como para hotéis eu encontrei agoda o melhor também tentar trivago, olha Para promoções. Eu não estou promovendo qualquer um apenas que passa sobre anos do conhecimento que esperançosamente conservará suas cargas dos leitores do dinheiro. O dinheiro é apertado, então espero que esses links ajudem seus leitores, Jimmy Pop (TY Jimmy, qualquer boa sugestão de viagem é apreciada) Querido Harry, eu queria te informar sobre um incidente muito interessante que aconteceu na manhã de sexta-feira passada, 30 de agosto. A polícia da Estação 4 respondeu a um pedido de ajuda no Europhil Hotel. Uma freelancer de 16 anos chamou sua amiga para ajuda porque ela estava sendo mantida contra a sua vontade por um cidadão coreano. A amiga contactou a Estação 4. Quando chegaram, encontraram a menina de 16 anos em estado de choque e um coreano alto com 3 1/2 quilos de Shabu. A melhor parte é que, após uma visita a porta fechada pelo Presidente da Associação Coreana, o suspeito foi libertado da custódia. Aqui temos um coreano que inicialmente está sendo acusado de três (3) infrações não bailable (menores de idade, prisão ilegal grave, grande quantidade de drogas) e enfrentando prisão perpétua, sendo liberado sem quaisquer acusações. Esta informação foi divulgada por uma fonte altamente confiável, que é um funcionário da Europhil Hotel. Atenciosamente de um leitor leal. Harry, Parece que Cebu Pacific deixou de voar de Clark para Bangkok e volta, a partir deste mês. No entanto, eles não emitiram um comunicado de imprensa ou enviado qualquer notificação sobre ele. Eu só descobri que o meu itinerário tinha sido alterado para Manila quando eu fiz no seu site. Eles nunca até mesmo tiver falado me um novo itinerário com as alterações. Poderia confirmar se isso é verdade? Pode ter aparecido nos jornais locais. Se assim for, é um choque real como muitos fãs de AC estavam usando que flite. Ao longo deste ano, a carga de passageiros que flite realmente caiu para o ponto que o avião estava quase vazio. Gostaria de saber se isso tem a ver com o início de direto flites para o Oriente Médio, como muitos OFWs em que flite iria mudar aviões em Bangkok e proceder ao seu destino de trabalho. Além disso, você deve aconselhar seus leitores a verificar o seu itinerário no site CP, não ir por um que foi enviado a eles quando eles compraram o airticket. CP aparentemente se reserva o direito de alterar sua reserva sem informá-lo, pelo menos se você está no exterior. Thomas A. Primeiro e Último Nome: Teddy Bear Comentários e Comentários: Harry, eu só tenho lido seu site há cerca de um ano, mas o amor vem aqui para ver o que está acontecendo em AC. Estou atualmente servindo no military e amor vindo a AC para que great refúgio. Eu e um par de amigos da minha estão encabeçando em um pouco mais de um mês para o nosso mancation anual. Mantenha o que você está fazendo e obrigado por me manter conectado a minha casa longe de casa. YOLO. (Urso de pelúcia, vou tentar continuar um pouco mais, quando você e seus amigos chegam em AC, por favor, pare pelo meu estábulo Para o serviço militar sua primeira bebida está na casa Eu te saúdo por seu serviço) Harry, aqui está Algo que pode valer a pena colocar em HTH: imigração australiana mudaram seu processamento de visto de cônjuge. Antes de novembro de 2012, os pedidos foram processados ​​por ordem de prontidão. Desde então, eles agora são processados ​​por ordem de recebimento - o que significa que as aplicações mais lentas e menos prontas agora retardam cada aplicação atrás delas. 3 anos há, minha residência dos wifes foi processada em 3 meses. Um pedido apresentado hoje - aproximadamente 12-18 meses. Estou escrevendo isso na esperança Harrys leitores não ir através do que um amigo meu apenas fez-pensando que ainda era um processo médio de 3 meses, ele fez planos em conformidade. Claro que isso se transformou em um desastre com sua família parceiros. Aqueles de nós com filipinas sabem que nunca é uma boa idéia para construir uma expectativa que não podem ser atendidas. Chris S. (Espero que isso ajude algumas pessoas. TY Chris) Hey Harry, eu adoro esse e-mail de Jhun chamando você de racista. Você deve ser um pouco mais honesto com sua resposta. Claro que você é e assim são a maioria de seus leitores. Os estrangeiros lêem a sua coluna e a maioria de nós não poderia dar uma foda voadora sobre um filipino morto ou, para isso, um morto N ----- ou muçulmano. Assim minha sugestão para Jhun é ir e ler alguma coluna filipina e permanecer fora do nosso. Claro que se alguém tem a decência de pop o menino de computador Mark Dizon que seria de interesse. Stephen W. (Hoje em dia, é tão difícil evitar ser chamado de racista. Na sua resposta parece que você está concordando com Jhun e tipo de bater meus leitores. Eu não gostava do uso da palavra N como eu Nunca me senti confortável com isso, mesmo na minha juventude. Eu me importo de assassinato ocorrendo em Angeles como ele traz um sentimento de apreensão, independentemente da composição Étnica da vítima. Mas, eu compartilho seus sentimentos sobre Mark Dizon) Comentários e Comentários: September 2013 issue of Harry the Horse. Mark T. tem problemas com o envio de dinheiro para as Filipinas via Western Union para sua família. Eu uso o seguinte serviço para remessas e caixas: forexworld. us/Home/ Mais especificamente, eu uso o seguinte escritório: Forex 5222 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304 Fax: (703) 683-7730 Email: email160protected Contato (s): ( 703) 683-7730 I have the luxury of being able to travel to this office for face-to-face time. However, despite the numbers listed above the phone numbers I have used are POC: 703.635.3238 Warehouse: 703.823.1508 or JoJo at 240.441.7076 They send remittances in U. S. Dollar or Philippine peso. They accept credit card, cash, or checks. The money can be sent to Banco De Oro (BDO). The recipient goes to any BDO, present two (2) valid photo identification cards to get the remittance. Feel it out, and see if this meets your ability to send money to your folks in the PI. Marty Gray. (Thanks for the info Marty, hopefully it will be a help to Mark and others) Hello Harry, I have been a reader of your monthly newsletter for many years now. I rarely visit AC on my visits, preferring to visit chat mates in the provinces. Perhaps you or one of your many readers could offer some advice to the following letter. Steve Guerin. I am a sailor in the Australian Navy and soon to retire after 22 years service. My parents live in Melbourne and my brother-in-law is living in New Zealand. My immediate family has had an unpleasant past as both my father and mother have been jailed for drug cultivation and my sister has resorted to prostitution for a living. My only brother is presently serving a life sentence for murder, and my uncle is on trial for lighting fires in a National Park which burnt down 16 houses. On a recent trip to the Philippines I fell in love with a Filipina freelancer in Angeles City. We get along really well and she says she loves me, but she knows nothing about my family background. We intend to marry as soon as I retire from the Navy, and invest some of my money in a bar in Angeles City. She has two cousins who also freelance in AC and my sister will probably also work in the bar. I want to marry this girl and have an entirely open and honest relationship with her. My concern is whether I should tell her that I have a brother-in-law who is a New Zealander (Steve, my goodness, some secrets are meant to be kept) First and Last Name: Dana. Comments and Remarks: Hey Harry I have enjoyed your information on here. I was wondering if you could put in your breaking news about a BIG problem. If you could put a article about the EXIT VISA information. I was at the airport in Manila and could not fly unless I had a EXIT VISA. I was not aware of that to get one being here over 6 months. During the time I was at the airport I was talking to the head inspector and he had told me that I was not the only one had that problem that day. He told me that there was 20 other people having the same problem as I did with the EXIT VISA. I think this information about EXIT VISA would help ALL readers and avoid the same problems as I and many had at the airport leaving the PI. This problem with missing my flight will cost a lot of money to get back home. Thanks Harry and I do hope you will put this information about the EXIT VISA in one of your next articles. Thanks again and have a great day. (Dana, Thanks for writing. I did not know about that. I just called Angeles Travel and they explained that any tourist staying over six months must have an exit visa which includes fingerprints. They can do it at Angeles International Travel at a cost of P3,200 or you can have it done at the Immigration office on Clark for P1,000. It must be applied for 2 weeks before departure. The reason it cost so much at Angeles Travel is that a man has to come from Manila to take the finger prints and only on a Saturday. Some folks pay the higher cost as they do not like having to dress up and wait on line at Clark Immigration. Me, being cheap, I would opt out for Clark Immigration.) Greetings Harry . Liezel and I recently had the opportunity to sample the fare at the new BonChon franchise at the Marqee Mall in Angeles City. BonChon is a word meaning Original Village in Korean. The BonChon is located on the outer perimeter ground floor level of the mall on the side near the expressway and condo units close to the water fountains. I had the BonChon Chicken Sandwich pictured below. Pretty Darn Good in this Ole Salts opinion. The sandwich includes lettuce, tomato and a spicy mayo. The chicken itself was cooked with the Soy-Garlic sauce. Next we sampled the BonChon Fried Chicken drumsticks and wings cooked with the Soy-Garlic sauces. Excelente. There is also an option for the Hot and Spicy sauce made with Fiery Red Chili Peppers called Gochugaru in Korean. The French Fries came in a cup and were quite tasty. They also offer Sweet Potato Fries as an option. Liezel sampled the Calamari which sort of resembled onion rings at first glance. We also had the Red Tea which was pretty good but not quite as good as the one at Tokyo-Tokyo in my opinion. This was a fairly large meal altogether, however, I did not have that heavy stomach feeling afterward as I usually do after such a meal at most places. Perhaps the Soy-Garlic Sauce along with their cooking methods made the food seem lighter Overall it was quite a Tasty meal at a Very Reasonable price. We have already made a second visit and plan to make another soon. BonChon has locations in Korea of course as well as here in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei in Asia and in California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia in the USA. Your Liberty Buddy, the Fleet Sailor, Duke Lafferdy certainly recommends that you all visit Bonchon and sample the fare real soon. First and Last Name: Gary S. Comments and Remarks: Hi Harry, Good to see or rather NOT see your notices about Angeles club raids lately. Actually, a flippo tricycle driver friend of mine is one of those commissioned paid undercover snitches for IJM who ive been advised is now undercovering in Manila. Maybe theyve bled the Angeles club scene dry and are now trying to extort the Manila bars. Conversations with another expat have put all the IJM bullabulla directly on Hilary Clinton political aspirations. (Gary, I never thought of tricycle drivers being connected with the IJM. I would certainly be happy if I thought the IJM was concentrating elsewhere. Lets see, Hillary (the bitch) Clinton - yes, I think that indirectly she contributed to the dramatic push on human trafficking in Angeles City. By tying it to US aid money she got the Philippine Government all worked up. The end result was that the door was opened to allow politicians and law enforcement personnel the opportunity to increase their extortion fees. The price of doing business in Angeles City went up. Sometimes one can deal with increased operating costs but it is those jail time raids that kill ones budget. You are guilty until proven innocent and that costs one hell of a lot of money.) First and Last Name: Erich Reichardt Comments and Remarks: Hi Harry, Angeles or Balibago has a new food place and I would like to let everyone know that David Tea house has opened in Mc. Arthur Highway just before Robinson next to the new petrol station. Davids Tea house is really a great place to eat for all Chinese food lovers. Especially the Pork and Beef ball soups but also any other items on the menu is tasty and worth the reasonable priced money you pay. I highly recommend this place and think its one of the best Chinese Restaurant in Town. We still like to welcome you and all of your readers to our small and cosy place called Lilets Cafe D in Theodoro Street opp. Normas Money Changer. In October we have special Beer price offers and of course a Butcher Plate with homemade liver and blood sausage and grilled Pork belly, Sauerkraut and mash Potatoes. Prosit (It seems like this month I will be having quite a few tips on different places to eat. Too bad I am trying to lose weight. Guess I will have to stop by and give the Cafe D another try). TIDBITS Last month a contact in the Manila Immigration informed me that Pilay Rodman had been deported back to the US. Since I had his attention I decided to ask how many Expats of different Nationalities were being held by Immigration. His answer was: Current count is 110. Mix of American, Aussie, English, danish, Estonian, and Uzbekistani. Those are the westerners. The majority are Chinese, Korean and Indian. In my 6 months the population has been as high as 175. There are a few other nationalities about but not many. There is a Yemeni that has been here almost 12 years. Also a group of Nigerians just over 4 years. My 6 months is certainly not a long time in this venue. Many of us are familiar with the old Crow Bar in Subic City which was raided and closed down, then reopened by an Aussie and renamed, unwisely, Anzac Bar. That was also raided and closed down with the foreigner being able to stay out of sight. The details of this raid were provided to me by a reliable source which I meant to insert in last months column but got too late to do so. The methods used are very similar to what we see here in Angeles City. Harry, The word is that it was CIDG from outside our area. They went to the bar, used marked money, bar fined a girl, came back 20 minutes later and hauled everyone away. One was underage. The next day, everyone was released and, as yet, no charges for underage have been filed because the girl confessed that she used fake documents to get her ID. Whether or not money changed hands for that confession is speculation. The owner of record is the girlfriend of John. She was among those taken in. Its my understanding that they are not going to reopen. Some thoughts: 1. Anzac is the former Crow Bar. It should be renamed Target or Bulls Eye. Anyone who operates it is nuts. 2. I understand a couple of KTVs were also closed, but cannot confirm. 3. The other bars that cater to foreigners (Griffs and Miami) are still open, but are operating with a lot more caution. 4. Id suspect that since the Crow Bar incident, the Mayor is urging some reform in the way these places operate. But, I know that the strip bars with bold shows still exist. 5. The MO for this raid is almost the same as the one for Hot Zone. CIDG from out of the area with marked money paying a bar fine, and returning shortly to execute a closure and later extorting money. Some jokes I simply have to pass on. I like this one: Subject: Call centre. An Emergency Call Centre worker in London has been dismissed from her job, much to the dismay of colleagues who are reportedly unhappy with her treatment. It seems a male caller dialled 999 from a mobile phone stating, I am depressed and lying here on a railway track. I am waiting for the train to come so I can finally meet Allah. Apparently remain calm and stay on the line was not considered to be an appropriate or correct response. This letter from the Starfish Company did not arrive in time for me to include with the story I wrote last month. I think one has to meet and talk with Ian Cummins personally to fully understand the story about this man. - Article for Harry the Horse - Ian Cummins is a well known face around town who owns and manages the Starfish Enterprises Limited water purification company situated on the base. Originally from Bowen in North Queensland, Ian left school at 14 years of age with no formal education and spent his formative years doing a variety of jobs up in that region from farming to mining and even bare knuckle fighting whilst running the shift as shift supervisor at a gold smelting operation. Ian Cummins is a very unassuming amp humble individual who after dying in hospital for over 11 minutes and experiencing an out of body event became a prolific inventor. To date, he has over 60 patents amp numerous inventions to his name including the latest one which covers water purification and contains 53 separate claims (all unchallenged) and is registered in 149 countries including China amp the USA. The Starfish water purification system has been a labour of love for Ian for over 20 years and started after a near death experience on the operating table. As I began to recover from having had a cancerous growth removed from my appendix, I started to have dreams about the system, I know that sounds nuts but it exactly what happened. I have no formal training but was able to think through and sketch out all the technology and engineering I needed quipped Ian. Based on the principles of Natural Science, the Starfish system uses only naturally occurring processes and harnesses them to produce clean water from just about any source. We have a mix of ozone, UV, bubbles which generate optimized fractionation for the waste products removal and advanced oxidation and extreme advanced oxidation that helps reduce or remove a whole range of chemical, organic and heavy metal contaminants through the use of hydroxyl radicals explains Ian. Its truly unique and Im very proud of the team that has supported me and made this become a reality he adds. Manufacturing for the water treatment units takes place at the premises of ICE Technologies, a wholly owned Starfish company, based in the Philexcel Business Park in the Clark Freeport Zone. The company employs over 80 locally recruited and trained personnel across a range of disciplines including electrical, mechanical amp chemical engineering. CAD design, production technology, research amp development, finance and international logistics. These are quality jobs for quality people Ian comments. Having a generous soul and being a good corporate citizen, Ian has no hesitation in helping out those in need as witnessed during the recent floods when he opened up the plant over the weekend in order to bottle supplies of drinking water for distribution to areas that had lost access to their regular source. He is also working with a number of local charities on drinking water provisions in some of the poorer barangays. For the future, Ian Cummins has already mastered several new technologies for the advancement of fisheries and the remediation of our lakes amp rivers. All in all, Ian is a truly exceptional man with a god given talent and a vision and design capability way ahead of his time. An owner of a Condo Unit at the Affinity informed me that Timothy Wright is back in his apartment at the Affinity. Many people will be happy to know he is recovering and of course there might be some who are not happy. Cant please everyone. When I attended the Friends of Ed fund raising event at the Grandview Tower last month I considered it less than complete fair success as the Governor did not show up as the guest speaker. But not to worry, I realized that the P5,000 a ticket price tag would help to build up the Citys coffers, money to be used for needed infrastructure improvements. Now the Mayor has come up with a couple of new plans to bring in even more revenue. One is the unique selling of Stars on the newly built sidewalk on Fields Ave. This is similar to the stars on sidewalk in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The cost for each star is P20,000 and includes the name of the Club, person or other business. I could have one for Harry the Horse but for some reason receipts are not given out. Participation is voluntary but those who decline are visited by a team of inspectors who explain, in detail, the benefits. A lot of assistance is provided by the Angeles City Establishment Concerns, compliance and Regulatory Office (ACESCORE) led by one Renato Zapanta and inspector Mr. Bobnot. This team is dedicated to their mission and during inspections they find serious violations like unsanitary dressing rooms, lockers needing repair (these are personal lockers for the ladies which are not required by any regulation) and repair of tiles in the bathrooms. Oh yes, they are so diligent that they also find broken seals on fire extinguishers even after recent inspections by staff and fire department personnel did not notice any broken tags. Amazing how those can be overlooked by so many. That shows the professionalism of this team. The violations are resolved by the owners as corrective action is immediate. Of course, owners are so pleased at the actions of this inspection team that they even purchased one of those no receipted stars for the sidewalk. Needless to say, no doubt the raising of all this money will help Alex Cauguiran and Mayor Ed in financing the grand, but expensive projects planned for the physical improvements needed by Angeles City. There have been instances where an owner may have a few questions and he is referred to Lewis at the Lewis Grand Hotel for clarification. No doubt he is a civic minded person on board to help with the beautification of Angeles City. Oh yes, before I forget there is one other wonderful idea developed by Attorney Alberto D. Pamintuan III, son of Mayor Ed. He has set up an office in City Hall in which he is going out of his way to help Club owners. He has sent out letters to Bar owners along with a pre-signed contract stating:As requested, it is our pleasure to propose this agreement for the engagement of our Firm as your general retainer and legal consultant for your business enterprise. He is offering general retainer services and other services. This service will cost P10,000 a month and a deposit of P5,000 for out of town assistance when needed. Understand now that many Clubs have had their own Attorneys on retainer for many years and have no desire to change. Of course, this is voluntary as well and no doubt could attract some of the smaller Clubs that normally cant afford this legal assistance. So, despite the many negative events here we have the Mayors team anxious to work with the Clubs. Imagine, your name or name of your Club embedded forever on the sidewalks of the walking street and then affordable legal service. All this without having to worry about receipts and possession of a contract. Maravilhoso. By the way, regretfully Lewis did not respond to my request to meet with him for an interview. his name even came up for the Lawyers services as well. What a busy man he is. FALSE In the 69 years since D-Day, there are four occasions when the President of the United States chose not to visit the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion. No surprise, it was Barack Obama, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. No surprise there. In three of those years he had other Mickey Mouse appointments. (It has been brought to my attention by two readers that this information is incorrect. I did not check Snopes on this one. Am guilty as charged) This is a gathering of the Phillies Political Debate Team. I happened to spot them one morning when I was climbing the stairs, slowly, to the second floor. It was an interesting mix of people consisting of one conservative, 3 liberals and one lawyer that was weighing his options. They were an entertaining group and I was tempted to join in and add weight to the one conservative but I had to attend a meeting. Getting drunk can lead to trouble - I always warn my readers that they can always have a good time here but one thing that could lead to trouble is to get drunk and be on your own. Usually someone will look after you but then you might end up like Mr. Jones who back in August, while walking while drunk came across a sign on the sidewalk that sort of blocked his way. If sober, no problem but being drunk he hit it, got mad at it and proceeded to bash it around a bit. When the Filipina owner (Elsen Ocampo, 33, owner of the Erines Beauty Shop) said that he should pay for the damage to the sign, Jones responded with less than polite words causing the owner to call the police. The police of Station Four invited Jones to the Station where he denied the charges. Never-the-less, a criminal complaint was lodged against Jones before the Assistant City Prosecutor who recommended Jones continuous detention. The last I heard Jones made bail, possibly settled with the owner and left the country. The result of the case did not interest me, I only mention it here to let you know how easy it can be to have your vacation turn into a disaster. I looked at the sign, which still blocks a large portion of the sidewalk and there was very little damage. Jones could have just negotiated and paid a reasonable sum of money but, well, his common sense switch was turned off. In the States he could have hit the sign, fallen down, claimed he was hurt and sued the owner. Here, well, nothing more needs to be written. Mrs. Horse discovered a restaurant situated in the new North Walk complex at the Shell Gas Station situated near the Friendship gate entrance/exit. It is called the Uncle Cheffy Brick-Oven Global Cuisine. The name alone will capture your interest. She was so interested that she treated me and our son to a meal yesterday evening (25 Sep). My son had a great chicken dish, Priscilla ribs and I tried a Asian noodle dish. All were delicious and the bill for three came to 1,200 pesos. The restaurant was a nice size, comfortable and offered outside seating as well. I certainly can recommend it, especially since Priscilla has told me that a return trip is already planned. I also discovered that there were two small eateries added to the Perimeter Road area. One Vietnamese and one German side by side. The Vietnamese eatery used to be located on the service road near Diamond Subdivision but had to move because of the increase in rent. It is a very small place now with only two eating tables inside and more outside. The Husband, Nico Ta Reyes had a Filipino father and a Vietnamese mother, married a beautiful Vietnamese and together they run this small eatery. They have two children. My family ate there and loved it. I really enjoy the noodle soup. Experimente. Directly next door is Walters Bistro, an equally small cozy place to eat, this time with a German taste. Walter is the genial owner who will take the time to sit down and chat with the customers. Unfortunately, I did not have time to sit and have a bite to eat but it is on my agenda. I want to try the currywurst mit pommes for P185. The Happy Rock Club on Perimeter Road has closed down and there is a For Sale sign on the door. Another one bites the dust. The slow season can be a killer. Harry, We have put a post about this previously but quite a few years back . so here is a repeat. For anyone who is interested in off-road dirt biking, a small group go out every two weeks. Rides are suitable for experienced dirt riders only. Contact Howard McKay on 09392010801 or Dave Paine on 09215463828. Rides are normally half day but sometimes longer. The AC Bar and Grill had a soft opening last month. This establishment has been known as Shanos, then the International and now AC Bar and Grill. I have not had the time to get there but no doubt will do so this month. By the way, I have heard that Shano will not be taking the job at the new Queens Hotel as he has a better job offer in PNG. I have dropped the ad for the Brass Knob, not because of any problems, just became too difficult to collect the ad payment each month. I am too old to go to the same place two or three times a month to get a rather small amount of money. It is still one of my favorite places in town. I talked to Russel about it but it did not help. Had that ad for years, hated to drop it but some establishments do not believe in petty cash. She is smart, beautiful, has a lovely smile and is a year older now. She is a wonderful dentist who owns the very popular Smile Makeover Dental Clinic here in Angeles City. She had her --th birthday party at one of the Fontana Villas last month. It was a pleasure to attend and most enjoyable to meet her friends as well as her young daughter who will study to be a dentist and eventually take over the family business. Yes, I am a long time patient at Smile Makeover and I do not hesitate to recommend this clinic to one and all. I must say though, that I did enjoy something most male patients will never have - a very nice dance with super Doc I have received word from that energetic crazy super Italian from New Jersey, Dom Cur (Aussie Meats) that he will open two more shops, both on Fields Ave. Success be thy name, Dom told me months ago he would expand and he is backing his words up with action. He sent me the following messages: The Jersey kid Is opening 2 new shops. Both In walking street. 1 in front of Blue Nile, High society (Open early Oct), 1 in the old 123 pizza now pizzanos In front of paradise beer garden (Open late Nov). I then wrote back and asked him is he serving just meats or food as well His reply: At the pizza location I am putting a full meat shop selling fresh meat, full steak resto seating 80 plus, 1000 plus bottles wine for sale or with meal, 150 plus different cheeses. Pizza pasta stays and Australian meat shop menu will be added to our already existing pizza delivery. Outlet no 2 In front of blue Nile /high society Will Also sell some fresh meat With some sit down area. The main business will be a Flame ceramic grill with 6 high pressure burners Serving Angus burgers with 4 mins. (I will have to visit these new shops in the daytime when I can drive down that way. It is too far for me to walk at night time. Part of the fun in going to the Aussie Meat shop is talking to Dom in person, how the hell is he going to spread his time out to cover the other two outlets I hope he hires some personable staff Sep started off on a high note when the Camelot victims of a IJM instigated raid, with the collusion of the NBI conducted a witch hunt raid of the Camelot Bar five and a half months ago. Falsely accused Bernd Gerbes, Janell Tolentino, Nitchel Margado, Diana Cano, Editha Lova and Ramil Marino were arrested, charged and held in jail until the charges were dismissed on 3 Sep by Presiding Judge Philbert I. Iturralde. This case dragged on far longer than it should have because the initial judge was less than competent. After more than 4 months in the court system, a much more experienced, competent judge was able to speed up the proceedings, understand the weak evidence against the victims and ordered dismissal of all charges. Since their release some of the girls went home to their provinces and others easily found other work. Bernd Gerbes suffered great expense during his stay in hospital and now, though found innocent, must look for another job and rebuild his life. Prior to working for the Champagne Group Bernd was a manager at the Clarkton Hotel and was also a director in the Hotel and Restaurant Association in Pampanga (HARP). I am hoping that some hotel owner in Angeles will be looking for a manager and add Bernd to their list of those to be interviewed for the position. Good luck Bernd. MEET THE EXPAT - I started to introduce an expat every month but kind of got so busy that I could not make it a monthly endeavor. Now, it will appear once in a while or I guess, when I get around to it. This month I did meet an interesting man by the name of Ted Palmer. He is originally from Columbus Ohio and as a kid was the paper boy who delivered to Woody Hayes. Naturally he is a fanatical Ohio State Football fan, sort of like my friend Ed LaBenne, owner of Medgar Hotel. Id hate to be in the same room with these two guys during a game and root for the other team. Ted was in the Navy for 12 years but left for a much better job offer. He worked as a contractor in Washington, D. C. where he met his Filipina wife. Ted, recently decided to retire to the Philippines but his wife stayed behind to continue working as a contractor in Washington D. C. They own property in Bulacan where Ted was going to build a house but just changed his mind as the price of doing escalated over budget. He is now going to wait on that project and has bought a condo in Manila. His wife, Zeny, will join him soon as her contract job just ended and she decided to retire as well. Ted has a 26 year old daughter who will be having a baby this month so Ted and Zeny will join up in Myrtle Beach to witness the happy occasion. Ted will also be starting up a small business in Manila with his niece. Ted does enjoy a game of darts and played on my team a few times and did achieve a record. He and Don from the Villa Santol team played what had to be the longest match of the season. It went to a decision 301 game in which Ted was on a double 7 to finish and Don still had not doubled in. Would you believe that both ended up trying to finish with a double one and after many, many tries Ted finally doubled out. That might be his last game with my team unless Zeny allows him to travel to AC once in a while to play. It is a long drive from Manila though. Hoping to meet Ted and Zeny when they get back to the Philippines and settle in. BRITANNIA - NEW LOCATION - Good news folks. Britannia is opening a new branch of their successful medical clinic to a location in the new Quad area by the Bayanihan Park near the Jolly Bee. This Clinic will still offer the many medical treatments offered at the original Clinic but will be easier to get to, especially for those without transportation. Britannia is the best place for Laser treatment and Stem Cell treatment plus other ailments. Dr. Tan is up to date with the latest medical technologies and ground breaking treatments. Check out his new location, opening this month. OCTOBER EVENTS Harry, Howard has asked me to send you a reminder to please include our next date in the upcoming Harry The Horse newsletter for October. Our next show will be on TUESDAY 29TH OCTOBER at 7 pm. Amazing news We hope to have The Rolling Stones and (perhaps) Elvis, topping the bill live on-stage But if that all falls through, it will just be Howard and Doggy Dave again. As usual the venue will be at the wonderful Blue Boar Inn (The Stable). Regards, Doggy Dave. PG VILLAS FOR RENT One fully furnished villa for rent. 1 bedroom, big living room with full equipped bar style kitchen, western bathroom. Fully furnished included 2 TV, PC table, water dispenser, big fridge. Shared amenities: Swimming pool with colored lightning. Jacuzzi, outdoor shower, Extra CR and shower in separate building. Outdoor wet bar with 32 TV and stereo. Coleman BBQ. Complete CCTV protection 24 hours. secure parking with electric remote controlled gate. Location . Just behind Grand View Tower, Mariveles street. Close to the VFW and La Casa Pension/Blue Boar Inn. Long term, short term rent available. Separate power meters, Free water from well, Free hot water from solar water heaters. No Pets no Kids. For more information and rates please call Eric 09179133899. QATAR AIRWAYS INTO CLARK Qatar Airways today announced route expansion on three continents together with a huge increase in capacity in Pakistan as part of the Doha-based carriers continued aggressive growth strategy. The Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa will become the carriers 20th destination on the African continent, launching on September 18, followed a month later by Clark International Airport in the Philippines from October 28. This is great news for Clark as now travelers can fly out of Clark and connect to other key airlines heading to various destinations. I happened to be at the Lewis Grand Hotel talking to GM James when a whole group of beautiful, young women came out of the elevator heading for the lobby. James told me that they were attending a one month training session for Qatar Airways at the Hotel. I was quick enough to stop three of them for a picture and man, they sure are cute. You should have seen the ones that got away. Im tempted to go back and hang out in the lobby to get the whole group. One thing I can say for sure, the Lewis Grand is a great place to hang out at. CLARK PREPARES TO WELCOME FIRST EMIRATES FLIGHT CLARK FREEPORT, Pampanga. Philippines Small Philippine flags will be waved, a rondalla will play festive native music, and fire trucks will train their hoses to form a watery welcoming arc as Emirate Airlines wide-bodied aircraft lands here at 4 p. m. on Oct. 1, carrying mostly overseas Filipino workers, for the first of its daily Dubai-Clark flights. We at Emirates have always seen the need of our kababayan from northern Luzon who have to travel three or more hours just to get to Manila, so we decided to open up a new hub in Clark International Airport, Emirates Philippines country manager Gigie Baroa said in press briefing here yesterday. This has to be good news for Clark International Airport (CIA). Two major airlines coming into Clark. I already have a guest who informed me that he will be flying Emirates from England to Clark and I am anxious to interview him when he arrives. I think he is coming either in Oct or Nov. This is why I remain optimistic that the future for Angeles City and Clark is bright. I cannot predict the bar scene on Fields Ave because of the Mickey Mouse actions of the folks in City Hall but I will say, for sure, no matter what, this town does have a bright future. The bar scene will get sorted out, somehow, but it will take a bit of time. Meanwhile, Mr. Luciano, lets get more International Flight plying the route to Clark. SPEEDING PORSCHE KILLS 2 TRIKE DRIVERS IN SUBIC SUBIC, Zambales -- Two tricycle drivers were killed after a speeding Porsche driven by a Belgian national collided with the tricycles on the National Highway in Bgy. Sto. Tomas, Subic, Zambales yesterday morning near the Sta Monica Sub Division. Subic Municipal Police station chief Senior Insp. Jelson Dayupay said the vicitms were Fernando Torres, 47, of Purok 6, Barangay Roosevelt, Dinalupihan, Bataan and Jonathan Paguntalan, 28, of Barangay Matain, Subic, Zambales. The driver of the red Porsche with plate number ZD 7058 identified as Didier Ladriere, 56, a Belgian national, residing at 999 Cabangaan Point, Subic, Zambales, suffered minor bruises and was rushed to a nearby hospital. Initial investigation revealed that around 3 a. m. Ladriere was driving towards Subic and overtook a tricycle. However, Ladriere did not notice the incoming tricycle driven by Torres, causing a head-on collision. Due to the impact, Torres tricycle crashed into a waiting shed and the Porsche bumped Paguntalans tricycle causing it to crash into the bridge concrete rail. Torres and Paguntalan died on the spot. Witnesses said Ladriere was driving too fast. SOURCE: Journal on Line. (The power of a Porsche is wasted on the local roads here and I wonder, if at 3 AM that alcohol might have impaired the sensibilities of this driver. Regardless, two lives were lost due to his carelessness but in this country where deaths like this can be offset by settlement of large sums of money to the families, maybe Ladriere can buy his way out of trouble.) I WOULD IF I COULD I do like the ladies at Phillies Sports Grill The problem is so many of them do not stay all that long as they leave to get married or become a fiance of some foreigner and believe me the percentage is high. Surprisingly, this very personable, charming lady has been on board for two years. Maricris is a hard worker and the reason she is still available is that she said she has not met a man deserving of her. Wow, now that is a challenge. Additionally, be advised that she is saving herself for that one special guy. She is from Palawan, no boyfriend, one sister, 2 step sisters and one brother. Her mom died and her father met another lady. She graduated high school and would like to go back to school to study nursing. For courtship men between 30 and 50 are acceptable but remember, she has high standards. If you would like to communicate with Cris write to: email160protected A HIDDEN HOTEL ON CLARK Mrs. Horse and I were exploring Clark a couple of weeks ago and ended up at the back end of Fontana and came across this Korean Hotel that we had never heard of before. It is called the FA KOREAC. C and it features one of the most beautiful golf courses on the base. It has a breath taking view that makes you just want to sit, relax over a drink and soak up the beauty of it all. It is a membership club but golfing is not restricted to members only. It is open to the public. People staying at the Hotel enjoy a 20 discount on the room and golf fees. It is, presently a 27 hole golf course with more holes to be added in the future. The week day green fees are P2,000, weekend - P2,500, two seater cart fee P1,000 and lastly, caddy fee P500. Oh, easy to overlook is a P150 insurance fee. Right now and up to 31 Oct the P2,000 green fee comes with a free cart, minimum of two persons. There is no swimming pool but has a restaurant. I could not check out the restaurant as it required me to go down some stairs and I did not relish the thought of trying to get back up. For room rates and more information go to: fakoreacc. Email: email160protected They have lifetime membership and three million pesos for a corporate membership. Over the years VFW Post 2485 (Veterans of Foreign Wars) has grown not only in terms of membership, but in services to members and the local community. Our Community Activities program was again recognized by our receiving the Department of the Pacific Areas award at the 2012-2013 Convention in June of this year. Our signature programs Cleft Lip and Palette Operations, the Clark Veterans Cemetery, and now sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop 485, continue to provide services otherwise unavailable. With over 1600 members, we are now the ninth largest Post worldwide. Much of our membership success is a direct result of the efforts of our long-time Membership Chairman, Cliff Wilsey, who has led us to achieve our yearly membership goals for 25 years. With the passing of our older members, and the absence of younger active duty personnel in the Philippines, this becomes more challenging each year. Simply stated, we all need to become involved in the recruiting effort. Only through numbers do we demonstrate our strength, and successfully lobby against the further erosion of our benefits. This year, I ask all members to take an active role in our membership drive. Many of us know someone who is qualified for VFW membership, but never joined, or perhaps let their membership lapse. Others eligible have simply never been approached to join. Please contact those you may know and encourage them to join our dynamic organization. Encourage prospective members to contact either Cliff Wilsey email160protected or myself email160protected for additional information, or if they have specific questions. In addition, the Membership page on the Post website has links for eligibility and an on line application with instructions. vfwpost2485/membership. htm (I happen to be one of those older life time members that happens to still be around. I am hoping that by posting this letter from the VFW Commander, I may get a few of the younger lads that are here or planning to move here, join up thereby filling my future vacancy ten fold. Believe me, this post is one of the best in Asia and possibly world wide. Visit us, take a look and then join up. Become part of the family. Make this old Horse happy, and yes, you will make a younger Yeah, Yeah Cliff Wilsey happy too) DETROIT - A SAD STORY Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, It is so sad to watch one of Americas greatest cities die a horrible death. Once upon a time, the city of Detroit was a teeming metropolis of 1.8 million people and it had the highest per capita income in the United States. Now it is a rotting, decaying hellhole of about 700,000 people that the rest of the world makes jokes about. On Thursday, we learned that the decision had been made for the city of Detroit to formally file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. It was going to be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States by far, but on Friday it was stopped at least temporarily by an Ingham County judge. She ruled that Detroits bankruptcy filing violates the Michigan Constitution because it would result in reduced pension payments for retired workers. She also stated that Detroits bankruptcy filing was also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroits auto companies) out of bankruptcy, and she ordered that a copy of her judgment be sent to Barack Obama. How honoring the president has anything to do with the bankruptcy of Detroit is a bit of a mystery, but what that judge has done is ensured that there will be months of legal wrangling ahead over Detroits money woes. (Another stupid US judge) It will be very interesting to see how all of this plays out. But one thing is for sure - the city of Detroit is flat broke. One of the greatest cities in the history of the world is just a shell of its former self. The following are 25 facts about the fall of Detroit that will leave you shaking your head. 1) At this point, the city of Detroit owes money to more than 100,000 creditors. 2) Detroit is facing 20 billion in debt and unfunded liabilities. That breaks down to more than 25,000 per resident. 3) Back in 1960, the city of Detroit actually had the highest per-capita income in the entire nation. 4) In 1950, there were about 296,000 manufacturing jobs in Detroit. Today, there are less than 27,000. 5) Between December 2000 and December 2010, 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in the state of Michigan were lost. 6) There are lots of houses available for sale in Detroit right now for 500 or less. 7) At this point, there are approximately 78,000 abandoned homes in the city. 8) About one-third of Detroits 140 square miles is either vacant or derelict. 9) An astounding 47 percent of the residents of the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate. 10) Less than half of the residents of Detroit over the age of 16 are working at this point. 11) If you can believe it, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty. 12) Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, but over the past 60 years the population of Detroit has fallen by 63 percent. 13) The city of Detroit is now very heavily dependent on the tax revenue it pulls in from the casinos in the city. Right now, Detroit is bringing in about 11 million dollars a month in tax revenue from the casinos. 14) There are 70 Superfund hazardous waste sites in Detroit. 15) 40 percent of the street lights do not work. 16) Only about a third of the ambulances are running. 17) Some ambulances in the city of Detroit have been used for so long that they have more than 250,000 miles on them. 18) Two-thirds of the parks in the city of Detroit have been permanently closed down since 2008. 19) The size of the police force in Detroit has been cut by about 40 percent over the past decade. 20) When you call the police in Detroit, it takes them an average of 58 minutes to respond. 21) Due to budget cutbacks, most police stations in Detroit are now closed to the public for 16 hours a day. 22) The violent crime rate in Detroit is five times higher than the national average. 23) The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times higher than it is in New York City. 24) Today, police solve less than 10 percent of the crimes that are committed in Detroit. 25) Crime has gotten so bad in Detroit that even the police are telling people to enter Detroit at your own risk. It is easy to point fingers and mock Detroit, but the truth is that the rest of America is going down the exact same path that Detroit has gone down. Detroit just got there first. All over this country, there are hundreds of state and local governments that are also on the verge of financial ruin. Everyone will say, Oh well, its Detroit. I thought it was already in bankruptcy, said Michigan State University economist Eric Scorsone. But Detroit is not unique. Its the same in Chicago and New York and San Diego and San Jose. Its a lot of major cities in this country. They may not be as extreme as Detroit, but a lot of them face the same problems. A while back, Meredith Whitney was highly criticized for predicting that there would be a huge wave of municipal defaults in this country. When it didnt happen, the critics let her have it mercilessly. But Meredith Whitney was not wrong. She was just early. Detroit is only just the beginning. When the next major financial crisis strikes, we are going to see a wave of municipal bankruptcies unlike anything we have ever seen before. And of course the biggest debt problem of all in this country is the U. S. government. We are going to pay a great price for piling up nearly 17 trillion dollars of debt and over 200 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities. All over the nation, our economic infrastructure is being gutted, debt levels are exploding and poverty is spreading. We are consuming far more wealth than we are producing, and our share of global GDP has been declining dramatically. We have been living way above our means for so long that we think it is normal, but an extremely painful adjustment is coming and most Americans are not going to know how to handle it. So dont laugh at Detroit. The economic pain that Detroit is experiencing will be coming to your area of the country soon enough. (I would never laugh at Detroit, I would rather cry. What is happening could also happen in other countries. I am not smart enough to offer a solution but somehow, someway, I believe one will be found. The solution will not come from the Government but I believe, from private entrepreneurs) TOURISTS OF THE MONTH Two great fun loving buddies who are also top dart players. On the left is Steve MacArthur from Brisbane, Australia. He works in the mines as a Jack Hammer operator, in other words, does all the hard work. He is not assigned to any one mine, instead he goes to all mines, wherever he is needed. He is single, still young and visits and has visited the Philippines 3 times in the last 3 years. OK, once a year. On the far right is Robert (Robby) Modra from Adelaide, Australia. He is engaged to Clemen from Zambales. They met in Zambales and have been together for one year. He is a screen printer and a creative graphics tech. He is also a professional dart player recently sponsored by Cosmo Fit Flight. He lives here for in the PI for six months and Australia 3 months each year. Robby went to Malayasia Macuri Steel Tip Open Tournament where 200 professionals competed. He made it to the Semi-finals. Steve is a semi-professional player. They told me that there are still conflicts between the BDO and PDC dart associations. That surprised me as I thought that silliness had been resolved years ago through the courts. Both men play soft tip tournaments as well and I was told most sponsors of players are the Japanese. Two interesting, fun men and I sure was pleased to meet them. I am looking forward to their next visit. SUBIC FLOODING I know that there is massive flooding in many parts of the Philippines but this time, what happened in Barrio Barretto is the worse scene in years, if ever. A lot of Expats live there and I will tell anyone thinking of living in the Barrio to not even think about moving into the Santa Monica subdivision. Ron Chesley woke up to a flooded house last year and moved out a few days later. This year I had this report from Jeff Pitman: Harry, Barrretto and Subic are a real mess. All the streets are covered in mud. My girlfriend was in Subic on Tuesday said she had a hard time walking due to the mud. Tried to get out of my house yesterday but the mud was just too deep for comfort. Flooded in my house here to my knees. What a fucking mess. I gotta find another place to live. My neighbor lost some real estate in the back of his place due to errosion from a small (not so small now) creek. Santa Monica of course was the worst. Anywhere in the civilized world, that subdivision would be condemmed. It is built in a swamp. People lost everything. Furniture, appliances, cars, motorcycles you name it. Seems all but the highest of houses got flooded. To top it off, power was off the whole day. Of course stand in a muddy house with nothing to do. In their defense, the power came on that evening. I am sure the power company electric lines were innindated They did good to get it restored. You can see the weather here if you are interested. Pick Subic for doppler radar. Locals say this is the worst flood but I got it good last year. Said it was the third time in 15 years this house was flood. A sign of the times I am afraid changing weather patterns. With all the problems you report, AC is not for me. Neither is SBMA. Way too sterile if you know what I mean. I hear north of Baguio may be habitable. All this moisture is playing hell with mosquitos and skin infections too. I love the PI, but I cant deal with much more of this. (Jeff, I sure would not move anywhere near Baguio and if you go to the States, watch out for Colorado Springs or some of those other States where flooding is bad. AC might have a few problems but at least my feet stay dry every rainy season. If it floods here then the whole Province is in trouble - the last three pictures were taken in Baloy Beach, the upper right is of Sta. Monica) WEDDING BELLS FOR LESTER AND ROSALINDA I was pleased to be invited by Lester Piggott and Rosalinda to their wedding on 27 Sep at the Santa Maria Church in Balibago after an 8 year romance. See, never rush into a marriage. Nice ceremony, which is not unusual. The bride had a lovely dress but she had a hell of a time walking down the aisle without assistance. I thought she would trip over the dress. I believe the front was too long. But, slowly, she made it and the deed was done. Then it was off to the Lewis Grand Hotel for the reception. Oh, they also had three of those super long limos for transportation. Made me feel like I was back in Las Vegas for a minute. Anyway, headed for the Lewis Grand with the Mrs in our none limo. Love this Lewie Grand Hotel, great place for any size function. Glad it was not in the tent area, too far to get to a bathroom. The ball room was just the right size for the just the right amount of people attending the reception. Food, terrific. In fact it is one of the few buffets In which I liked everything offered. Mushroom soup, Classic Caesar Salad, steamed rice, pasta fettuccini carbonara, buttered vegetables, herb stuffed chicken roulade in white sauce, pork ribs in barbeque sauce and finally for dessert, gourmet pastries, wait, they also had roasted pig. Yes, I ate too much I enjoyed meeting, once again Lesters 86 year old Mom Beatrice and his sister, Mary Johnson. Did I mention that Lester is originally from Wales I did see a few people that I knew and that made the event very enjoyable. Conversation was impossible after some lady started singing but she was very good. I guess at my age I just need Johnny Mathis music. Tim from the old Silver Bullet and Rockin Horse days was there as well as Daddy Ken, Joe, Lynn and Narcisa. At least those were the ones I took pictures of. Let me tell you something about Church weddings in the Philippines. If the invite says 2:30 PM at the church, do not get there until 3:30 and you still have time to spare. That does not apply to the groom, best man, bridesmaids and all that other stuff. I cannot finish this without noting that Lester appeared as a dashing proper Englishman in an outfit he had made in England called a morning suit. He had tails and it looked very proper, all he needed was a top hat to go with it. Marvelous wedding, may Lester and Rosalinda have a very happy life together. BRETTOS PRESTIGE OPENS AT TUNE HOTEL The dynamic duo of John Tiseo and Bensimon Bernard have brought us another 24 hour restaurant, bar, lounge located in the Tune Hotel on Perimeter Road. They had their grand opening last month which was well attended. I was pleased to see some familiar faces when I arrived such as Congressman Tarzan Lazatin, Attorney Marlon Lauder and many others. I was very impressed with the decor as it was bright and clean and reminded me of a 50s diner, a place where you could eat and relax at any time of the day or night. Brettos Prestige is a welcome addition to this portion of Perimeter Road which is quite near my stable so easy for me to get to. I wrote down all the selections on the menu and the prices but will not will not list them all here. Breakfast ranges from P240 - 250, I tried the Thai salad P240, and Chef Salad was listed at P220. Pasta, steaks, Lamb, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, sandwiches and international dishes is a list of all offerings. Desserts, how about a Crepe Samurai for P295 or a fantastic banana split for P320. I saw one lady eating one and had to have it for myself. Three nights later, after eating out I took my son there and we shared the banana split. Delicious and big enough for two. I might not like the Hotel all that much but I sure do like the Brettos Prestige, check it out and let me know what you think. After 7 weeks of tough competition where each week we saw some very talented singers the final night provided us with the best of the best. Congratulations go out to Miss Michelle Valenzuela, from Concepcion, Tarlac who won P5,000 and a cell phone. What a talent she was as were the other six finalists. It was not an easy chore to judge. It was very close. For seven Tuesday nights crowds showed up to watch and support the contestants. We even had a few Expats that competed and won 1st place on the night they performed but the local talent was overwhelming during the semi-finals. The program was so successful that we hope to have Idol 2 next year. The second picture recognizes Phillies Idol fans Joyuce, Jason, Isac and Joe. Jason and Isaac live in Hong kong and visit here every othe month as the Airfare on Tiger Airways is quite reasonable. Joe, far right is in medical consulting work and has been here for three months. They are great supporters of Phillies and the Idol program. Obrigado rapazes. THE FAT BOYS Each year the come to Angeles City to support various charities and it is an event that hundreds of people look forward to. The Rugby matches at Clarks Challenger field is fun for old and young. Even the ladies love it. Starfish enterprises donated around three thousands of bottled water to the event. The RSL was on hand to sign up members and to support the kids. Here are a few photos from this years event. VIAN HOTEL Many years ago, on this site stood a dumpy, not so very nice Vian Hotel. It located on Vian Street, where the Pacific Breeze is located. The property was bought by Derek, Doll House Group and then tore down the existing building. He has sat on it for years and now, while driving back from Johnnys with the Mrs I was surprised to see the start of construction. I have heard that it will be around 13 stories high and offer 700 rooms which believe me, I have not confirmed yet. I will say this, it is one hell of a large property and I am excited to finally see construction started. I do not know the name chosen for this Hotel I just called it the Vian for convenience sake. Hopefully, I can get in touch with Derek and get some details. He might tell me he sold the property to someone else and they are doing the construction. I kind of doubt that. I will be watching the progress of this construction. There is so much construction of high rise hotels and condos how can one not be optimistic about the future of Angeles City Time to stop, finally. I can relax and have some of my favorite salami and crackers. I bought this Columbus Peppered Salame in Smiths and Walmart meat department last year and just sliced it this month. Finished it all and now want to go back to the States to buy more. I will buy 20 of them the next time. I must mention that Mrs Horse will be having her birthday on 12 Oct. She is a bit sensitive about her age now so cant mention how old. Pushing senior citizen status yes, still good looking, yes, great lady who takes good care of me. She has the patience to deal with me when it is getting close to the end of the month and I am too busy to go anywhere except to my office and the computer. Anyway, Oct is a good month, officially the last month of the rainy season and I think we have had enough rain this year. Come on over folks this is the beginning of the fun months and I hope to see you. Remember though, always be kind to horses. HTH POLICICAL RANTINGS - STOP HERE THE BATTLING BOYS OF BENGHAZI - Written by a Marine Corps Officer. Were the battling boys of Benghazi No fame, no glory, no paparazzi. Just a fiery death in a blazing hell Defending our country we loved so well. It wasnt our job, but we answered the call, fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall. We pulled twenty Countrymen from the jaws of fate Led them to safety, and stood at the gate. Just the two of us, and foes by the score, But we stood fast to bar the door. Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied, So we fought, and we fought, and we fought til we died. We gave our all for our Uncle Sam, But Barack Obama didnt give a damn. Just two dead seals who carried the load No thanks to us. we were just Bumps In The Road. For a long time now I have written about the Muslim threat but many, especially our politicians do not want to do accept reality. Steve Cairns sent me a message that sums up the many points why everyone should sit up and start electing people to office that can have the courage to step up to the plate and stop this danger in its tracks before it is too late. Conspiracy theories. scares me a bit. no a lot. but Im FAR more afraid of Muslims. I too have read a lot, and I see signs that are very feasible to me. see Muslims infiltrating every country on earth. I see them breeding at fantastic rates. I know they are polygamous and have far more opportunity to out breed the rest of us. I see reports that believe Germany, for a start, will be predominantly Muslim in five years. and France and Holland to follow. I see statistics that show the ratio of Muslims in a country to the level of Muslim pressure exerted on that country. Ive seen Muslims trying to close MacDonalds because they sell bacon in their burgers. In see reports in the papers of Syrian rebels beheading Syrian army captives. something we thought was finished with the Japanese in World War 11. 65/ 70 YEARS AGO. I see Muslim pressure in this country to reject Xmas songs in schools, one report today of a Muslim school banning any kind of singing and reading fairy stories. I see many cases of softly softly catchee monkey all around me. the use of political correctness to exert their control. There are areas in London NOW that operate under Sharia. lei. women who dont toe the line can be stoned to death. Clitoral excision is practiced. Here are four stories in todays paper alone and you will know these are not isolated stories. my attitude is. where theres smoke theres fire. I cant for a moment believe there is SUCH a big agenda to disparage innocent Muslims. We ALL know they adhere to an archaic system of government. because that is what it it. its not a religion. and have an agenda to spread that system of government all over the world. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2429037/Phyllis-Chesler-Writer-72-recalls-months-spent-young-bride-imprisoned-Afghan-compound-finally-escaped. html dailymail. co. uk/femail/article-2428609/You-dont-need-burka-just-mad-hair-tatty-tracksuit. html dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2429074/Two-suicide-bombers-attack-Pakistan-church-killing-75-people-deadliest-attack-countrys-Christians. html dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2428958/Muslim-school-banned-pupils-singing-reading-fairy-tales-hardliners-took-control-ousted-headmaster-deputy. html Ive seen streets closed in France and Manhattan for Muslims to pray. and inconveniencing the citizens of that country. YOU try to do that and see how far you get. Ive seen Muslims rioting and demonstrating with signs saying KILL THE INFIDELS where anyone else would have been rounded up and charged. I see multiple examples of ethnics. all with Arabic names. grooming little children for sex and slavery. I saw the trial of a a mob of Lebanese in Sydney, who raped a girl and then pissed on her. no respect for women. We had two Nigerian Islamic converts here. HACK A MAN TO DEATH IN THE STREET OUTSIDE THE BARRACKS HE WAS A SOLDIER IN with a MEAT CLEAVER. only a month or so ago. SO MANY accounts of Arabic men misusing women via rape or murder all over the world. I cant believe this is all a conspiracy against Muslims. Can you show me ANY proof that schills are performing this kind of mischief. Ive seen NONE. I see this all not as attempts to disparage Muslims. but as attempts by Islam to inure us to these kind of violent acts so that we let them pass as a matter of normality when they start in earnest to effect a genocide. and Im fucking scared. We will let all this pass, and one day we will wake up under the boot of Allah Ask the Germans and the Jews. There will be another world war over this. My neighbour said today. They all want to come here and live like us. why do they want to change us My answer is. they DONT want to live like us. its a ruse to get into the country and have children. who are then CITIZENS OF YOUR COUNTRY but will be taught a totally disparate mindset. eligible to vote, and will work to overcome your country and install THEIR system of government at the earliest opportunity. and I would be strongly questioning Indonesias opposition to Abbotts intention to eradicate boat people. They WANT their people in Australia to eat it away from inside. the more Australian babys their asylum seekers produce. the greater hold over our beautiful country they will have. the more opportunity for them to put their people in government ( they are working towards that in England right now) and they have 180 million Muslims up there looking for more room to move. a Muslim government in Australia would open the door for them to migrate south en masse. Their Koran and all their mullahs and muftis do nothing but preach world domination and subjugation for Islam. its undeniable. Pandoras box has been opened. Say goodbye to democracy.. Canadian editorial humor directed at USA Canadians Version of David Lettermans Top 10 This is Canada s Top Ten List of Americas Stupidity. 10) Only in America. could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a 35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event. 9) Only in America. could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20 of the federal workforce is black while only 14 of the population is black. 40 of all federal entitlements go to black Americans 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics 8) Only in America. could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes. 7) Only in America. can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash. 6) Only in America. would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just magically become American citizens. 5) Only in America. could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the countrys Constitution be thought of as extremists. 4) Only in America. could you need to present a drivers license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote. 3) Only in America. could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U. S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes ( Nike ). 2) Only in America. could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of 7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesnt have nearly enough money. 1) Only in America. could the rich people - who pay 86 of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their fair share by people who dont pay any income taxes at all. Forex trading in india pdf to word Forex trading in india pdf to word Year-round indoor farmers market with a variety of vendors. Three losing trades in a New Tradeplans are scheduled to be released throughout the next few months focusing on stocks and ETFs. 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